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Grav Stream team
What is the point of this post?
I want to gather the info for anyone who streams Grav and put together a makeshift Casting group for this game, similar to what the folks over at Trendy did. It was a very sucessfull endevour, not only for exposing their game (Which is in EA a well) but it also helped a lot of up and coming streamers get exposure and feel a part of something bigger. This is purley optional and while I don't have the ability to create a twitch group we can still communicate and organize via steam and other means of communication.

What would a group like this accomplish?
Well we can do many things to promote the game, we can get some Grav stream schedules going so when someone who wants to explore what Grav has to offer can see people playing the game.

I have found, since I started my new channel (Moved on from an older one) that all people want with a game like Grav is true, honest feedback about the game and if it is worth playing. From my stream alone, I have gotten at least 12-15 people now who were just waiting to buy the game but needed to see some real feedback and gameplay. Most of them bought the game and play on my server now.I have done a lot of work in the past with developers running Beas/early acces etc. Most recently I was working with a group within the Dungeon Defenders 2 community (The Casters Guild) but real life isues prevented me from conituing with that venture. I also worked with DE (The Warframe guys) and helped promote their game on twitch as well. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a big streamer nor do I care about partnerships or a follower count but what I do think twitch is great for is exposure. Games like Grav, underdog titles need exposure and twitch is a great way for games to get what is needed.

There are no follower count requirments or anything of that nature to be a member of the Grav Stream Team. I do ask that any streamer interested in joining this effort just be mature and have a good head on their shoulders. The goal here is to help eachother become better streamers, better grav players and to help get the word out there about this game in one organized effort. Skype will be a main form of communication for this group.

Steam Group:

Server I stream on (Might be Grav ST server?):
Grav Stream Team| PvEvP| Homeworld Safeworld
IP: (Hit Tab, open (Paste IP Here) to connect)

Legutóbb szerkesztette: Dah_Gnome; 2015. aug. 8., 11:26
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115/45 megjegyzés mutatása
BitMonster  [Fejlesztő] 2015. aug. 7., 11:54 
This sounds awesome! Please let us know of any features that would help streamers have a better time / be able to entertain more with GRAV! :-)
BitMonster eredeti hozzászólása:
This sounds awesome! Please let us know of any features that would help streamers have a better time / be able to entertain more with GRAV! :-)

Will do, thanks for the pin!
Could you guys try and get twitch to put the game in the directory, you cant search for GRAV it doesnt show up as a game and also if you give them like a little logo thing of grav :D
Peppa Pig eredeti hozzászólása:
Could you guys try and get twitch to put the game in the directory, you cant search for GRAV it doesnt show up as a game and also if you give them like a little logo thing of grav :D

EDIT: I stand corrected, where did it go? I was able to brosw and select it was a game up until today. I know the dev's are pushing for stremaing so they could be updating their game page on twitch.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Dah_Gnome; 2015. aug. 9., 7:28
Haha Yeah I was talking to Daopa the streamer about grav and bwana joined in and bought it, I totally sold them on it :D But Daopa came across the issue of the whole directory thing and asked me to post it somewhere. Fantastic game and deserves more attention including the fantastic devs :)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Shoebill; 2015. aug. 9., 11:33
Hi guys, just had this discussion pointed out to me. I've started streaming GRAV and it seems to be getting people talking. I've only 36 followers as things stand but there are been plenty of fellow GRAV players coming in and asking questions, usually going away with a suitable answer. With the group that I game with [HRL - we have a group] I intend to get a server ont he go and make regular stream broadcasts to get the word out.

I'd be interested to see how others are casting and potentially see about a colab project?

I bought GRAV the other day and have been enjoying it so much, that i would love to start streaming this game, i started streaming a few weeks back and have about 48 followers and gaining i normally play DayZ on stream but thats getting boring and i would need something new to play and this game seems perfect to play.
I also saw on the main page they are giving away a free GRAV key to people who would stream the game and i would be willing to stream it with my friend, he cant afford the game himself and i think it would make for more entertaining streams.
i start my stream on monday to friday from 3PM to 9PM GMT so that would give me 6 hours of streaming a day, if you would like to accept this deal i would be honored to stream a new game that i think is amazing.

Thank you for reading this! hope you accept!
Bought the game a while ago some time ago, and had a blast with it earlier on and am trying to get back into the swing of things now and am definitely having a blast with it now :) That aside I do currently at and if you'd be looking to do this project, I'd love something that I could throw myself into!

Right now I try to stream 6 days a week (balancing it with other job atm >.<) and am currently trying to make my way through the Fallout series in prep for a FO4 streamathon when it does come out. This being the case I'd be very happy to stream other stuff not so that I can get a bit of a change of pace here and there, and this I feel could be a very fulfilling endeavor :)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Glitchy Girl; 2015. szept. 6., 22:37
Just started streaming this game this weekend thanks to the free weekend. Hoping that it helps garner more interest.
não consigo acessar meu personagem principal no sever US CEN universe PVE alguém sabe se vai voltar ao normal e se terei minhas coisas e minha base quando voltar?
Once I buy a steam key for the game, I'll get a weekly stream going. My headset is coming in this week too, so all's good on my end.

Been looking for a game to start streaming, and this'll be a solid test for my system.
Hey there, Zbtiango here. wanted to share my stream info with all of you. Just got GRAV 3 days ago it is AWESOME! come check out my live stream today in fact at the link below. thanks all hope to see everyone soon!
→ Twitch:
→ Twitter:
→ Instagram:
→ Steam:
→ Donate:
Hi I have a problem co play.It Apart from the main menu but when part of the download server crashes and closes the game. Can you help me thanks:steamsad::steamsad:
I have no idea what you just said.
the server fails to load, it closes all with an error
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