Sword Coast Legends

Sword Coast Legends

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Sildur May 14, 2022 @ 12:04pm
SCL Multiplayer Restored Mod now available!
Just came back to this after 2 years and well.. I finally got it work! Fully restored MP functionality, the game will still boot in offline mode but all the networking stuff is available, including the lobby browser.

Now available on nexusmods:

Notes: If you start a new character there is a tutorial that you have to finish first before multiplayer options become available. If you can't see your friends lobby check the lobby filters and set them to worldwide, it defaults to nearby games.

v1.1: - Fixed Steam Friend Invites. v1.0: -Initial Release


Original Post:
Some modding info on restoring multiplayer:
Heya, so I've been trying to restore the multiplayer functionality for the past week or so. Spent way to much time on this. I had to remake the whole thing over and over again because of issues..
Currently I didn't get much further than enabling an actual lobby. The main issue is that so much of the code to boot the game in online mode is obfuscated.
Now to some information that might be useful for others, because honestly I never really did anything with c# and unity.
Whenever you try to go into online mode the game connects to: world.gameaccounts.swordcoast.com
Failing to get a proper response sets the game in offline mode. The full string is: private const string ࢩ = "wss:/world.gameaccounts.swordcoast.com/scl/websocket/game_auth";
Also obfuscated and located in assembly-csharp.dll -> ngCloudServices
Setting your host file to redirect world.gameaccounts.swordcoast.com to your local ip works but obviously we are missing the server.
So once again we are failing to connect, setting the game to offline mode and locking all network functionality. GameConfig.json in the game folder mentions LAN Lidgrin which is actually a typo by the devs. The name of this library is Lidgren, see:
I'm not sure if the config file really does anything since the webserver failure locks the game in offline mode. But the libaries are included in the game.
Simply modifying the flags to trick the game into being connected causes a whole bunch of different issues and the game wont load the main menu anymore.
As for debugging, output_log.txt in the data folder is actually quite useful to see where the code falls apart.
For decompiling, editing and compiling your modified code use dnspy: https://github.com/VNGhostMans/dnSpyEx
If someone is picking this up and needs more information about the games code structure and such let me know. It might be possible to create a working webserver from the games source code or perhaps using a fake / mock server setup, see:
Last edited by Sildur; Sep 10 @ 11:54am
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
veritasinpersonam May 20, 2022 @ 4:32am 
Interesting. Reddit deleted it as spam.
Last edited by veritasinpersonam; May 20, 2022 @ 4:32am
Sildur May 20, 2022 @ 12:04pm 
wait it did?
would love to play this game online again
GeneralKong Jun 20, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
You can blame Wizards of the Coast, for demanding such flaws in the game design, it is simple, they do not want competition from to good computer games taking over their business with Ad&D and D&D.
You can blame Wizards of the Coast, for demanding such flaws in the game design, it is simple, they do not want competition from to good computer games taking over their business with AD&D and D&D board game and RPG books. So in all aspects, it will be some of a long time dealing before you will get real good online games with AD&D and D&D, with full world aspects and reality, if, and only if they ever will allow it...
Last edited by The_Red_Wizard_of_Thay; Jun 21, 2022 @ 4:56pm
Damn_Monkey Jun 25, 2022 @ 1:55pm 
Originally posted by Luksus-Annunaki:
You can blame Wizards of the Coast...

What a nut job you are. You honestly think WotC was working behind the scenes and forcing this game to be bad?
dc_pherral2 Mar 22, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
BUMP BUMP BUMP bring it back! Would love to be able to share my modules and play with friends and family...
Originally posted by dc_pherral2:
BUMP BUMP BUMP bring it back! Would love to be able to share my modules and play with friends and family...

would love to play your modules :)
Originally posted by dc_pherral2:
BUMP BUMP BUMP bring it back! Would love to be able to share my modules and play with friends and family...

i still would love to play your modules :)
Kalizaar Nov 30, 2023 @ 6:17am 
Wife and I really enjoyed playing this together. I keep checking in now and then to see if anyone has figured a way to play multiplayer yet. :(
Daalon Dec 6, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
Originally posted by Kalizaar:
Wife and I really enjoyed playing this together. I keep checking in now and then to see if anyone has figured a way to play multiplayer yet. :(

Same for me and my wife.
Phruis Jan 17 @ 10:18am 
Muttley Feb 4 @ 8:24am 
Has there been any progress on this?
Sildur Sep 9 @ 2:35pm 
Just came back to this after 2 years and well.. I finally got it work! Fully restored MP functionality, the game will still boot in offline mode but all the networking stuff is available, including the lobby browser. I'll upload it soon for everyone.
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