Trading Towns

Trading Towns

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KingBobCat May 30, 2024 @ 9:33pm
How Do You Trade?
New to the game and trying to figure out something that is probably obvious, that I'm simply missing.... How do you trade with other towns? Help is appreciated! :cozybethesda:
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
|Psilocybe| May 31, 2024 @ 5:05am 
You have a 3 house button at the bottom right of your storage area, you can accept offers there.
KingBobCat May 31, 2024 @ 6:23am 
Originally posted by |Psilocybe|:
You have a 3 house button at the bottom right of your storage area, you can accept offers there.
Thank you... I saw that but wasn't sure if the red arrow means selling from your town or buying for your town. And does it cost $200 for every transaction?
I was also wondering: How do you take a hero off a task? You can click & drag them to an area on the map, but how do you take them back to the right side of the screen, not assign them a task, and allow them to rest (to gain back health)? Thank you! :lunar2019grinningpig:
SomeFire Jun 10, 2024 @ 11:44pm 
> How do you take a hero off a task?
On the right there is an arrow button on hero icon.
You are not missing anything. The Trade Town appears to be broken.
I have Water ^ (up arrow) and instead of going out of my city and getting money, it does the opposite.
Then I have Magic Bow v (down arrow) and I am not receiving anything into my storage :-(
It just seems broken.
Also, there are no tooltips to explain anything in the trade town. Sooo frustrating.
deathkow Sep 24, 2024 @ 9:32am 
Red means you're buying it. Green means you're selling it.
Needle Oct 13, 2024 @ 2:49am 
Originally posted by deathkow:
Red means you're buying it. Green means you're selling it.
this needs to be better explained. Very confusing the first time you see it
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