ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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BetaNights Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:18am
Food for Babies?
Hallo, peoples~! :D

Simple question... What food is best to feed baby dinos?
In my case, particularly, a baby raptor.

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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
Almighty DodoRex Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:19am 
for a raptor, lots and lots and lots and lots of meat.
BetaNights Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:20am 
Originally posted by Jinglez:
for a raptor, lots and lots and lots and lots of meat.
Yes, but is there a specific meat that helps? Or just any meat at all?
FlamingChipmunk Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:20am 
Tuck're going to be there a while.
BetaNights Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:21am 
Originally posted by FlamingChipmunk:
Tuck're going to be there a while.
So I've heard.
Almighty DodoRex Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:24am 
Originally posted by BetaNights:
Originally posted by Jinglez:
for a raptor, lots and lots and lots and lots of meat.
Yes, but is there a specific meat that helps? Or just any meat at all?
I think any sort of meat will work, and a whole lot of it.
BetaNights Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:33am 
Originally posted by Jinglez:
Originally posted by BetaNights:
Yes, but is there a specific meat that helps? Or just any meat at all?
I think any sort of meat will work, and a whole lot of it.
Ok, thank you! This won't be easy, but we want this little bugger to live! :D
Almighty DodoRex Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:35am 
Originally posted by BetaNights:
Originally posted by Jinglez:
I think any sort of meat will work, and a whole lot of it.
Ok, thank you! This won't be easy, but we want this little bugger to live! :D
Best of luck to you!
Dreadisan Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:35am 
Originally posted by BetaNights:
Originally posted by Jinglez:
I think any sort of meat will work, and a whole lot of it.
Ok, thank you! This won't be easy, but we want this little bugger to live! :D
a newborn dodo eat through 1 nearly full feeding through of berries in about 1 hour.

wait for the patch and food consumption will be reduced by 60% also build 1-2 fridges nearby to store raw meat.
ndunnett Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:39am 
When you say a whole lot, how much are we really talking? 1000 raw meat for a baby raptor? 10000? 100? (I'd see for myself but am unable to play)
Dreadisan Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:43am 
Originally posted by Nathan Dunnett:
When you say a whole lot, how much are we really talking? 1000 raw meat for a baby raptor? 10000? 100? (I'd see for myself but am unable to play)
between 1000 and 10000 :D
Almighty DodoRex Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:46am 
Originally posted by Nathan Dunnett:
When you say a whole lot, how much are we really talking? 1000 raw meat for a baby raptor? 10000? 100? (I'd see for myself but am unable to play)
as of right now babies are bugged and will constantly eat food even if their food is full, because of the way that babies are set up, they have an artificial health/hunger cap that increases as the baby grows. so they are constantly eating to try and fill the hunger/food, but they keep getting reset to the cap, thus causing them to eat non-stop if food is available to them. The maturity bar goes up very slowly right now too, so you would be spending hours feeding the little garbage guts.
MorphineZombie Oct 15, 2015 @ 5:55pm 
is anyone else having trouble gtting the babies to eat out of a trough?
VA gamer Oct 15, 2015 @ 5:56pm 
babies don't eat out of troughs - once they become juvenile, they can eat from troughs
XGTheKeeper Oct 15, 2015 @ 5:57pm 
they have to be juviniles to eat from the trough now
Cricket (Banned) Oct 15, 2015 @ 5:58pm 
For the record, on a baby raptor I tried regular raw meat, prime meat, cooked prime meat, prime meat jerky and regular cooked meat and they all seemed to have the exact same effect.
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Date Posted: Oct 15, 2015 @ 1:18am
Posts: 29