Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

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Dreet May 1, 2016 @ 1:15pm
Arde Dagger - Worth it?
I'm normally using 2h sword, and loving it, but considering to switch to 1h at lvl 120 with arde dagger, since i got the drop, my question is, if its worth it? the extra fire attack bonus from the dagger, to be losing the crit bonuses and extra dmg from the 2h?
I mean 153 extra fire property attack doesn't seem like much when i'm critting for 5-6k
Last edited by Dreet; May 1, 2016 @ 1:15pm
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Kyutaru May 1, 2016 @ 1:25pm 
It's not an extra 153. It's more like 600 if you're building correctly. Of non-physical damage.

That damage applies to every hit. Cafrisun, Priest buffs, multi-hit attacks, all boost the power of Arde dagger.
:D May 3, 2016 @ 12:28am 
ans is no dont bother
DT May 3, 2016 @ 12:33am 
I want to know if it get bonus from Magic Amplification when Wizard or cleric use skills?
Machinata May 3, 2016 @ 12:33am 
arde dagger is life arde dagger is love.
when you see 150-ish player still love to rush boss at 90 dungeon. you know this so called butter knife looks item is OP (at least before get higher level dagger)
Orca May 3, 2016 @ 12:37am 
no arde dagger isnt worth it, unless you get it as a drop. im a 214 wiz and if i rush 90 its purely cause its an easy dungeon to solo, and you have a chance to get something you can sell for 800-900k. plus levelin goes by fast till the 200's, and by that time arde dagger is obsolete, since there are much better weps.
King Capybara May 3, 2016 @ 1:57am 
Originally posted by Orca:
and by that time arde dagger is obsolete, since there are much better weps.
Karacha/Venom/Manama(Pistol for some archers builds only) are the only alternatives to Arde off hand
And if you are a wiz Arde is basically BiS for you
Deathman.Kenshi May 3, 2016 @ 1:59am 
Originally posted by j-b-e-a-r:
Originally posted by Kyutaru:
It's not an extra 153. It's more like 600 if you're building correctly. Of non-physical damage.

That damage applies to every hit. Cafrisun, Priest buffs, multi-hit attacks, all boost the power of Arde dagger.
Arde dagger is about 150 extra damage before you consider losing bow damage for crossbow unless you care to explain how my archer can take it to 600.

Only way how Bow can overcame Crossbow in dpm at higher levels is against flying mobs or being Venom used by Wugushi, everything else Crossbow +Arde/Ledas/Karacha/Mana/Otrava is hands down better cause of innate 25% armor penetration

Wait I didnt wanted to write it, crossbows being way cheaper than bows of same level is great for me. Yeah stay with bow :)
Ardes droped to under 600k yesterday on Fedimian, market is becoming oversaturated, they will go up temporalily once f2p starts
I am hiting crits for 6,5k now with crossbow, against dungeon mobs (lvl 175) on my archer, with crossbow not even being refined yet (even though they are cheaper than bows, it costed me 3 days of silver grind worth) and still using arde dagger (Now to earn those 5M to get mana :))
Last edited by Deathman.Kenshi; May 3, 2016 @ 2:02am
Uruboz May 3, 2016 @ 4:02am 
Yes, Arde Dagger worth those 750k silver, it ADDS up 150 elemental damage (fire) to every attacks or hits skills you made. Its sums up with others elemental damage from Hair Accesories enchants, lets do some simple math and do some examples.

Hair accesories can roll a mod of 22-32 elemental dmg, Holy property being the best IMO, cause mostly have no drawbacks.

3 Hair acces + arde --> 90 dmg + 150 dmg = 240 dmg

Lets say I have Lv10 Multi-Shot skill (archer c2) that hits 11 times and normally hits for 500 and crit for 900 every hit made.

Elemental dmg added IN THAT SKILL = 240 x 11 = 2,640
Skill didnt CRIT = 500 x 11 = 5,500 + 2,640 = 8,140
If skill CRIT = 900 x 11 = 9,900 + 2,640 = 12,040

You can add even more elemental damage to the math, you can get some more with Poison Bangle (+9 Poison Damage) and Cryolight Pendant (+8 Ice Damage) for a total of 26 dmg.

***Elemental dmg cannot crit, its a flat damage but can double (+100% dmg) or halved (only 50% of his dmg) its depents what youre attacking with what element.

So lets say that WE attack a Dark (weak to Holy dmg) mob with Holy hair acces like I state above:

If skill CRIT a DARK mob = 900 x 11 = 9,900 + 1,650 (arde) + 1,980 (holy dmg) = 13,530

With Auto Attacks work the same (and extra AA hits), adds that elemental dmg to every hit.
Sacrament skill buff (priest c1) add holy dmg to attacks or skills AND add a extra auto attack.
Lets say we have Lv10 Sacrament buff active (add 40 holy prop dmg and 40 physical extra attack):

I AA a mob = 500 + 240 = 740
AA with Lv10 Sac = +40 to Main AA and 40 plus another 40 of holy dmg = 80

Two hits per AA, Main hit of 780 and second hit of 80, give us total of 860 dmg

Now if we have Cafrisun set (4 pieces set add a EXTRA auto attack of 12 earth dmg)

Main Hit: 780
Sac hit: 80
Cafrisun hit: 12 + 40 from sac holy property dmg = 52 ele dmg

Total dmg from 3 AAs = 780+80+52 = 912 dmg without Main AA being Crit

Now if with add Arde dagger, 3 Hair acces (lets say 30 dmg each), Poison bangle (x2) and Cryolight Pendant.

