Operation: Black Mesa

Operation: Black Mesa

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Mc.Sug4r  [developer] Nov 26, 2023 @ 4:28am
Application guidelines
Greetings recruits!
This guide will help you to get through the whole application process and join forces with Tripmine Studios.

Before applying, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • You are able to communicate and express yourself well in written English.
  • You can conduct yourself in a mature professional manner, both in regards to how you
  • give and receive feedback, as well as in your daily communications within the team.
  • You are trustworthy and have a reputable history.
  • Your capabilities are of similar or better quality than the work of our team.
  • You are prepared to commit and dedicate to this project, invest part of your spare time, show consistent activity, and take criticism.
  • You meet the requirements specified for your position on the available positions page​ .

If you would like to join our development team, follow these simple steps:

Send an email to the following address with all the information detailed below

  • Tell us about yourself, your skills, potential and value to our team. Keep it simple, coherent and structured for us to get a solid first impression.

  • Include, attach or link to examples of your work! This already is the decisive part for most applicants.

  • Your work must be recent and in a presentable state (no early WIPs or scrapped material). Optionally, provide contact details and / or your website (portfolio).

  • Double-check your application and make sure you include all relevant information!

  • Stick around and wait for a response from the development team. If your application form has been accepted, expect an admin to contact you via PM, introducing you to the next stage of the application process (i.e. test assignment).

Test assignment

Next, your skills will be tested, both in terms of quality, communication, and professionalism. During the testing phase, please work the same way you would as an actual team member:

  • The content you provide during your assignment should be designed in a way that it could make it into the final game! Ideally, your work will be used, not scrapped.

  • Level Design applicants will initially work with placeholder assets from Half-Life 2. Once their work has been approved, OBM / GD assets will be transferred and applied to the map.

  • Update your progress regularly and iterate your work based on the team's feedback. If something is unclear, don't hesitate to ask! It saves a lot of time for everyone concerned.

If you think you can contribute to our projects in another field and your talent has not been listed on available positions page​ , feel free to contact us nonetheless!
Note: We currently do not accept PR manager, writer, video editor, playtester or "idea person" applications.

The developers will be compensated in the form of royalties after the release.
Last edited by Mc.Sug4r; Jan 2 @ 8:17am
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2023 @ 4:28am
Posts: 0