Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Lucid Nov 10, 2015 @ 10:10am
Fallout 4 launching on wrong monitor.
(Keep in mind that I have a multiple monitor set-up) I started Fallout 4 and durring the loading screen where you can move the featured item, I was moving the object with my mouse not knowing that that my cursor was on my other creen. For some reason I clicked L-mouse and my game minimized. When I tabbed back in the game as running on my left monitor instead of my center monitor. Any clue on how I can change it back?
Last edited by Lucid; Nov 10, 2015 @ 10:11am
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Showing 1-15 of 43 comments
CircuitsMaximus Nov 10, 2015 @ 6:24pm 
Start the game
At the Launcher, click Options
At Fallout 4 Options, check Windowed Mode and uncheck Borderless
Click OK
At the Launcher, click Play
After the game starts drag the window to the correct monitor
Exit the game
Start the game
At the Launcher, click Options
At Fallout 4 Options, check Windowed Mode and check Borderless
Click OK
At the Launcher, click Play
The game should launch on the correct monitor
Lvl1SweatyNerd Nov 12, 2015 @ 7:59am 
i tried to do this but i cant move the widow any ideas:steamsad:
CircuitsMaximus Nov 12, 2015 @ 3:48pm 
Even with borderless turned off you can't click on the title bar and drag to the correct monitor?
Lvl1SweatyNerd Nov 12, 2015 @ 4:01pm 
ya i could'nt but i fixed it by using window key + shift + arrow keys instead
Duckyman Nov 17, 2015 @ 4:51pm 
Here's what I did:
1. Set your second monitor as your main monitor. Then launch the game.
2. When it loads on your 2nd monitor, close out of the game.
3. Set your first monitor (primary) as your main monitor once again.
4. Start the game, it should be on the Primary monitor

I only have dual monitors so I can't say if this works for someone with 3 screens.
Last edited by Duckyman; Nov 17, 2015 @ 4:52pm
4lM1BruCh3 Nov 27, 2015 @ 8:19am 
You can set which monitor you want the game to start on by editing the "iLocation X" variable in the Fallout4Custom.ini file.
(C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)

As an example, I have 3 monitors, my gaming monitor running at 1920X1200.

To start the game on monitor 1:
iLocation X=0

To start the game on monitor 2:
iLocation X=1920

To start the game on monitor 3:
iLocation X=3840
Last edited by 4lM1BruCh3; Nov 27, 2015 @ 8:20am
gug Dec 14, 2015 @ 5:23pm 
Thanks for that Geek King, had this problem for a while.
For people who can't move the window use windows key + shift + arrow keys to move it :)
Last edited by gug; Dec 14, 2015 @ 5:23pm
Lvl1SweatyNerd Dec 15, 2015 @ 12:16am 
Originally posted by Fourtifye:
Thanks for that Geek King, had this problem for a while.
For people who can't move the window use windows key + shift + arrow keys to move it :)

No problem happy to help, enjoy Fallout 4. :steamhappy:
Vinny Havoc Dec 22, 2015 @ 3:10am 
Window key + shift + arrow key does not work. My center monitor flickers lack, the resolution gets all messed up on my secondary monitor, but the game still wants to be on the secondary monitor. Sometimes it seems to respond to mouse input on the primary monitor while graphically being on the secondary monitor, but alt+tabbing out, or clicking outside whichever monitor space is the interaction space, shrinks the game and it then reopens on the secondary monitor again.

I also have the problem of the game continually ignoring it's own settings regarding resolution, always wanting to be some stupid-low resolution instead of the one I specify, that my primary monitor natively is.

This is unbelievably frustrating, it's like the game is taunting me by refusing to obey it's own programming or settings, no matter what I tell it to do or how.
4lM1BruCh3 Dec 29, 2015 @ 8:40am 
Window key + shift + arrow key does not work for me either.
Have you tried this one?

You can set which monitor you want the game to start on by editing the "iLocation X" variable in the Fallout4Custom.ini file.
(C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)

As an example, I have 3 monitors, my gaming monitor running at 1920X1200.

To start the game on monitor 1:
iLocation X=0

To start the game on monitor 2:
iLocation X=1920

To start the game on monitor 3:
iLocation X=3840

works for me...
Fluxilis Jan 10, 2016 @ 8:46am 
Originally posted by CircuitsMaximus:
Start the game
At the Launcher, click Options
At Fallout 4 Options, check Windowed Mode and uncheck Borderless
Click OK
At the Launcher, click Play
After the game starts drag the window to the correct monitor
Exit the game
Start the game
At the Launcher, click Options
At Fallout 4 Options, check Windowed Mode and check Borderless
Click OK
At the Launcher, click Play
The game should launch on the correct monitor
did the trick for me.
Thanks dude
Serrel Jan 10, 2016 @ 8:51am 
Originally posted by Vinny Havoc:
Window key + shift + arrow key does not work. My center monitor flickers lack, the resolution gets all messed up on my secondary monitor, but the game still wants to be on the secondary monitor. Sometimes it seems to respond to mouse input on the primary monitor while graphically being on the secondary monitor, but alt+tabbing out, or clicking outside whichever monitor space is the interaction space, shrinks the game and it then reopens on the secondary monitor again.

I also have the problem of the game continually ignoring it's own settings regarding resolution, always wanting to be some stupid-low resolution instead of the one I specify, that my primary monitor natively is.

This is unbelievably frustrating, it's like the game is taunting me by refusing to obey it's own programming or settings, no matter what I tell it to do or how.
If those keys won't work try Win Key, shift and the number pad keys 2,4,6,8.
Amarall Feb 8, 2016 @ 4:37pm 
Originally posted by Geek King:
ya i could'nt but i fixed it by using window key + shift + arrow keys instead

works for me, thx
Desert May 25, 2016 @ 6:47am 
Originally posted by DrunkenDuck:
Here's what I did:
1. Set your second monitor as your main monitor. Then launch the game.
2. When it loads on your 2nd monitor, close out of the game.
3. Set your first monitor (primary) as your main monitor once again.
4. Start the game, it should be on the Primary monitor

I only have dual monitors so I can't say if this works for someone with 3 screens.

I have three monitors and this worked for me. I usually have the games on the center monitor since it's the primary once, but it would continually start on the second monitor to the right. This got it to work. Thanks!
Sangson Jul 10, 2016 @ 10:27am 
Originally posted by CircuitsMaximus:
Start the game
At the Launcher, click Options
At Fallout 4 Options, check Windowed Mode and uncheck Borderless
Click OK
At the Launcher, click Play
After the game starts drag the window to the correct monitor
Exit the game
Start the game
At the Launcher, click Options
At Fallout 4 Options, check Windowed Mode and check Borderless
Click OK
At the Launcher, click Play
The game should launch on the correct monitor

This worked for me. You might wanna add to put it to fullscreen afterwards, though. Thank you a lot!
Also, thank you to everyone else posting a possible solution here, it means a lot knowing you're not alone with your problem and there's someone with a clue to find.
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Date Posted: Nov 10, 2015 @ 10:10am
Posts: 43