Main hit: 780+150+90+18+8 = 911
Sac hit: 80+150+90+18+8 = 346
Cafrisun hit: 52+150+90+18+8 = 318

Total dmg from 3 AAs = 911+346+318= 1,575 without Main AA being Crit

And if youre Chaplain... you can add 2 more extra AA to the formula plus you can add the Blessing dmg added to each hit (same case with Concentration's swordman skill plus they can buy a Blessing scroll buff).

Best of use of Arde dagger (or any other elemental dmg add up) is with Skills that hit alot (because multiplies your additional elemental dmg with each hit) or AA like no tomorrow with Cafrisun set and Sacrament buff all the times, or just being a Chaplain with all the other stuff mentioned above and Valia weapon.

Most Wizard skills scale well with added elemental damage (Pyro's Flame Ground, Fire pillar, Hell Breath; Cryo's Ice Wall and Snow Rolling; Elementalist Hail, Prominence and Frost Cloud AND so on)
Oxenford May 3, 2016 @ 9:35am 
Originally posted by Uruboz:
Yes, Arde Dagger worth those 750k silver, it ADDS up 150 elemental damage (fire) to every attacks or hits skills you made. Its sums up with others elemental damage from Hair Accesories enchants, lets do some simple math and do some examples.

Hair accesories can roll a mod of 22-32 elemental dmg, Holy property being the best IMO, cause mostly have no drawbacks.

3 Hair acces + arde --> 90 dmg + 150 dmg = 240 dmg

Lets say I have Lv10 Multi-Shot skill (archer c2) that hits 11 times and normally hits for 500 and crit for 900 every hit made.

Elemental dmg added IN THAT SKILL = 240 x 11 = 2,640
Skill didnt CRIT = 500 x 11 = 5,500 + 2,640 = 8,140
If skill CRIT = 900 x 11 = 9,900 + 2,640 = 12,040

You can add even more elemental damage to the math, you can get some more with Poison Bangle (+9 Poison Damage) and Cryolight Pendant (+8 Ice Damage) for a total of 26 dmg.

***Elemental dmg cannot crit, its a flat damage but can double (+100% dmg) or halved (only 50% of his dmg) its depents what youre attacking with what element.

So lets say that WE attack a Dark (weak to Holy dmg) mob with Holy hair acces like I state above:

If skill CRIT a DARK mob = 900 x 11 = 9,900 + 1,650 (arde) + 1,980 (holy dmg) = 13,530

With Auto Attacks work the same (and extra AA hits), adds that elemental dmg to every hit.
Sacrament skill buff (priest c1) add holy dmg to attacks or skills AND add a extra auto attack.
Lets say we have Lv10 Sacrament buff active (add 40 holy prop dmg and 40 physical extra attack):

I AA a mob = 500 + 240 = 740
AA with Lv10 Sac = +40 to Main AA and 40 plus another 40 of holy dmg = 80

Two hits per AA, Main hit of 780 and second hit of 80, give us total of 860 dmg

Now if we have Cafrisun set (4 pieces set add a EXTRA auto attack of 12 earth dmg)

Main Hit: 780
Sac hit: 80
Cafrisun hit: 12 + 40 from sac holy property dmg = 52 ele dmg

Total dmg from 3 AAs = 780+80+52 = 912 dmg without Main AA being Crit

Now if with add Arde dagger, 3 Hair acces (lets say 30 dmg each), Poison bangle (x2) and Cryolight Pendant.

Main hit: 780+150+90+18+8 = 911
Sac hit: 80+150+90+18+8 = 346
Cafrisun hit: 52+150+90+18+8 = 318

Total dmg from 3 AAs = 911+346+318= 1,575 without Main AA being Crit

And if youre Chaplain... you can add 2 more extra AA to the formula plus you can add the Blessing dmg added to each hit (same case with Concentration's swordman skill plus they can buy a Blessing scroll buff).

Best of use of Arde dagger (or any other elemental dmg add up) is with Skills that hit alot (because multiplies your additional elemental dmg with each hit) or AA like no tomorrow with Cafrisun set and Sacrament buff all the times, or just being a Chaplain with all the other stuff mentioned above and Valia weapon.

Most Wizard skills scale well with added elemental damage (Pyro's Flame Ground, Fire pillar, Hell Breath; Cryo's Ice Wall and Snow Rolling; Elementalist Hail, Prominence and Frost Cloud AND so on)
nice post. but i'm gonna have to be 'that guy' and point out that hat enchants cap at 33 elem. not 32.
Kamltoe May 3, 2016 @ 9:41am 
So yeah, worth.
Uruboz May 3, 2016 @ 12:29pm 
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Date Posted: May 1, 2016 @ 1:15pm
Posts: 11