Might & Magic Heroes VII

Might & Magic Heroes VII

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So its been 10 days....
Counting the day the game was released, its been 10 days. And starting day one, we the players, started to see tere were massive bugs, script errors, savegame corruption, you name it. It didnt take long, a day, before Devs posted here on the forum that they were working on at least some of our input. Few days later, they announce that they are working on a patch and it will arrive "soon" or "over the weekend".

Now, I'm not going to rant and complain about these bugs and errors, nor am I going to put up a big fuss about how they "should have fixed this during BETA". Because lets face it, The game was'nt ready for release. It's as simple as that. Why the game was released in this condition is a whole other discussion.

Don't get me wrong, I like the game. I really don't care about the grapichs not being super or if the story is boring. I was even expecting a few bugs and errors (tho not as much as we got), like any gamer would (or at least should).

What I am curious about, and what I feel is exceedingly poor customer service by Ubisoft, is the complete lack of feedback from Devs. Its been a week since we heard anything from Ubisoft. No news on a patch, no information on their progress so far. Neither here, nor their own forums. I mean, even if your not finished with the patch, let us know how your getting along. Show us, the gamers, your customers, that you care and that you are listening to what we have to say. (well, some of us, you can ignore the trolls)

So hopefully, one of you Devs will read this and think, "Hey, he's right", and post and update for us.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 50 comments
Star Paladin Oct 7, 2015 @ 11:41pm 
They have written multiple times, in multiple threads, they are working on a patch to be released "soon".
Paddy The Pikey Oct 7, 2015 @ 11:45pm 
Oh, I know.. Hence the mention of that in my post. What I mean is a more thorough post. Ei, like their Situation Reports. Perhaps I should have been more clear about that.
De†Murz Oct 7, 2015 @ 11:47pm 
Абсолютно верно пишет. Я если чесно чуствую что меня просто кинула. ОЧЕНЬ жаль что героями занимались УБИсофт а не другая фирма, так просто нельзя. Купить не Фаллаут4 за 2 тысячи, а героев, и только потому что друг с которым мы в детстве играли за 1 компом живет теперь за 400км, А МУЛЬТИПЛЕЕР ПРОСИТ ОТКРЫТЬ ПОРТ 27015! (который НЕ открываеться. имхо) Я просто апистошен
Heart Oct 8, 2015 @ 1:35am 
Hey Paddy. I've been posting on various forums and places for the last 10 days and we will be getting even more developers joining in with discussions. As for an ETA on a patch I can't give you anything else other than sooner rather than later. Massive head way has been made with this patch and it's certainly not the last one, there will be many support patches to come in the following months to help polish and tighten up the game. An update/change log/patch notes will be coming with the patch.
So don't worry we're certainly not going radio silent, just busy with fixing things.
StarFishon Oct 8, 2015 @ 2:09am 
@heart - your game is amazing but he suffer from severe bugs that should be iron faster, maybe as quick patchs or beta patch, 10 days with corrupted saves, crashes and heroes stuck on citys(never die,reborn right away) are days that big portion of community suffer...

and i'm big fan of heroes franchise, played all the games, and i think heroes7, in the end, will be the best on the series.
Raisti Oct 8, 2015 @ 2:25am 
Originally posted by StarFish:
@heart - your game is amazing but he suffer from severe bugs that should be iron faster, maybe as quick patchs or beta patch, 10 days with corrupted saves, crashes and heroes stuck on citys(never die,reborn right away) are days that big portion of community suffer...

and i'm big fan of heroes franchise, played all the games, and i think heroes7, in the end, will be the best on the series.

Wait let me get this right. You are rightfully angry because of the rushed release with lots of bugs and now you also pressure them to release early bugfixes ?

Be patient. Fixing thinks takes time. Fixing thinks the Right way takes even more time ;)
Just be patient.
Heart Oct 8, 2015 @ 2:30am 
I understand people are frustrated, and in some cases rightly so. All I can tell you is we're doing everything we can with the patching to produce the best quality of product for you guys and gals.
If you encounter problems don't hesitate to post here and I will speak to the relevant people on the topic and try to provide you with feedback, a fix or an answer.
Raisti Oct 8, 2015 @ 2:40am 
Originally posted by Heart:
I understand people are frustrated, and in some cases rightly so. All I can tell you is we're doing everything we can with the patching to produce the best quality of product for you guys and gals.
If you encounter problems don't hesitate to post here and I will speak to the relevant people on the topic and try to provide you with feedback, a fix or an answer.

Take your time ;)
Its always better to wait a week longer and have a good Patch that solves lots of problems than having a rushed patch that cause even more problems ;)
KirasiN Oct 8, 2015 @ 3:26am 
Originally posted by Raisti:
Originally posted by Heart:
I understand people are frustrated, and in some cases rightly so. All I can tell you is we're doing everything we can with the patching to produce the best quality of product for you guys and gals.
If you encounter problems don't hesitate to post here and I will speak to the relevant people on the topic and try to provide you with feedback, a fix or an answer.

Take your time ;)
Its always better to wait a week longer and have a good Patch that solves lots of problems than having a rushed patch that cause even more problems ;)
Except with freshly released games, they are losing a ton of customers right now and opinions are hard to change.

