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RoCks Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:26am
[UNBANS] Platform for those affected by INVALID GAME DATA & PENALIZED
:Horzine:Those who used Cheat Engine or Trainers dont complain:Horzine:

:bbtgem: LAST UPDATE: 26 MAY :bbtgem:

:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:SEEMS LIKE PEOPLE ARE GETTING UNBAN:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

-Checked with one friend and im playing normally.
-If u dont see the message [You are penalized] it means that u are unban.

Still banned? Check this post and send a ticket cleaning ur save.
Originally posted by Kimundi:
Hello everyone,

If you have any specific issue regarding Dark Souls III (and the warning/penalization system), we have a form you can use for easy and quick access. Don't expect an immediate answer as our guys are busy and we already set up an intravenous coffee feed, but it's the quickest way.

A warning though: if you are cheating or already cheated and try to get unbanned even if you're completely guilty, behave correctly for at least 2 full weeks before trying. We already stated that complaining when you are guilty could lead to an even heavier penalization.

Here's the link: https://namcobandai.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=102953


First message: [Seems like an automated message, everyone gets it]
May 16, 20:54

Thank you for contacting us.

You have been isolated by the system for cheating. Do you have an idea on why could have been banned?
(Could be the use of tools, programs that can affect, directly or not, the game.)

Could you tell us why you should be unbanned?

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact us again.

Thank You,
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment – Customer Support

Second message: [Seems like a copy-paste, but you got a reply.. its working (?)]
May 21, 12:42


We have forwarded your case to the appropriate department for investigation.

We will update this ticket as soon as we have some news.

Thank You,
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment – Customer Support



What bamco is telling us:


DaS3 server check periodically profiles that were previously restricted (If they removed the data and are playing legitimately). If they removed the data and did not appear during one of these check they will most likely to remove or lift restrictions.

Eventually everyone that doesnt have invalid data will be unbanned. Or something like that.

>What is Invalid Data?

In theory the savefiles... Bamco havent said nothing about it.
Steam post about it: https://steamcommunity.com/app/374320/discussions/0/357284131785315076/

What are we supposed to do?

Originally posted by Casshern:
Here is what you should do, Don't just Delete your character and delete your save file, You need to create new Save (going over accepting EULA again) and Create NEW Character within your New save file, When their "Server team" check your last sync data it will show your New Charater clean and clear. This is how i get rid of my "[Caution] Invalid Data Detected" in my family shared account.

Some player in this thread claiming they did not delete their char, and the flag lifted. Maybe because their character really are clean, are you willing to take that risk? i am not.

Edit: i said "last sync data" because this game does not have cloud service, they Sync your character inside your save file, if you have 3 character, then "server team" will check 3 of them. This game does not save or copy your save file in their server, your character does.



>"Invalid Game Data" warning message
a) Does the end user need to contact support?
b) If after the message clears and no restrictions occur, what would happen if I used or continued to use cheats/hacks?
c) Do network disconnections result in restrictions? -

>"You have been Penalized" restriction message
a) Does the end user need to contact support?
b) Does the support team have the ability to lift my restriction?
c) Can the restrictions be lifted?

Reddit posts

Softban Data and Testing

Reddit megathread by HunterKurza:
Reddit Updated post 20/4


Messages are only displayed mostly if u configure your game in english. They are lazy to translate them.





You can family share the game to another steam account and move the save over and keep playing there. The message disappears and the game treats it like a separate account like in Dark Souls 2.

Invalid game data has been detected on your account. The use of invalid data during gameplay is a violation of the online service end user license agreement. You will be penalized if you continue playing with invalid data. Please take this opportunity to remove the invalid data from your system/account and discontinue further use.

Invalid game data still remains present on your account; as such your account has now been penalized to restrict your online experience. The use of invalid data during gameplay is a violation of the online service end user icense agreement."



