Roche Fusion

Roche Fusion

CaptainPOCK 2015 年 5 月 20 日 下午 12:22
Just a small idea about three new skills
Thats kinda creepy now, isnt it? Anyways, i worked on 3 new skills again. before the last update i didnt know these could be possible, but im pretty sure they are, so lets get started!

Rift is a skill that is meant to be defensive. When activated, your ship will take a quick jump into the rift, a non-existent dimension, where you can recharge, collect bonuses and rest for a short time. You can not hit enemies, and enemies cant hit you, this does also count for any drone onboard.

Name: Rift
Description: "Teleport somewhere that doesnt exist"
Effect: Quick teleport to the rift
damage: NaN
Runtime: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 25 seconds

Rarity: Normal

Bullet magnet
The Bullet magnet is a new technology invented by the creator of the dragon. Secret agents was able to steal this technology, so it isnt any danger for us anymore and we take advantage of it. When used, the magnetic bullet receives a magnetic field for any bullet type weapon. This doesnt count for beams! It moves slowly, but it has a great effect! whenever a bullet is absorbed, the damage of the main bullet gets increased and is even more devastating!

Name: Bullet magnet
Description: "Food... FOOD! I NEED FOOD!"
Effect: absorbing bullets and increasing damage.
Damage: 128 + (X*?)
Runtime: Instant
Cooldown: 18 seconds

rarity: more rare

Shiny, pretty, deadly! The diamond is an diamond-like object placed in space, that fires laser shots in different and random directions. It also increases the beam strength and splits them up into many more! boost you up! WARNING: enemies can also get a profit from this diamond, so make sure no beaming enemy is close to your diamond!

Name: Diamond
Description: "Shiny, pretty, deadly!"
Effect: Many shots in all directions, buffs other beam weapons.
Damage: 30*6*3 (30 shots, 6 per burst, 3 bursts over 3 seconds) + beam-Weapon*6/2 (maybe OP)
Runtime: 3 seconds
Cooldown: 19 seconds.

Thats all, thx for reading!
regards ~ Nightsky