Dig or Die

Dig or Die

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Gaddy Games  [desarrollador] 6 MAR 2015 a las 7:24
▬▬▬ F.A.Q. ▬▬▬

A list of frequent suggestions can be found in the Suggestions topic.
You can find some suggestions like those ones, with answers and explanations.
Add Multiplayer (yes)
What about modding? (maybe)
Add Mac/Linux support? (maybe)
iOs/Android port? (no)
If what you wonder is something that could be added to the game, please check this Suggestion thread


The game crashes / freezes at start!
90% come from one of those 3 points:
- You didn't launch the game from Steam (Steam was not running fine)
- Your sound card is deactivated or has an issue with drivers (activate the good sound card, update the drivers)
- Your graphic card (GPU) has a driver issue (update them)
If you can't fix the issue, please send me your log file as explained below.

Smoke/water is in purple (or pink), no terrain on screen
This is an issue with the graphic card (GPU). Try to update the driver, and check if there is not a conflict between two graphic cards. Check on nvidia/amd website if they don't have a hotfix (if the game was running fine before). Otherwise send me your log file as explained below.

How can I send you the log files and save games?
If I told you to send me the logs & save files, please follow those steps:
- Write an email to contact@gaddygames.com, with a meaningful object, the bug/crash description and what hardware / windows version do you have.
- Attach the output_log.txt file: you can find it by going into the Steam properties of the game and clicking on "Browse local files", it's located in the DigOrDie_Data folder. Be sure to send me the file just after quitting a game where you got the bug.
- Attach the appropriate saved game. You should find them somewhere like C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Gaddy Games\Dig or Die. /!\ In v0.3 and after, the saved games are located here: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Dig or Die\<steamid>\Saves\<mode>\


How do I get more info about the game items etc. ?
Here is the wiki of the game, with a great lot of information:

Here are the global data tables:
You are most welcome to edit and improve the wiki. But be careful, it relies heavily on templates so datas are not duplicated, and easily updated. Be sure to not break this template system by adding specific number data on individual items or monster pages.

Is this a Terraria/Starbound clone?
It belongs to the same genre but it's really different, very tower-defense oriented, and with plenty of major gameplay differences. More explanations here.

Why is my base always flooded?
I'm aware of it and I'll balance the thing a bit.
But if you take the rain into account for your buildings that should not be a problem. You just have to avoid places that are flooded when it rains, and make appropriate roof above your entrances and step on the entrances. Look at the red lines of this picture: http://i.imgur.com/BnrzdXU.jpg . Both entraces are protected against the rain.
More help to come in the wiki: http://digordie.gamepedia.com/Building_Strategies

I fall into a hole and I can't see anything!
Try to fire your weapon to get a bit of light so you can dig your way up to the surface. You can also use the "rocket-jump" effect to jump higher and get out of here. Soon enough with you next auto-builder you will be able to craft a flashlight that will save you this sort of trouble.

How do I build a large bridge or a high tower
More help to come in the wiki: http://digordie.gamepedia.com/Building_Strategies

(Spoiler!) Where is the Mad Crab (homepage boss)?
At the far west of the underground ocean

(Spoiler!) Where is the second boss?
On the higher floating islands. You have to use Tier 4 composite walls to be able to reach them. Pay attention to where it doesn't rain to know where they are. This boss drop the Energy Master Gem

(Spoiler!) Where is the crystal cavern?
Below the underground ocean

(Spoilers !) Where do I find black grass/mushrooms ?
They only grow on black dirt, when full black and without water. You can find black dirt areas in the rock layers

(Spoiler!) How do I reach the cactus area? Why are there some fallen cactus on the ground?
Are you sure you wish to get this spoiler? Sure sure sure? Well, in that case, first defeat the Firefly Queen on the highest islands, where you can see the rainy clouds. Then build a very high tower with composite walls, and then fly as high as possible with the jetpack. And say hi to the new fireflyes, those who ate a bit too much. They are so friendly and won't shoot at you, let them come to hug you! ;-)


Is there a dev diary?
Follow me on Tumblr http://gaddygames.tumblr.com/ and twitter on https://twitter.com/GaddyGames, i try to post every day what i'm working on.