:Horzine:Those who used Cheat Engine or Trainers dont complain:Horzine:

Praise the sun fellow phantoms.
Last edited by RoCks; Apr 22, 2017 @ 9:01am
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Showing 1-15 of 2,655 comments
ToxicKookie Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:28am 
Originally posted by | RoCks:
Plataform for those affected by INVALID GAME DATA

The Plataform. Distant cousin to the Platapus...
Last edited by ToxicKookie; Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:29am
A Bunny Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:29am 
Also randomly have this problem. Dunno why. My entire profile was corrupted (couldn't load saves) so I had to delete it and start over. >:C
RoCks Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:29am 
Originally posted by ToxicKookie:
Originally posted by | RoCks:
Plataform for those affected by INVALID GAME DATA

The Plataform. Distant cousin to the Platypus...

Im still human, not hollow at all. Fixed.
RoCks Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:42am 
Originally posted by A Bunny:
Also randomly have this problem. Dunno why. My entire profile was corrupted (couldn't load saves) so I had to delete it and start over. >:C

And message persist?
Delta Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:58am 
Nothing fixes it that I've found, I've re-installed, unplugged my controller, turned off DS4Windows, removed my saves on config files, and it's still happening.
Stevey Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:59am 
There's something people with this problem aren't telling us.
Grey Mind Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:02pm 
Played for nearly 20 hours no issues. Two characters, one pretty far into the game and the other just starting out, and all of a sudden I'm getting this error out of nowhere after the recent update with the next patch's info and I don't know why. I deleted the characters, re-installed and restarted, nothing. It's still there.

Help? I don't want to get banned for no reason.
Kala Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:02pm 
Originally posted by Stevey:
There's something people with this problem aren't telling us.

Maybe, maybe not. If it's a genuine problem with the game files in some way you might see some kind of official post about it after a few days. /shrug
RoCks Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:09pm 
Originally posted by Stevey:
There's something people with this problem aren't telling us.
And here they come, those with the infinite knowledge telling that u have messed with the game.

If u do it, doesnt mean that everyone else do it.
Ada Wong Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:17pm 
Originally posted by | RoCks:
Originally posted by Stevey:
There's something people with this problem aren't telling us.
And here they come, those with the infinite knowledge telling that u have messed with the game.

If u do it, doesnt mean that everyone else do it.

ignore those people who always jump to conclusion that anyone with this kind of problem are hacker/cheater. I play legit 50+ hours with friend to coop, and solo aswell and i got this message today.
bigdale Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:17pm 
It's frustrating. The people who would cheat would also lie about cheating so there's never a sure way to know if someone is having legitimate problems or is reaping the results of their actions.
Queen Ruby Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:17pm 
I have the problem as well.
Avenger93 Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:19pm 
Yeah I have this exact issue. The only thing can even be remotly identified as "suspicious behaviour" has been playing the game in offline mode, clearing some areas and farming while my flipping internet was down OR I was trying to connect for half an hour and the Dark souls 3 servers were simply telling me to ♥♥♥♥ off. I've only had about 2 hours of actual multiplayer working fine and have been forced to spend most of my time in game in offline mode because my ISP was drunk or the DS 3 servers were drunk. Now I come back and try to go online and finaly be a sunbro, only to be struck with this message and beeing told I should basicaly delete my save. This after I allready deleted a save because I missed a covenant and a quest-line because I wasn't paying attention. Real nice move Fromsoft ... so I guess we are going back to the random ban waves of Dark Souls 2, only for several months down the line for no one to give a single ♥♥♥♥ if people cheat.
Girth Certificate Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:21pm 
while it is fair to question whether people are cheating or not, I feel this is definitely a problem on FS's part. if nothing else, because people have tried complete clean installs and still receive the warning message; it's logical to expect such a message would disappear after one gets rid of all data, be it "invalid" or not
Tatsu Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:23pm 
My problem happened when I was making backups of my savefile. Just tested this on a family shared account with my current save file that I put 50 hours in and message "didn't" show up. I'm unsure what caused this issue other than it being SweetFX or another third party program, or me backing up my saves (I did backup my saves WHILE the game was running though).
Last edited by Tatsu; Apr 15, 2016 @ 12:26pm
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Date Posted: Apr 15, 2016 @ 11:26am
Posts: 2,653