UI Feb 21, 2018 @ 4:57am
So anyone else got a problem with headshots not mattering?
It seems like the only time headshots matter is with a sniper rifle (Falcon rifle) and that just seems weird to me. So every single type of body shot for a smg (Violator) rifle no matter where you aim it does 20 damage from what I've seen. I don't know why but that kind of takes the 'skill' out of the game if you ask me.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
battlecattle Feb 21, 2018 @ 6:55am 
Stingray M2 beam shot can also do headshots.

PredatH0r Feb 21, 2018 @ 6:57am 
Only the Falcon (sniper rifle) and Stingray alt-fire (energy beam) matter for head shots.
And with both it happens way more often by luck than by intention.
The Violator (and the Raven pistol when fired in quick succession) have spread, which would make it even more un-skilled when that lead to a 1-shot headshot kill.

What someone considers skill is quite subjective.
In this game it's a combination of movement, positioning, item timing, prediction of opponents , prediction of projectiles and lots of other things.
In other games it's hiding behind crates and waiting for a pixel to change colors.
Personally I prefer fast-paced action, that's why I play Arena-FPS games and not CounterStrike.
Linkblade Feb 21, 2018 @ 10:55pm 
Originally posted by PredatH0r:
In this game it's a combination of movement, positioning, item timing, prediction of opponents , prediction of projectiles and lots of other things.
In other games it's hiding behind crates and waiting for a pixel to change colors.
Personally I prefer fast-paced action, that's why I play Arena-FPS games and not CounterStrike.
That's my man! *insert Drake meme here* I'm absolutely of your opinion!
Very well summarized! FPS genre in a nutshell.
Archon0003 Feb 25, 2018 @ 6:09am 
Originally posted by FaDe:
It seems like the only time headshots matter is with a sniper rifle (Falcon rifle) and that just seems weird to me. So every single type of body shot for a smg (Violator) rifle no matter where you aim it does 20 damage from what I've seen. I don't know why but that kind of takes the 'skill' out of the game if you ask me.

Well. I suppose that this sort of opinion is partly why TOXIKK has such a "limited" playerbase. No offense to OP, but think about it. Current-gen gamers have become so accustomed to certain aspects of "FPS" gaming nowadays that anything that dares to be "different" (by different, it isn't really - it is simply trying to "re-imagine" old school traits) simply suffers.

UI Feb 26, 2018 @ 4:18am 
Well take CSGO for example. Not exactly an arena shooter, but if you shoot somebody in the toe, leg or arm, they don't take as much damage as being shot in the chest area or especially head area. This has to matter even in an arena shooter. Glad they had a demo for this game because I truly was enjoying it until I noticed that head shots didn't matter. Ah well... would have been a great implementation. Won't be buying.
Sharkster  [developer] Feb 26, 2018 @ 4:40am 
Originally posted by FaDe:
Well take CSGO for example. Not exactly an arena shooter [...]

Yup, "not exactly",... or better put: Almost the exact opposite of an ArenaFPS. Anyway...

There actually is a good, content-wise reason: All characters in Toxikk wear full body metal armor, including head, chest, arms, legs etc. What you see as "hp" is in fact how well your armor is intact (although indicated as health... might as well be understood as "armor health").

Given full body & head armor, why should hitting someone at the head matter more than hitting his chest?

Falcon and Stingray alt-fire are the only one-shot armor-piercing weapons, which is why headshots with these two weapons do INDEED matter...

Last edited by Sharkster; Feb 26, 2018 @ 6:42pm
Originally posted by FaDe:
It seems like the only time headshots matter is with a sniper rifle (Falcon rifle) and that just seems weird to me. So every single type of body shot for a smg (Violator) rifle no matter where you aim it does 20 damage from what I've seen. I don't know why but that kind of takes the 'skill' out of the game if you ask me.

damn dude are you serious? this game looked badass too. I had a few buddies I was talking to about buying the 4 pack but finding out about this is truly a turn off. Armor or no armor, not rewarding somebody for a headshot unless they use sniper rifles? Really? That's not 1999
PredatH0r Feb 26, 2018 @ 6:48am 
Quake doesn't have headshots at all - and that as 1996-1999 as it gets.
The "head shot" medal in Quake Live / Quake Champions is purely cosmetic, you don't deal any extra damage when you hit the head.
I'm sure everyone would get super-salty when he gets "head-shotted" by someone spraying around with a violator. That would be pure random luck and not skill.

The game has already more than enough opportunities to kill a player with a single shot:
Bullcraft (shotgun) alt-fire: 192 damage
Dragoneer (flame throwser) alt-fire: 150 dmg (iirc)
Falcon headshot: 140dmg
Stingray alt-fire headshot: 135dmg
Rocket: 100dmg
Grenade: 100dmg

Max Damage powerup: doubles the damage
Sharkster  [developer] Feb 26, 2018 @ 8:57am 
Originally posted by Gaston Williams III:
damn dude are you serious? this game looked badass too. I had a few buddies I was talking to about buying the 4 pack but finding out about this is truly a turn off. Armor or no armor, not rewarding somebody for a headshot unless they use sniper rifles? Really? That's not 1999

Well, do you expect a flamethrower (Dragoneer), the tactical nuke (Hellraiser), the rocket launcher (Cerberus) or the chainsaw/drill (Ravager) to inflict headshot damage? Probably not...

The pistol (Raven) and the machine gun (Violator) are more or less spread and spray weapons, which is why they don't inflict headshot damage neither.

The only weapons, where it seriously makes sense, to have headshot insta-kills are the sniper rifle (Falcon) and the laser thingie (Stingray)... It's not like we didn't think before making this decision. It just makes sense game-design and content-wise (see above).

Plus, of course, all the insta-kill options PredatHor mentioned. If you really complain about spread & spray weapons not causing headshot damage, then... huh. *shrugs*
Last edited by Sharkster; Feb 26, 2018 @ 6:42pm
Unmotivated Mar 4, 2018 @ 5:48am 
i'm glad this game is made the way it is. it really is a blast from the past, and the fact that it's mostly free to play is really generous given the time the devs put into making this the way it is. i don't feel like anything is really unbalanced at all, though i do feel some weapons feel underpowered, but that's my personal take on these weapons and how i've been using them.

the hitboxes are fine, you don't need to get 20+ headshots in the match. arena shooters like this are focused more on movement anyway. they're too fast paced for people to focus on headshots.

though, if you do still want headshots, grab the Sniper. (i never payed attention to the gun names, forgive me.) the term "frag like it's 1999" is fairly accurate here. it's like i'm playing my dad's old copy of Unreal Tournament all over again, and i'm lovin it.
WHITE Dec 21, 2024 @ 12:25pm 
FPS games are garbage if you can survive a headshot in them.
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Date Posted: Feb 21, 2018 @ 4:57am
Posts: 11