The Tower

The Tower

Zorlac Jul 4, 2014 @ 7:40am
Please don't close every thread.
The steam forums don't work that way. Something someone has said may become relevant later down the road, and need more information. If you've closed that thread the person then has to start a new one. REALLY not trying to tell you guys how to do your jobs, but steam's moderators generally only close threads when they get out of hand, or are a problem. They leave them open otherwise in case later discussion is needed. It looks bad to come to the forum and see most of the threads locked as if something is wrong.

This is a request btw, not a demand.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
NarrowMonolith Jul 4, 2014 @ 8:03am 
Hello Zorlac,

No, that's fair enough. We'd rather everyone was happy to be honest!
Zorlac Jul 4, 2014 @ 8:06am 
Originally posted by NarrowMonolith:
Hello Zorlac,

No, that's fair enough. We'd rather everyone was happy to be honest!

Thank you very much!! (you can close this one though as it's off topic). It's awesome when a dev is active on the forums btw.
NarrowMonolith Jul 4, 2014 @ 8:11am 
We'll leave it open for prosperity ;)
raixel Jul 4, 2014 @ 9:39am 
I came here looking for info about the game.

I like to search through the first 5 or so pages of threads looking for general info, reading the topics and seeing if one bears further interest (in this day and age, one pretty much MUST do research so you dont waste your $). I got worried at the lack of threads.

But an active dev, and one that actually reasonably listens to a request is always a good sign.

For that, I think I'll happily buy your game when it is officially released (I dont buy early access - too many bad experiences). Its on my wishlist now.
NarrowMonolith Jul 4, 2014 @ 9:54am 
Hello Raixel,

That's kind of you. We're happy that the communities here are very reactive and supportive (in most cases!). We're intending to be around for a long time!
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