Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Best Way To Get Steel?
I'm trying to build but have next to no steel :(
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Showing 16-20 of 20 comments
garravesh Nov 25, 2015 @ 9:43am 
IMO the most efficient and weight conserving ways to get steel are from tin cans........they are nearly without weight and you find them everywhere......even traps give ya 8 of them (can traps). Also there are weapon and armor stations all over.....loot all you can and crunch em down. they are very light and are worth more as resources then resold to the vendors. Plus make sure you have set up scavenging station in all your settlements...they provide pretty much free resources.....Wood and metal being the most coomon but does include much more rare resources. In my main base(s) I have 3-5 of them set up constantly bringing in resources.
Smellsbad Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:16am 
Originally posted by Goldee:
I'm trying to build but have next to no steel :(

I set up huge amounts of water production.

Just load up with water, go to the vendors that sell steel / wood and swap for water. Concrete is another one I always need.

And loot everything as everyone else has suggested.

Shahadem Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:19am 
Corvega has tons and tons of steel. Kill all the mobs, then go back and loot everything. You can get 1000 pounds of loot from Corvega. If you don't have Strong Back perk getting to a Settlement will be a pain. And when you leave Corvega make sure you leave through the pipe in the basement in order to avoid aggroing the raiders on the roof of Corvega.
karmavirus Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:42am 
For every base I immediately scrap everything on the lot that's expendable, then make weapon and armor crafting stations. I then power through a few dungeons nearby and bring back all the weapons, armor and junk I can get my hands on and scrap the heck out of them to build walls and fortifications. Bet the advanced scavenging feats to find those useful gears, screws, springs, etc from the gear you scrap. The more modded the gear, the more useful stuff it has. So don't break your back grabbing 50 raider leathers for 1 leather each when you can cherry pick those muffled, shadowed, leaded, amplified items for useful parts.

For crops I LOVE tatos since you can fit so many of them in a small lot. Next I add corn and mutfruit so I can periodically harvest them to cook up some vegetable starch to mod my weapons. You can also work on making oil for defense turrets by making cutting oil from a chem lab. Every trip you make to supply a base, harvest all your crops and either plant the seeds or store them in the main workshop bench. That way you can build up your supply of cutting fuel, vegetable starch, noodles or vegetable soup. Water purifiers are also good to make in abundance so you have ridiculous amounts of pure water to sell.

Don't go overboard on food at first though. Always make your defenses much higher than your food/water. Give the settlers the bare minimum before they can adequately defend it. I like giving them a good city wall and junk fence with guard towers and defense turrets heavy at the point of entry. Force the raiders to attack at that spot and blast them apart. Don't scrap the powerful weapons that give little items, institute rifles per example. Those I save for my settlers with a wee bit of ammo (acts as unlimited) and have every farmer, merchant and guard armed with pew pew power.

In building a settlement, also try to make a general store and man it with a spare settler ASAP. They are loads useful when you are just a few components short of building that next bed, turret or crafting station.

My build focus timeline is typically...

Weapon Bench -> Armor Bench -> 1st Few Turrets -> General Store -> Basic Crops/Water -> Walls -> MORE Turrets -> Housing/Beds -> Generators -> Recruitment Radio -> Massive Agricultural Boom with tons of water and crops -> Shops Shops Shops -> Nice big luxury chill pad with TVs, pool tables, radios, magazine racks, etc.
Last edited by karmavirus; Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:43am
HeLLance Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:44am 
This is not my work, found it on the internet:

Acid - 25 (Kay at Bunker Hill, Doc Weathers at ???)
Adhesive - 25 (Daisy at Good Neighbor, Myrna/Percy at Diamond City Market, Penny at Covenant)
Aluminum - 50 (Arturo at Diamond City Market)
Antiseptic - 25 (Doctor Sun at Diamond City Market, Patricia at Covenant, Doc Weathers at ???)
Asbestos - 25 (Trashcan Carla at Bunker Hill, Penny at Covenant)
Ballistic Fiber - 25 (KLEO at Good Neighbor, Teagan at Prydwen, Lucas at Bunker Hill)
Ceramic - 25 (Myrna/Percy at Diamond City Market)
Circuitry - 25 (Daisy at Good Neighbor, Teagan at Prydwen, Trashcan Carla at Bunker Hill, Alexis at Vault 81, Tinker Tom at the Railroad)
Cloth - 25 (Connie at Abernathy Farm, Greene at Graygarden, Lucas at Bunker Hill, Daniel at Finch Farm)
Concrete - 50 (Connie at Abernathy Farm, Greene at Graygarden, Daniel at Finch Farm)
Copper - 25 (KLEO at Good Neighbor, Arturo at Diamond City Market)
Cork - 25 (Moe at Diamond City Market, Penny at Covenant)
Crystal - 25 (Daisy at Good Neighbor, Trashcan Carla at Bunker Hill, Deb at Bunker Hill)
Fertilizer - 25 (Myrna/Percy at Diamond City Market, Connie at Abernathy Farm x2, Greene at Graygarden x2, Daniel at Finch Farm)
Fiber Optics - 25 (Teagan at Prydwen, Alexis at Vault 81)
Fiberglass - 25 (Deb at Bunker Hill, Lucas at Bunker Hill)
Gears - 25 (Arturo at Diamond City Market, Cricket at Bunker Hill)
Glass - 25 (Doctor Sun at Diamond City Market, White Chapel Charlie at Good Neighbor, Kay at Bunker Hill, Doc Weathers at ???)
Gold - 25 (Deb at Bunker Hill)
Lead - 25 (KLEO at Good Neighbor, Cricket at Bunker Hill, Deb at Bunker Hill, Tinker Tom at the Railroad)
Leather - 25 (Connie at Abernathy Farm, Greene at Graygarden, Lucas at Bunker Hill x2, Daniel at Finch Farm)
Nuclear Material - 25 (Alexis at Vault 81)
Oil - 25 (KLEO at Good Neighbor, Teagan at Prydwen, Trashcan Carla at Bunker Hill)
Plastic - 25 (Myrna/Percy at Diamond City Market)
Rubber - 25 (Doctor Sun at Diamond City Market, Doc Weathers at ???)
Silver - 25 (Daisy at Good Neighbor, Cricket at Bunker Hill, Deb at Bunker Hill)
Springs - 25 (Myrna/Percy at Diamond City Market, Cricket at Bunker Hill, Tinker Tom at the Railroad)
Screws - 25 (Arturo at Diamond City Market, Trashcan Carla at Bunker Hill, Penny at Covenant, Tinker Tom at the Railroad)
Steel - 50 (Lucas at Bunker Hill)
Steel - 100 (Myrna/(Percy x4) at Diamond City Market)
Wood - 50 (Connie at Abernathy Farm, Greene at Graygarden)
Wood - 100 (Moe at Diamond City Market)
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Date Posted: Nov 13, 2015 @ 1:21am
Posts: 20