Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Good way to farm caps?
I have a lot of caps; but to me, I don't think I have enough! Selling junk and unwanted weapons and armour is good, but whats something better than that? Only thing I can think of is sidequests. (Which, don't get me wrong, are great for caps)
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
KoalafiedKiller Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:29pm 
Drink lots of soda.

One of the more popular methods is to build a metric crap load of water purifiers at Sanctuary Hills and sell off all the excess purified water that gets deposited into your workshop.
CaptainSarcastic Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:37pm 
Fertilizer + Plastic = Jet. Craft a huge amount of Jet, get free XP and free money.
reekaro Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:38pm 
I'm running 5 industrial water purifiers at Sanctuary. With 17 settlers, I have an excess of something like 150 pur water per day. With no CHR gear on, I get 8 caps per pur water, so it shakes out to roughly 1000 caps per day-ish. If I wasnt so lazy, I'd build more but it's also a bit of effort to find vendors to dump the caps off with.
casualsailor Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:45pm 
Originally posted by CaptainSarcastic:
Fertilizer + Plastic = Jet. Craft a huge amount of Jet, get free XP and free money.

Add Flamer Fuel to make Jet Fuel and you really profit. Flamer Fuel cost 1 cap to buy and Jet Fuel has a value of 60 Jet is just 36.

Edit: sorry it take 5 Flamer Fuel but that still only 5 caps so the value is still double.
Last edited by casualsailor; Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:59pm
LAZERFACE Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:49pm 
Robot rerpair kit, poison caltrop, bleeding bear trap, bleedout syring, steal marcowskis drug shipment
Last edited by LAZERFACE; Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:51pm
casualsailor Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:56pm 
At the start of the game do not complete the Abernathy Farm quest to make them a settlement. Instead use the challange to get 5 caps per mellon from Lucy. Put a mellon farm at Sanctuary and put all of them work farming. Lucy has unlimited caps so by the time your ready to move south you'll have plenty of caps.

Selling ammunition is my biggest money maker. 5mm, 5.56 and shotgun shells are what I typically sell but it depends upon your choice of weapons. .38 sells for 1 cap each so I use them to get every last cap from each vendor.

Go to DC at 8:00 am and catch Cricket out front. She has ammo and about 500 caps.

But the most important thing is the business suit. Get the +3 CHA suit from Curtain Call, Black Rimed Glasses and Newsboy Cap. That's 5. Add Grape Mentats and a Beer for another 6 and you have 11 plus your base CHA.
Last edited by casualsailor; Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:56pm
rept Aug 26, 2016 @ 7:23pm 
Originally posted by casualsailor:
But the most important thing is the business suit. Get the +3 CHA suit from Curtain Call, Black Rimed Glasses and Newsboy Cap. That's 5. Add Grape Mentats and a Beer for another 6 and you have 11 plus your base CHA.
You can only sell items at most for 80% of their value, so after you pick up a few magazines and/or perks you'll only need about 10 total charisma.
Last edited by rept; Aug 26, 2016 @ 7:24pm
HoroSaga Aug 26, 2016 @ 7:34pm 
Sanctuary is pretty much built for water processing, given the massive body of water in front of it. Once you get a good number of industrial water purifiers set up, it can make bottlecaps pretty much meaningless due to the sheer amount of extra purified water you'll get each day.
Weaselly Aug 26, 2016 @ 7:41pm 
Originally posted by illbashyefookineadin9001910:
Originally posted by Tracer:
I have a lot of caps; but to me, I don't think I have enough! Selling junk and unwanted weapons and armour is good, but whats something better than that? Only thing I can think of is sidequests. (Which, don't get me wrong, are great for caps)
press ~ then type player.additem 00000f 999999

thats the best farming method.
Goshdangit, you beat me to it.
Doombringer Aug 26, 2016 @ 10:25pm 
purified water in settlements = $$$.
can legitimately place 6400 in the castle (well, need to exploit to bypass the build limit), 3200 in sanctuary, etc.
Can generate enough water to buy every item from every vendor every time they reset (48 hour timer)...
arnzod Aug 26, 2016 @ 11:12pm 
Don't save Garvey and his loser friends. They are an economic drain on your resources, and Garvey being in play does not allow you to plan out your settlement building as well as you can on your own.
Finish Automatron DLC as fast as you can.
Start building robot only settlements. Make 11 restaurants for 11 robots to tend to. Fill the rest of the settlement with as many water purifiers as you can fit and provide power for. Build another robot for each settlement to act as a supply line that links your settlements together. This will link all of your restaurants together. So that when you want to build a new one at a different settlement, this will draw on their daily caps before it comes out of your pocket. For example, I usually walk around with between 10 and 20K caps on me, but when I go to build a bar, it shows I have over 500K. Once you have enough restaurants going at once, you can spend your time travelling between settlements and collecting "rent" instead of merely engaging in cheap bartering activities with the locals.
Also, to the person above that said the console command was 00000f 99999 - it is just f 9999. Any zeroes at the beginning of any item code can be left off of the item code when entering it into the console.
Xyzzy Aug 26, 2016 @ 11:18pm 
for extra $ press shift 4 many times. $$$$$$$$$$.
for more caps, make purified water and Jet (the jet will make you jittery).
leem Aug 27, 2016 @ 12:01am 
The best way end game to collect caps is your settlements. With 30 plus settlements sometimes I find anywhere from 3500 to 35000 caps each. Depending how many in game days pass sometime just going to all settlements and clearing the work bench I can gain 200,000+ caps.
nineCavalry Aug 27, 2016 @ 12:04am 
set carry limit to 200k, this way you'd get all the loot from your kills and get every stuff on every room.
a less cheaty way of earning stuff short of console commanding caps to your inventory.
Gon Aug 27, 2016 @ 12:15am 
Originally posted by nineCavalry:
set carry limit to 200k, this way you'd get all the loot from your kills and get every stuff on every room.

Or play normally, and get every AP saving, AP extension and AP regen perk and max out Strong Back. You won't be able to sprint when encumbered, but you'll be able to run through 20% of the map, before having to walk for 15 seconds whilst your AP recovers.
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Date Posted: Aug 26, 2016 @ 6:26pm
Posts: 30