Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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Focal Point: final battle problems
I can't get into the portal in time while still fighting still spawning controllers. Don't kill every single one, and you get dumped in the river. Keep fighting and the timer runs out. There is a final dialogue trigger as the last 2 or 3 spawn with around a 10-15 second count down.
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Jeez. Finished. I went through all that effort to enable console and cheats and for 'to be continued'.
The trigger window for that final portal is way too short, IMO.
essen Jan 26 @ 2:39pm 
Agree the timing of that final encounter is bonkers. It's not even the final encounter that is weirdly timed, it's the final segment of it where if you're not ready to jump you're not going to make it in time. I hesitated for a second in one attempt and that was enough for me to miss the portal, despite having killed all enemies really fast that time. Thankfully the next attempt I didn't think twice...
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