Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

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Starbreeze Mar 21, 2016 @ 8:01pm
So What are the Mounts?
Hi everybody! I'm hoping some Beta or Asian players will be able to answer this: What are the mounts in Tree of Savior? I've been able to find info on classes and monsters and lots of other things but not mounts. I'm really excited for the game, but I want to know more about mounts since I'm hoping to play the heavy cavalry class.

I've seen pictures of players riding red pandas, guinnea pigs and two legged spiny things. What are the options, how do they work, do you need a class to ride them? Are only certain ones combat mounts? What's the deal?
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Dark Mar 21, 2016 @ 8:03pm 
According to the wiki: "To ride a companion, you need the Companion Riding passive attribute, which is only available to the following classes: Cataphract, Schwarzer Reiter and Hackapell"
Starbreeze Mar 21, 2016 @ 8:10pm 
Well that's helpful info, thanks. I hope for more though. ^.^
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Date Posted: Mar 21, 2016 @ 8:01pm
Posts: 3