Black The Fall

Black The Fall

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Odin  [developer] Mar 3, 2017 @ 8:44am
FAQ - A couple of Black The Fall questions answered
Following our update regarding the Black The Fall Journey , there might be some questions left unanswered, so here is our FAQ section:

  1. When is Black The Fall going to be launched?
    June 2017
  2. What platforms will the game be launched on?
    We’re launching it on Steam, PS4 and XboxOne.
  3. When will you launch it on Mobile?
    Once we launch it on the afore mentioned platforms, we’ll start evaluating the mobile version.
  4. Who will publish it?
    The game will be published by Square Enix, through Square Enix Collective.
  5. What is Square Enix Collective?
    Square Enix Collective has been created to act as a service provider for indie developers, either through helping to build community, helping to raise funds via Kickstarter, or with support for releasing games. Regardless of the type of partnership, the indie developer will always retain their own IP, as well as creative control over their projects.
  6. Why has the game changed?
    All the positive feedback we received through Steam, Square Enix Collective and Kickstarter empowered us to make a game we can be proud of. We knew we could do so much better than our original prototype, by anchoring the game in our history and so we did.
  7. How much has the game changed?
    • Visuals : The 2D black and white visuals have developed into detailed 3D modeled graphics.
    • Perspective : While the main character still navigates 2D, the game has a 3D perspective.
    • Atmosphere : The atmosphere is still a dark one, oppressive, dystopian, but much more anchored in our Romanian communist past.
    • Game mechanic: Black The Fall is more of a puzzler now, than it used to be. The main change is the introduction of manipulation: the main character can now manipulate machines, robots and workers. Stealth elements are still present, while the shooting elements have been removed.
    • The Pet : The main character won’t be lonely forever. He will rescue a robot pet, who’ll be able to help him with his escape.
  8. How big is the development team?
    The initial prototype was created by a team of four. Since December 2014 the team changed and grew to five members (three artists and two new programmers). As of November 2016, we are a team of nine devs, based in Bucharest, Romania: three programmers, five artists and a community manager.
  9. Why was the game launch postponed?
    We prioritized for high quality game experience and making a game that would make us proud, rather than promptitude. Hence, Black The Fall took roughly two years and a half to be developed, tested, promoted and launched.
  10. Is this how it really was in Romania before ’89?
    The game includes many elements inspired by Romania’s communist past, as well as fictional elements (such as the robots and sophisticated machines) or elements inspired by other communist worlds, real or fictional. Some examples of Romanian communist inspiration:
    • Abusive authority: There are multiple scenes where the guards are shown abusing authority. This was very frequent to any person with authority, regardless how minor (a store clerk would act like all products belong to them and they’re making you a favor selling them to you, because food was rationed and scarce).
    • Censorship: Lots of books, magazines and any other media that was not issue by the state was forbidden. People would listen to Europa Libera Radio (means Free Europe), but without ever admitting this, not even to friends or family, because one never knew who might turn them in, to Security. This is illustrated in The City, where windows and lights are shutting down when foot steps are heard outside.
    • Manipulation: People were being manipulated or black-mailed into taking certain actions. For instance, if you had a scholarship abroad, you could’ve been allowed to go, only if you agreed on collaborating with the Security and being member of the party. This usually had the consequence of turning people against each other and the manipulation chain would go on. This is reflected in the game’s main mechanism: manipulation. The main character can manipulate both machines and men, with the help of a stolen laser pointer, we call the designator.
    • Pretend to work: Usually jobs involved repetitive tasks and they were controlled by the party. Some jobs meant toiling until you die, while others were mere passing papers from here to there, according to The Party’s will. This is reflected in the game by the fact that the main character can pretend to be working, to avoid being seen by the ever-watching eye.
    • Propaganda: As in other communist countries, there was a lot of manufactured images about how wealthy the country is and how wealthy the people are, when, in fact, there was rationed food and people had no choice but to pretend to be happy and in awe towards their leader.
    • Thought-police: There was a time where you were not allowed to say anything against the System. Let alone create any type of art that could be remotely interpreted as being against The System. There was a strong propaganda against the west and a sugar-coating of the virtuosity of communism. This is shown in a Black The Fall scene, where workers are cheering when seeing their leader and booing at the Statue of Liberty.
    • Religion ban: In a rather religious country, religion was banned during communist times. But people kept on praying and believing (often, kids were baptized at home). The church puzzle illustrates exactly that: the beams oh hope people still had, despite the destruction or churches and the erase of Orthodox Christian holidays.
    • Degrading working conditions : Working conditions varied from an industry or a job role to another. However, the great mass of people would work in buildings with no heating or cooling system (we have hot summers and freezing winters). When Ceausescu had the People’s House and the Unirii boulevard built up he had toiling to have them ready as soon as possible, regardless of the cost of lives. A Black The Fall scenes illustrates this in The Mire, where people are toiling, under constant supervision building a bridge.
    • The ending: The ending of the game is showing some real images from one key event in our history: the national library on fire and the waving flag cut out in the middle.

      Here []. you can find more about Romania during the communist regime.
Last edited by Odin; Apr 3, 2017 @ 8:28am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
BlurredBorders Apr 3, 2017 @ 8:16am 
Thanks for the efforts you've put into this Faq, I'll be sure to read it whole later on! Looks like an interesting read.
Myth[Alex] Jul 9, 2017 @ 9:24pm 
Will the game have Steam trading cards?
Odin  [developer] Jul 10, 2017 @ 5:11am 
Yes it will :)
studiofkia Sep 21, 2017 @ 4:50pm 
i am a kickstarter backer and never received me key. how can i start playing?
Odin  [developer] Sep 22, 2017 @ 1:40am 
@studiofkia: Send us a direct message on KS or an email at support [at] The keys were sent out on launch date, but it must have reached your spam folder.As soon as you drop us a line, I'll send the key right away.

++ May 1, 2021 @ 6:05pm 
Will there be a second game?
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