Might & Magic Heroes VII

Might & Magic Heroes VII

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Heart Jul 1, 2016 @ 2:14am
Stream Confirmed Aug 1st
Hey all. Just to confirm that the Twitch Stream is happening on Aug 1st, the Monday before Addon launch on the 4th.

Stream will Start at 1500 German time (GMT +1) and will last until around 17:15, but no time pressure if it goes over a little.

I will be on the Stream along with a Level Designer (Limbic_Ramiro) And a Gameplay programmer/AI dev (Limbic_Oak)
We'll show you everything to do with Fortress, the skill changes, neutral units, a little campaign and answer questions through out.
You can find the stream when it's live here : https://www.twitch.tv/limbic_entertainment

Hope you can join us. If not, don't fear. I will ensure it gets exported to Youtube after so you can watch at your convenience.

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Showing 1-15 of 62 comments
Will we need an account if we want to chat with you ?
I.ve never joined a live streaming before.

Heart Jul 1, 2016 @ 3:38am 
Originally posted by ^.^ Wolfy™:
Will we need an account if we want to chat with you ?
I.ve never joined a live streaming before.


Hey Wolfy. Ye you'll need to make a Twitch Account. SUPER easy to do just go to https://www.twitch.tv/ and click the Sign up button top right. Should take you no more than a min. Then make sure you Verify it in your email so you can chat and you're done. Note you don't need an account to just watch and not chat.
Antalyan Jul 1, 2016 @ 5:04am 
Any chance to get some news sooner? There is still one month before the stream.
Heart, could you please ask Ubi guys?
I am not the only one who thinks this lack of any info kills any possible excitement about this addon.
Kaneda Jul 1, 2016 @ 11:54am 
Will try to be there. Hoping we get some info about which devastating bugs you guys have tackled etc :)
mbradtke Jul 1, 2016 @ 12:35pm 
thx for info heart, looking forward for it (:
半枯半荣 Jul 4, 2016 @ 7:15am 
Rion Jul 31, 2016 @ 3:28pm 
So uh... is this still relevant? It's been suspiciously quiet lately even though the stream is supposed to come on the 1st and the whole thing should be out this week.
Originally posted by Heart:
Originally posted by ^.^ Wolfy™:
Will we need an account if we want to chat with you ?
I.ve never joined a live streaming before.


Hey Wolfy. Ye you'll need to make a Twitch Account. SUPER easy to do just go to https://www.twitch.tv/ and click the Sign up button top right. Should take you no more than a min. Then make sure you Verify it in your email so you can chat and you're done. Note you don't need an account to just watch and not chat.

Created my account ! waiting for you guys ! :steambored:
UbiMoshi Aug 1, 2016 @ 3:05am 
Hello Heroes,

We have the regret to announce that we won’t be able to maintain this stream session.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and the short notice.

We are however very excited for you to get your hands on Might & Magic Heroes VII: Trial by Fire, which will release this Thursday (August 4th).
Check out our official website for more information about this addon!

The M&M Team.
LOOL :))) you are just a piece of nothing ... to be nice ..

I don.t care about this game anymore. You are not able to keep any of your words !

I think we deserve at least to know why aren.t you able to stream live ?
Rion Aug 1, 2016 @ 3:13am 
Seriously? I've been supportive of this game (and I still am) since its earliest (and worst) days, but it just boggles my mind just how awful of a job is being done with promoting it and its content. It's hilariously bad, frankly. One would expect an industry behemoth like Ubisoft to know better, but it seems not. We were promised very little, and ended up getting nothing. Stating the obvious here, but pissing off the few loyal fans left is a dreadfully dumb stunt in terms of PR. Well done.
Last edited by Rion; Aug 1, 2016 @ 3:17am
Lucky Magus Aug 1, 2016 @ 3:33am 
I don't know what to say...
Ryles Aug 1, 2016 @ 3:44am 
Xavier DuPont Aug 1, 2016 @ 4:08am 
Garbage, the lot of you.
Xendlar Aug 1, 2016 @ 4:32am 
im impressed. this is a new level of low. ubisoft literally forcing us to not buy and to not get hyped for their own game... btw, cancelling stream before 3 days of release looks like a horrible sign. im speechless. "new record!"
Last edited by Xendlar; Aug 1, 2016 @ 4:34am
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Date Posted: Jul 1, 2016 @ 2:14am
Posts: 62