Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

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Update #1 now live - Build Notes
We’re excited to finally announce our first update to Early Access!

Since we went live on May 4th, we’ve been taking in hundreds of suggestions, support requests and wishlists - and have added many of them to our own roadmap. This forum is just a drop compared to the long emailed lists of detailed requests coming through our support link, but we appreciate every bit. We've been online quite a lot! The organic process of taking in your feedback and treating it seriously is really important to us.

There have been a few background account and text related fixes along the way that you might have noticed in your Steam Library, but didn't necessarily notice in-game.

Our development roadmap is a constantly evolving beast, but with this first round of suggested features, bugfixes and updates we’re one step closer to landing the exciting single-player campaign and extra content features. We have tried our best to prioritise what you want - where we can achieve it - and there’s plenty more to come!


NOTE - The in-game build notes refer to 4K compatibility. 3840x2160 is not currently available. This note is an error that will be resolved in the next patch. 2560x1440 has been added and 10:16 up to 2560x1600 is also UI-supported.

- 16:10 Support for UI overlay
- New in-game ESC Menu graphics
- Exiting/resigning from a multiplayer match no longer tells you that your save will be deleted.
- Tooltips added to unit statistic displays.
- ‘Friends’ (Battle Brothers) functionality implemented

Balance Tweaks:
- Base ranged to-hit chance increased to 40, increasing overall chance to hit with ranged attacks.
- Armour of Contempt and Orks! Orks! Orks! cooldown increased from 4 to 5
- Assail and Squig Bomb cooldown increased from 5 to 6

- Added fanfares in the Results splash screen
- Many updated capture sounds
- Snap Shot shield impact sounds added

Animation and VFX:
- Fixed ‘enemy unknown bug’ (hits could visually miss, misses could hit)
- Bullet anti-magnet makes determined misses actually miss their target.
- Bullet magnet improved to avoid visual misses when a hit is determined.
- Units no longer flinch if a shot misses.

- Player presence indicator added to in game avatar and match list
- - Green - In match
- - Yellow - Unknown/Not seen for 5 minutes
- - Red - Not in match/Not seen for 20 minutes
- Can now directly challenge friends from the dropdown in the match setup page
- - Known issue:
- - - X button functionality/dialogues currently display same messages regardless of whether you are the sender or receiver of a challenge

Codex Engine:
- Critical chance is now additive rather than factorial. It is no longer dependent on the attacker’s skill or the opponent’s toughness, and all units have a base chance of zero.
- Fixed ‘Skynet bug’ - Regicide AI self-awareness bug at higher difficulties has been fixed; the advent of the Dark Age of Technology has potentially been thwarted.

General Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash on replaying a Skirmish game against Novice AI
- Enemy killcams now work correctly if player killcams are disabled but enemy cameras are enabled.
- Space Marine and Ork Pawns no longer trigger two death reports when killed by Snap Shot.
- Crash no longer occurs when selecting a piece then restarting the Regicide Tutorial
- Bishop vs. Queen captures now work correctly at variable ranges - the Bishop no longer moves to the adjacent square first.
- Classic Tutorial - Final dialog box now uses the start/end dialog box instead of the standard dialog box.
- Players can now close the Welcome menu screen by pressing Esc
- Camera tutorial now functions for PC’s running the game at a low frame rate
- Players can now press Spacebar to skip the Camera tutorial prompts (excluding the Backspace and final prompt)
- Space Marine Rook no longer fires into the ground at the end of the Snap Shot ability
Ork Rook no longer has incorrect unit abilities
- Weather effects are no longer doubled during killcams
- Skipping the Snap Shot animation no longer causes the unit to slide very slightly in the direction it fired in
- Skipping the Space Marine Queen vs. Ork Pawn killcam in the Regicide Tutorial no longer causes the Queen to teleport to one square away for the attack and walk slowly to the Pawn’s square
- Space Marine Queen no longer walks to the adjacent tile before attacking in ranged captures
- Players can no longer press Esc to open the Pause menu during the King vs. King animations, or while on the Results screen

- Support for four popular 16:10 resolutions added.
- The game no longer allows resolutions larger than supported by detected monitors.
- Added 2560x1440 (16:9) and 2560x1600 (16:10)
- - Known issues:
- - - Regicide Tutorial menu buttons can be pressed in some states - doing so will hang the tutorial
- - - Matches panel in the Multiplayer menu is larger
- - - Results screen may be slightly cut off on either side
- - - Letterbox effect disappears after completing a Tutorial and returning to the Training menu
Last edited by Goating Faint; May 22, 2015 @ 6:17am
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
cookie3443 May 22, 2015 @ 6:20am 
Originally posted by a Level 88 Wizard:
We’re excited to finally announce our first update to Early Access!

- Fixed ‘Skynet bug’ - Regicide AI self-awareness bug at higher difficulties has been fixed; the advent of the Dark Age of Technology has potentially been thwarted.

just wondering what this means?
Goating Faint May 22, 2015 @ 6:21am 
I'll bet you are. I'm just going to leave that there for a while and see what people come up with.
XOskeletal May 22, 2015 @ 6:34am 
It means the AI almost destroyed humanity! A joke I imagine. : )
cookie3443 May 22, 2015 @ 6:46am 
I guess u cant wait for the new terminator film :)
Nunchan May 22, 2015 @ 6:57am 
I have waited so long for still no campaign, no upgrade system, no maps, still only multiplayer or skirmish? Nothing really new?
I am deeply disappointed.
Vindictus May 22, 2015 @ 7:39am 
No game timer or kick option yet?
Originally posted by Nunchan:
I have waited so long for still no campaign, no upgrade system, no maps, still only multiplayer or skirmish? Nothing really new?
I am deeply disappointed.
Come on, give them some time. It's better if they fix most bugs and add small but highly requested content, and then they can focus on more complex things when the game is more polished.
NonstopJackal May 22, 2015 @ 8:27am 
Brilliant first update list, crazy amount of improvements. Keep up the good work guys! You're one of the VERY few developers doing Early Access right XD
[Einherjar] May 22, 2015 @ 8:42am 
Good first update. please add timers soon,and add more than one option. thank you!

TiguriusX May 22, 2015 @ 9:50am 
Not sure if this is intentional....but I could launch and play w/o updating.

Also....RODER check your friend request box
Last edited by TiguriusX; May 22, 2015 @ 9:53am
Sparky Taco May 22, 2015 @ 10:25am 
Thank gawd for skynet bug fix!!! No more increasing their crit rate and dominating humanity!!! Long live the hoomans!!!
Can you please elaborate on what affects the new critical hit system?

Will this generally lead to less one hit-kills from "take aim" + "assault" and "moving attack"?
Sparky Taco May 22, 2015 @ 10:37am 
I think crit now is an equal chance for all units, because it was probably based on atk skill or toughness before. That's what I understand based on the log :))
Last edited by Sparky Taco; May 22, 2015 @ 10:39am
[Einherjar] May 22, 2015 @ 11:10am 
Originally posted by TiguriusX:
Not sure if this is intentional....but I could launch and play w/o updating.

Also....RODER check your friend request box

i think you need to restart steam for the update to kick in then

not playing Regicide atm but ill do that eventually
Wazza555 May 22, 2015 @ 12:02pm 
Its still early access, Thanks for the wide screen support!!
like the updates so far! thanks fot the extra res, looking forward to the new features! :)
Last edited by Wazza555; May 22, 2015 @ 12:04pm
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Date Posted: May 22, 2015 @ 6:10am
Posts: 30