

Tmoat Oct 17, 2022 @ 9:56am
How to stop blackouts
So I am pretty new from the game even though I got like 10 hours in the game which most are me being afk, and currently I have 2 wind turbines and everytime when it's night my power goes out
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Nox Tenebris Oct 17, 2022 @ 9:59am 
Use more turbines? Or another power source (like solar) and get some batteries to fill up.
Sreve Oct 17, 2022 @ 10:00am 
You need to research and built batteries. Also have redundancy in your power cables, in case one line gets damaged.

Edit: Also build a Generator and keep it fueled. Since Wind and Solar are not always reliable.
Last edited by Sreve; Oct 17, 2022 @ 10:03am
Lord Maelstrom Oct 17, 2022 @ 10:13am 
wood fired generators/chem/geothermal
Dr. Uncredible Oct 17, 2022 @ 10:20am 
Start by building a fueled generator or two, they will keep the lights on during night.

Then as others have mentioned, you need to get a research bench, select "batteries" from the tree and make sure you have a colonist actually researching.

The batteries will let you store power gathered from wind and sun, making these situational powers work much better.
CloudSeeker Oct 17, 2022 @ 10:30am 
When it comes to power, you want a diverse amount of sources.

You have wind turbines for when it blows. But when it does not you have...
Solor pannels for when it is sunny. But when the sun doesn't shine you have....
Geothermal that will always produce power..

And so on. You do not just have one type of power source. You also need batteries that help you when there is downtime. Like when the wind doesn't blow and when the sun doesn't shine.
failsafe Oct 17, 2022 @ 10:41am 
In early game two turbines are enough - just build some batteries, some means like 10 - if possible. This will be more than enough for first 3-5 pawns. Later build solars. And more batteries. Third solution is geothermal - more costy, but gives a lot of power.
Wantoomany Oct 17, 2022 @ 11:40am 
Just be careful with going too nuts with batteries. The more charged batteries on your power network the larger the explosion you get with a Zzzst event. Early bases with wood walls can quickly become flaming splinters with 10 or more fully charged batteries connected.

Best way to minimize the damage is to minimize your wiring and keep it away from anything that can burn or explode.
Last edited by Wantoomany; Oct 17, 2022 @ 12:01pm
Astasia Oct 17, 2022 @ 1:14pm 
Power cables under stone walls will contain almost any size explosion caused by the short circuit event. Max power events will radiate outward a little but generally wont cause enough damage to destroy anything. Mostly just don't keep chemfuel or other explosives near conduits, and if you have a ton of batteries don't leave exposed conduits anywhere that it could cause issues if it exploded. You can have as many batteries as you want all hooked up to your power grid and not have any issues with short circuits as long as you follow the above. This honestly shouldn't be any different even if you have no batteries, as even a 0 power discharge on an exposed wire near some wood/cloth/chemfuel can cause similar damage, so it's always something to consider and try to avoid.
James Oct 17, 2022 @ 1:23pm 
I just skip all the power sources that aren't geothermal. Never felt like worrying about batteries and intermittent sources of power.
failsafe Oct 17, 2022 @ 11:33pm 
One more thing: this happens to me from time to time due to me being lazy ;-P. Dont place electric stoves or other electric pieces of production equipment outside. Sometimes I try to save some time and place my electric oven on the open air, so that I dont have to build room... and I'm always suprised that it causes bzzzts ;-P.

Another good thing to do is just spread batteries in few rooms. But I think that three batteries should be enough for start.
James Oct 18, 2022 @ 7:18am 
Originally posted by failsafe:
One more thing: this happens to me from time to time due to me being lazy ;-P. Dont place electric stoves or other electric pieces of production equipment outside. Sometimes I try to save some time and place my electric oven on the open air, so that I dont have to build room... and I'm always suprised that it causes bzzzts ;-P.

Another good thing to do is just spread batteries in few rooms. But I think that three batteries should be enough for start.

I mess that up with.. is it the crematorium? or maybe I am thinking of the smelter. There is something I occasionally place outside/unroofed that I shouldn't.
Morkonan Oct 18, 2022 @ 11:13am 
Originally posted by James:
I mess that up with.. is it the crematorium? or maybe I am thinking of the smelter. There is something I occasionally place outside/unroofed that I shouldn't.

The Smelter is a usual culprit due to heat it generates. (Well, both are, but it's the more often used one.) I build mine in a room with either one wall missing or a couple of vents if it's in a cold area.

Originally posted by Man:
So I am pretty new from the game even though I got like 10 hours in the game which most are me being afk, and currently I have 2 wind turbines and everytime when it's night my power goes out

Note: A Solar Flare's effect that temporarily effects electrical power grids can't be overcome to then restore that power - You have to wait it out.

As others have stated, and I'll elaborate, you need Batteries to counter normal brown-out/power-loss situations.

Once you have some batteries, you should eventually have them charged up and they'll handle your power needs at night or during dead calms when wind generators don't work. (Be sure to build a couple of solar panels, too. Mine "Compacted Machinery" nodes for Components as needed.)

Hint: You can maximize space by building your Solar Panels within the area marked out by the Wind Generators that needs to be kept clear of any obstructions (Typically, buildings, trees and heavy stone overhangs) - Solar Panels don't obstruct the Wind Generator. :)

I always build a back-up battery power supply as well. I typically start one with three batteries and a switch that connects them to the main grid. (They're always stored in a secure room and I could build a couple of separate ones all my backup-power isn't completely taken out at once by an explosion/attack.) I charge them up, flip the Switch to disconnect them from the grid, then check them from time to time to see if they need recharging - Batteries will continually lose a small amount of charge. If I have a catastrophic power loss issue and working batteries are out, all I have to do is flip the Switch. )

Building an alternative, fueled, power source is always a good idea, even if you don't normally use it. A wood or fuel fired generator that's hooked into the power grid supporting your Freezer can save your colony's food supply in an emergency. Build one when you have the materials to spare, "just in case." Once operating, it will require a colonist to occasionally fuel it as needed, but it's not a big deal. You can keep a small stockpile of fuel nearby, just don't stack it too close to the generator. :) (For chemfuel, it's a good idea to at least give it its own little nook/closet separated from everything else and especially power lines.)
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Date Posted: Oct 17, 2022 @ 9:56am
Posts: 12