UnReal World

UnReal World

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DankSlayer Jun 17, 2018 @ 4:59am
I think one of the last Windows 10 updates broke the game
I was able to play this game perfectly well before, but now it became completely unplayable- steam shows it running at a single-digit rate, I have very little control in menus and the graphics keep glitching.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Sami of Enormous Elk  [developer] Jun 17, 2018 @ 7:49am 
It seems unfortunately common that many Win10 updates render Steam games to unplayable state. But luckily people come around with fixes as well. It's very tricky to offer external help without having access to your system, and not knowing details of the update, but you could try googling for example "windows 10 update steam" and I'm sure many threads about issues and luckily also fixes will pop up.

Also, I there are some solved Win10 cases at our forum's "solved & fixed" section, so you may want to take a look at there.

And lastly, fellow Win10 users who have faced and overcome the problems - feel free to help Ham Man out here.
Privateer Jun 17, 2018 @ 11:48am 
Windows eh, having wierd problem, hmm
1) Reboot
DankSlayer Jun 18, 2018 @ 1:39am 
Yeah, I managed to make the game run better with "old hardware mode", but my PC isn't old...

Originally posted by Privateer:
Windows eh, having wierd problem, hmm
1) Reboot
wow, what a useless advice.
Privateer Jun 18, 2018 @ 9:34am 
Originally posted by Ham Man:
Yeah, I managed to make the game run better with "old hardware mode", but my PC isn't old...

Originally posted by Privateer:
Windows eh, having wierd problem, hmm
1) Reboot
wow, what a useless advice.

Good luck
DankSlayer Jul 16, 2018 @ 12:40am 
Just popping in to say that changing the graphic card settings to "Power saving" for this game fixed it
Philote Aug 2, 2018 @ 8:13am 
I had the same problem and have so far used the workaround with "old hardware mode". But now I have found the proper solution (for me at least). Turned out it was due to the Nvidia graphics drivers being updated along with the latest win10 update. Some settings must have changed, and when I disable Nvidia graphics for this game and run integrated graphics instead the problem goes away! On a related note the same problem exists in CDDA as well (with the same solution).

If I find the time I will troubleshoot exactly what setting in Nvidia control panel causes the issue (I suspect triple buffering or something like it), but for now my solution is just to disable your nvidia card for this game.

Thank you Shrigga for sharing, even though it didn't fix the issue for me it lead me on the right troubleshooting way.
Last edited by Philote; Aug 2, 2018 @ 8:16am
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