Mega Man Legacy Collection

Mega Man Legacy Collection

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Input Needed! User research project on Mega Man 2
Hello everyone! I'm looking to find a few people who have played Mega Man 2 to help give some feedback for a user research project I am conducting. My goal is to design an improved weapon and ability selection menu for the game that also stays within the visual and input limitations of the game (e.g. the screen resolution, the buttons available on a standard NES controller, etc.). If you'd be willing to help, please add some comments to this thread with your answers to the following questions:

  1. What are your biggest pain points in regards to using the Mega Man 2 menu system to view/select weapons and abilities and use Energy Tanks?
  2. If you could improve it in one way, what would you do?

For reference, here is the current weapon and ability selection menu:

Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Bunzar the Fuzzy; Sep 6, 2022 @ 7:51pm