Ninja Gaijin Dec 27, 2024 @ 3:31am
CTD when trying to join match
Always CTD when trying to play
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Sackback Dec 27, 2024 @ 9:53am 
CTD? A venereal disease? From Toxikk? You should expect nothing less.
Ninja Gaijin Dec 27, 2024 @ 9:41pm 
Originally posted by Sackback:
CTD? A venereal disease? From Toxikk? You should expect nothing less.

Crash to desktop ?
Sackback Dec 31, 2024 @ 12:45am 
Well, in that case, either reinstall the game -- it fixed crashing for some guy on the discord -- or try turning off texture streaming in the video settings UI; or try fiddling with UseMinimalNVIDIADriverShaderOptimization or bInitializeShadersOnDemand in one of the .ini files, I forget which one; or try updating your video card driver, unless it started happening after you updated it, in which case maybe revert it.
Ninja Gaijin Dec 31, 2024 @ 4:47pm 
Originally posted by Sackback:
Well, in that case, either reinstall the game -- it fixed crashing for some guy on the discord -- or try turning off texture streaming in the video settings UI; or try fiddling with UseMinimalNVIDIADriverShaderOptimization or bInitializeShadersOnDemand in one of the .ini files, I forget which one; or try updating your video card driver, unless it started happening after you updated it, in which case maybe revert it.

Tried reinstalling, didn't help

I'm on AMD - I don't think I'd played the game since 2017, probably never joined a match and just checked the options back then too. So I saw the update and thought I should give it a go.

I'll try your suggestions
Last edited by Ninja Gaijin; Dec 31, 2024 @ 4:48pm
Originally posted by Ninja Gaijin:
I'm on AMD - I don't think I'd played the game since 2017, probably never joined a match and just checked the options back then too. So I saw the update and thought I should give it a go.

Well I'm glad you're trying the game again, even if you did catch the CTD. Please let me know if anything works.
The discord,, might also be a good place to get help.
Originally posted by Sackback:
Originally posted by Ninja Gaijin:
I'm on AMD - I don't think I'd played the game since 2017, probably never joined a match and just checked the options back then too. So I saw the update and thought I should give it a go.

Well I'm glad you're trying the game again, even if you did catch the CTD. Please let me know if anything works.
The discord,, might also be a good place to get help.

The odd thing, after reinstalling I noticed I had streaming textures disabled already. But for some reason it worked this time. It's strange because I did already uninstall and reinstall before to see if it would work.

I was able to join a bot match, the bots were daft but it was fun to play. I could imagine how fun it would be with players.

I wish I knew what changed that stopped the CTD, so could post here to help anyone else with the same issue in future.
Originally posted by Ninja Gaijin:
Originally posted by Sackback:

Well I'm glad you're trying the game again, even if you did catch the CTD. Please let me know if anything works.
The discord,, might also be a good place to get help.

The odd thing, after reinstalling I noticed I had streaming textures disabled already. But for some reason it worked this time. It's strange because I did already uninstall and reinstall before to see if it would work.

I was able to join a bot match, the bots were daft but it was fun to play. I could imagine how fun it would be with players.

I wish I knew what changed that stopped the CTD, so could post here to help anyone else with the same issue in future.

Likely due to minimal stack size. the shadercompileworker stack overflows almost instantly upon initial load of any shader-dense map.

Setting bInitializeShadersOnDemand=True under [Engine.ISVHacks] in UDKEngine.ini should resolve the issue.
Last edited by SovietBowl; 20 hours ago
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