DiRT Rally

DiRT Rally

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Zoom377 Sep 27, 2015 @ 2:16pm
Mouse Steering solution
EDIT 24/6/17: The download link was removed. Steam does not tolerate Mega links, so I am hosting the file on Google Drive now.

Hey, I've been noticing the number of people asking for mouse steering, and so for a programming exercise I have created this small program.

Program features
1. Steering using mouse raw input (via a virtual joystick)
2. Border-less windowed mode
3. Mouse hiding
4. On-screen steering marker
5. Mouse buttons bindable in-game (via virtual joystick buttons)

It is made using Auto Hotkey and requires you to have vJoy installed.

The program uses a virtual joystick and feeds values to it.
When you move the mouse left and right the X value of the joystick will be changed.
If push back is set higher than 0, it will be pushed towards neutral over time.

Demo video by db_mew:

Diagram here: http://imgur.com/bQuR9Xj
1. Download and install vJoy[vjoystick.sourceforge.net]
2. Download my program[drive.google.com]

The program can be placed anywhere. It will save settings to Documents\Mouse Steering.

How to use:
The first time you run the program it will offer you settings. These will be explained below:

Sensitivity: Simply scales the input from your mouse. Too much and fine steering will be difficult. Too little and it will not be possible to reach full steering lock.

Push back: This is how strong the steering will push towards the neutral position. When set to 0 the value of steering will be maintained.

Non-linearity: This makes the steering much looser near the neutral position. Too much and it will feel very loose in the centre, too little and it will be difficult to separate fine and large movements.

When the program is running, you will notice a new icon in your tray. Right click and then click settings to open up the settings window.

Pressing CTRL + F11 shows a marker on the screen which moves in relation to the joystick position.
To work around the difficulty of displaying on top of a fullscreen DX application, I have added the ability to toggle border-less window, which allows the marker to be seen.

Left and right mouse buttons control buttons 7 and 8 on the joystick, for those who wish to use mouse buttons in game.

In V1.6.1 I've changed it so joystick values go from 0 to 32767 (as it should be) you may have to recalibrate or just reset to default. (default happens to be 32767)

Other information and hotkeys:
Its AutoHotkey, why not throw in a ton of utilities?
CTRL + F7: Change marker color
CTRL + F8: Toggle hide mouse
CTRL + F9: Toggle borderless window
CTRL + F10: Set joystick to neutral
CTRL + F11: Enable joystick marker (Doesn't currently work in fullscreen DX games, hence the existence of F8 and F9 hotkeys)
CTRL + F12: Exit

I'm not aware of a program that does this however I only did a brief Google search.

This program relies on:
vJoy by Shaul[vjoystick.sourceforge.net]
evilC's CvJoyInterface[github.com]
Gdip by tic[www.autohotkey.com]
AHKHID by TheGood[www.autohotkey.com]
Borderless window code by Klaus2[www.autohotkey.com]

Source code[pastebin.com]
Last edited by Zoom377; Jun 24, 2017 @ 7:13am
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Showing 1-15 of 76 comments
CaffBat Sep 27, 2015 @ 3:04pm 
Interesting. Thanks for submitting
mew Oct 22, 2015 @ 11:13am 
I use this and was able to get a world record in this stage. :)
Last edited by mew; Oct 22, 2015 @ 11:27am
Rombik Nov 13, 2015 @ 11:39pm 
Works great. Thank you!
Hipsu Nov 14, 2015 @ 6:18am 
Thank you. I tried this out some time ago, but I couldn't really find the mouse settings that I was happy with, despite tweaking with all the parameters.. I ended up using the xbox controller in the end.

Maybe I'll try this again. Can anyone share what kind of settings they have found to be a good starting point?
Rombik Nov 14, 2015 @ 6:28am 
Hipsu, here's mine: http://i.imgur.com/4hswHIk.png
Hipsu Nov 15, 2015 @ 4:15am 
Originally posted by Rombik:
Hipsu, here's mine: http://i.imgur.com/4hswHIk.png
Thanks. I'll use that as a starting point. Don't you find it difficult to drive straight without any push back? I was going all over the place last time. Maybe that's something you get used to eventually.
Rombik Nov 15, 2015 @ 7:28am 
Originally posted by Hipsu:
Maybe that's something you get used to eventually.
Yes, I've used mouse steering since LFS and GTR.
It's easier with disabled mouse cursor (CTRL+F8) and view from eyes (to see wheel).
Hipsu Nov 16, 2015 @ 11:45pm 
I had to come up with more a beginner-friendly setting, since I couldn't stay on track. I used your settings as the base, but I added a push-back of 0.02. I later brought it down to 0.01.

I think it feels great. There's a bit more mouse movement required in tight corners, but it's a lot easier to straighten the wheel now.
Last edited by Hipsu; Nov 16, 2015 @ 11:57pm
mew Nov 19, 2015 @ 9:52am 
Hipsu, did you notice that you can get the indicator on the screen, which has the center point shown? So to straighten the wheel you just move the indicator on the center point.
Rodentbird Feb 1, 2016 @ 3:17pm 
I downloaded this program and vJoy, I wasn't happy with it, so I uninstalled it and now my controller is completely broken. It was working fine before and I really need some help fixing it.
Rombik Feb 2, 2016 @ 9:39am 
Originally posted by Wafflecopter:
I downloaded this program and vJoy, I wasn't happy with it, so I uninstalled it and now my controller is completely broken. It was working fine before and I really need some help fixing it.
Try to follow instruction to remove vJoy device: http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/index.php/77-vjoy/102-removing-vjoy

I've got xbox one controller and that instruction helped me.
Sagara Sousuke Feb 23, 2016 @ 11:26am 
I have one problem, i get like 20 seconds delays between menu's when i have the program on.
And some deadly freezes during the race.
Nevermind, if i play true full screen it works like a charm. Nice work man.
Last edited by Sagara Sousuke; Feb 23, 2016 @ 3:04pm
MafJose Feb 25, 2016 @ 6:10am 
Does this support win 10? I cant get it to work at all, CTRL F11 does nothing along with other hotkeys.
Sagara Sousuke Feb 25, 2016 @ 6:18am 
Originally posted by MafJose:
Does this support win 10? I cant get it to work at all, CTRL F11 does nothing along with other hotkeys.

Is like having a joystick plugged in, so go into your panel control and check in your devices if you can find it and see the calibration.
MafJose Feb 25, 2016 @ 6:54am 
I can see the joystick option in-game and I selected it. The thing is that when I try to set left and right steering control via CTRL F11 then nothing happens
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