Eitherway, the game is pretty good IMO, I like it and I like the changes, especially to leveling and skills, far better than 6 and I may even say that its better than 5, which was the second best after heroes 3. So I'm guessing this whole tragedy is due to ubisoft and not you, seeing how all those big publishers are destroying the gaming industry for fast profits.

Keep working and get things fixed, especially that campaign.
Last edited by KirasiN; Oct 8, 2015 @ 3:27am
Paddy The Pikey Oct 8, 2015 @ 7:35am 

Thanks for your reply. As previously stated, I am well aware of your (Devs) many posts on various forum topics. And while I appreciate your feedback on these, what I was hoping for and looking for (as I am sure many other are as well) is/was a update on how the patch is coming along. I believe that alot of people dont read through the other posts on the forum, or even do searches for the problems they occur (as is evident by the multiple double/triple/qadruple posts of the same issue) and only read the top "Sticky" posts by the Devs. Hence why I have asked for one.

I see now that UBIMoshi has posted just this, and that was a welcome sight. This was in no means ment as a "hurry up and fix it" post. Personaly I am quite pleased with the game, and I'm looking forwar to playing the updated version some time next week. I know that I would have become more frustrated with both the game and Ubisoft had you released a quick patch that didnt really fix anything, rather than taking your time to do it properly, as I am sure many others would too.

Heart Oct 8, 2015 @ 7:42am 
I gave a little bit of information about the scope of out patch/s in the another thread but save you going on a discussion journey i'll copy and paste it here as well for you.

The main scope of the patch is fixing any remaining crashes, save/load issues and campaign 'blockers'. Increase the AI efficiency and tweaking some numbers for the AI. Along with a myriad of bug fixes. I will state it's one of many but this is our wide scope and what you can expect to see with in the immediate future.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the core of the mechanics and hopefully you'll have even more fun once we've ironed out the kinks and polished the edges a little more.

Hope this is a little more insightful for you. Bear in mind we will also have a reasonable change log/update on the day of the patch.
Originally posted by Heart:
Hey Paddy. I've been posting on various forums and places for the last 10 days and we will be getting even more developers joining in with discussions. As for an ETA on a patch I can't give you anything else other than sooner rather than later. Massive head way has been made with this patch and it's certainly not the last one, there will be many support patches to come in the following months to help polish and tighten up the game. An update/change log/patch notes will be coming with the patch.
So don't worry we're certainly not going radio silent, just busy with fixing things.

You guys need to just take this down off of steam and go back to work on actually fixing it. Refund every poor bastard that bought it and give them free copies when you rerelase it in a working state. Quite frankly as i stated in another thread ubi should give it to everyone free and just sell the franchise to another company. Someone who is going to actually make it great again. Go back to what you guys do best pushing out the same game with a few new weapons and slightly different map every year (Assassins Creed).
MONZUN Oct 9, 2015 @ 1:25am 
Originally posted by StarFish:
@heart - your game is amazing but he suffer from severe bugs that should be iron faster, maybe as quick patchs or beta patch, 10 days with corrupted saves, crashes and heroes stuck on citys(never die,reborn right away) are days that big portion of community suffer...

and i'm big fan of heroes franchise, played all the games, and i think heroes7, in the end, will be the best on the series.

i agree with everything you said.. positive and negative :) so far i haven't started playing the campaign because i don't want to experience those gamebreaking bugs myself and i also haven't played a large map so far.. only played through the medium sized scenarios and some skirmishes. i hope after the first patch i can start to play the campaign without experiencing gamebreaking bugs and without any savegame corruption and such stuff xD
negailestingaz Oct 9, 2015 @ 1:42am 
Originally posted by mOnzun:
Originally posted by StarFish:
@heart - your game is amazing but he suffer from severe bugs that should be iron faster, maybe as quick patchs or beta patch, 10 days with corrupted saves, crashes and heroes stuck on citys(never die,reborn right away) are days that big portion of community suffer...

and i'm big fan of heroes franchise, played all the games, and i think heroes7, in the end, will be the best on the series.

i agree with everything you said.. positive and negative :) so far i haven't started playing the campaign because i don't want to experience those gamebreaking bugs myself and i also haven't played a large map so far.. only played through the medium sized scenarios and some skirmishes. i hope after the first patch i can start to play the campaign without experiencing gamebreaking bugs and without any savegame corruption and such stuff xD

Agree with two above posts, but i think you just missing out. there are verry few game breaking bugs and they are known and workaround are known for them as well. Would help if DEVs would post those workarounds as sticky though. so people would not need to dig in the forums looking for them until patch is out.
Last edited by negailestingaz; Oct 9, 2015 @ 1:42am
There was a delay in beginning interaction with the community due to assessment how to actually proceed in the first place. Think first, act later (not like the Orcs :p ). Sorry for not breaking the silence earlier.

But, yes, direct community involvement and transparency is what we are looking for, so you can look forward to more of that, and more info of course. Thorough information will come soon, especially in the form of patch notes. Hopefully it won't be too much of a wall of text (we are aware of a LOT of issues and also a lot have been fixed), and provide you with more security, that we are indeed still working hard on the game :)
< >
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Date Posted: Oct 7, 2015 @ 11:36pm
Posts: 50