Development roadmap ?
Here is what is planned for now. It could change... so please do not buy the game on planned features, buy it for what is already done! Below are the 4 major updates, but I'll also release a lot of minor updates to fix bugs, balance items & units and do little improvements.
You can get the "beta" branch of the game (see the Steam properties of the game) to get those updates a few days earlier and help me find the bugs!
- v0.1: solo update (released on July 31th 2015). Price increased to $5. This update added a lot of new places to explore, new items, new monsters, and some bosses.
- v0.2: solo update (released on March 15th 2016). Price increased to $8. This update did a full graphic makeover, added lava, new places, items, monsters, bosses. Also achievements and steam cards.
- v0.3: multi update (released on June 22th, 2017). Price increased to $10. This update added a classic coop multiplayer mode. I also added custom parameters to setup a lot of parameters for the game
- v1.0: solo/multi update, about "when it's done" (sorry). Price will be increased to $12. This final update will add some specific game modes, usually for shortest games with specific rules, scores, etc. For example a "Last man drowning" mod where the water is constantly rising and the last player not drown wins. Or a Capture the flag mod. This update will be the end of the Early Access. But hopefully it will not be an end but just the beginning!

Release date?
Hard to say, but it should be in 2015 2016 2017 early 2018...


Is there a discord server ?
Yes : https://discord.gg/digordie

Can I help you on the development? Even free of charge?
But for the texts/localization and beta testing help (check this post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/315460/discussions/0/392184522701469570/ ), and the graphic make-over (now finished), I'll continue working alone. Working on a game with several people, at distance, is usually not a good idea if not extremely well prepared in a very early stage of a game. It's not a question of money but mostly of time - team work is something that takes a lot of time and preparation to become efficient

I love this game, how can I support it more ?
First thank you! The best to help me and the game is to talk about it to your friends, on your usual forums, etc. As I did not have enough time or skill or luck to be successful in my attempts to get previews of the game, my best hope is players to talk about it, and hopefully it will grab the curiosity of some journalists (can you hear me CanardPC ? =D)

Where can I find the music / soundtrack?
The music was not made for the game but comes from AudioJungle (but for the main menu title) so I cannot sell it or distribute it, sorry! (more info in this post)
Última edición por Gaddy Games; 5 ENE 2019 a las 4:53
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Mostrando 1-15 de 166 comentarios
Henry_Hunter 11 MAR 2015 a las 19:10 
This game is just Amazeing and i cant wait to see what its going to evolve into! :D
Última edición por Henry_Hunter; 11 MAR 2015 a las 19:10
Sir. Good-Borgor 11 MAR 2015 a las 20:17 
Could you guys please post each update as a news feed and not just a form. :) Thank you. This makes it much easier and quicker to notice each update as they come out. This way I don't have to remember to click on the forms in order to check for updates. I'll be able to see the updates right there when I click on the game.
Gaddy Games  [desarrollador] 11 MAR 2015 a las 23:09 
yes you're right i'll do it for the next updates!
Sir. Good-Borgor 11 MAR 2015 a las 23:24 
WyvernSanctum 16 MAR 2015 a las 17:12 
I would really like to know what game engine this is made on. Because I am the kind of person that wants to make games ....but suck at making games, So i would be grateful if you told me what game engine this was made on, thank you.(BTW, I LOVE THIS GAME)
Gaddy Games  [desarrollador] 16 MAR 2015 a las 22:01 
Unity C# (+ a c++ plugin), as a lot of indies. Best engine i ever worked on, I specialized myself in Unity after I discovered it in 2009
WyvernSanctum 17 MAR 2015 a las 5:31 
Ok, thanks i really appriciate it.
Gaddy Games  [desarrollador] 12 ABR 2015 a las 17:53 
Here i have updated the faq, from now on i'll try to do it more often! If have suggestions of what to add do not hesitate to tell me here!
DarknessEyes 13 ABR 2015 a las 14:19 
Upda the flag for flowers, how to make a bridge and floating islands.
Gaddy Games  [desarrollador] 13 ABR 2015 a las 18:57 
Ok I added that, and added building explanations on the wiki (something i wanted to do for a long time!) http://digordie.gamepedia.com/Building_Strategies
soulreaper_matt777 13 ABR 2015 a las 21:23 
i get it that this game has its differences from Terraria/Starbound but you still did steal the damage sound effect from starbound -.-
Gaddy Games  [desarrollador] 13 ABR 2015 a las 21:27 
No i got it from free sound effects resources websites. I would be surprised that starbound would also use free resources and not make their own with all the funds they have^^ Are you sure it's the same sounds?
soulreaper_matt777 13 ABR 2015 a las 21:50 
i think its jest that one sound the one it makes when you take a hit it sounds exacly the same as the one in starbound or at least extreamly similar
PartyJace 17 ABR 2015 a las 6:09 
i have a question
there are these islands with the gaz rocks and gaz

attention spoiler

[you need many of the gaz mineral to built the rocket ]

in my world spawned only one island so i couldnt get enough gaz is this a bug or am i just to dumb to find other?

btw i like the game very much thnks for this game gaddy
DarknessEyes 17 ABR 2015 a las 6:16 
some islands are very high and you cant see them from the ground.. Check spots where alots of water fall (its an edge of island)
Última edición por DarknessEyes; 17 ABR 2015 a las 6:16
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