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danpaladin  [developer] Feb 7, 2017 @ 8:39pm
(Partial) Roadmap for Update 2: World Tour
Partial roadmap for UPDATE 2

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know some of areas we seem to be focusing on for our next update. Some of these changes are already completed in our development build, while others are still being hashed out. No date has been set for Update 2's drop. No beta branch is expected this time around so we can keep players together on the same version. As always, main story stuff is being worked on along side all updates. However, a main story drop will not be ready for Update 2.

Just a reminder that this is NOT an official changelist, that some changes may not make it in time, and that our changelist is expected to be more comprehensive than this.

House Menu

The House Menu is getting its previously mentioned second pass:

Trade-off weaponry we introduced in Update 1 will now show icons that help show what strategic advantages it gives.

More trade-off weapons.

Mushrooms, Mascots, Wraiths, Troll Moms, Gorgons will all have proper House Menu readouts along the top.

Tool Tips for icons up top (just have to hover over).

Toop tips for stat bars (just have to hover over).

Color coding - Main categories of weapons will now correspond with the color of the stat bar they are most related to.

Unfair Challenge & PVP changes

Ah yes, the war between manual and auto-battler players rages. What have we chosen to do with all this?

Full-on Auto-battlers will yield much less Pit Points in both Unfair Challenge and PVP modes (as opposed to a player manually placing their fighters). Anyone paired along with an Auto-battler in either mode will not receive less Pit Points, but the Auto-battling user will receive less Pit Points. Turning it on and off throughout the match in an effort to trick the system will not work!

Auto-battler being used in moderation will not have too strong of an effect on Pit Points gained (IE. starting out, finishing a match, or being AFK for a short while during a fight).

Auto-battler speeds have been slightly reduced.

Loot rewards for participating in PVP has been introduced. Local PVP will not yield rewards as always.

"Dailies" for the Pit will be introduced. Every 24 hours, if you complete an Unfair Challenge with another player or if you win an online PVP match with another player you will receive a Quest Item and some gold to top off any other loot you've gotten. [Possibly in Update 3, if not 2]


Elite enemies will become immune to the wagon cannon and be more aggressive.

Elite enemies will leave cool little red fire trails.

Remember, elite enemies CANNOT be fleed from once engaged. Look out!!

Hopeful reference map system in some form or another for each World. May be a sign attached to your city, might have a pop-up. Maybe both, maybe neither - not certain yet.

Other delights

More balance coming for items and creatures.

Survival Guide will have a COLLECTIONS page to track each item category, each creature skin category, and each "Daily" mission status.

Some facelifts for existing weaponry; Safety Last, Pineapple, Masterwork, Crispotron and more.

More creatures available more often in the Marquette.

More chance for skins for creatures gained through loot.

"Help" from Pause Menu will now list out all the House Menu icons.

Spidaurs will gain the ability to recruit fighters from net-throw distance (may be off-loaded to Update 3 instead)

You can now rebind keys for 'sell fighter' and 'trade fighter'.

Tech Support Bow was not getting expected bonus against Electrobots in Update 1 (oops).

Option to keep or drop audio when game loses focus.

Option to keep or drop mouse cursor for game window.

Marquette will display amount of items owned for each available item.


What do you think of these proposed changes?
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 10, 2017 @ 9:37pm
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Showing 1-15 of 82 comments
MindBolt Feb 7, 2017 @ 8:55pm 
i know that you might have already answered this question, but can we have a little bit more of history in the early access? its fun to do the history :P (btw i like the changes, specially the auto-battler ones)
danpaladin  [developer] Feb 7, 2017 @ 8:58pm 
Originally posted by MindBolt:
i know that you might have already answered this question, but can we have a little bit more of history in the early access? its fun to do the history :P (btw i like the changes, specially the auto-battler ones)
I'm sorry, what are you asking for exactly? I am confused.

If you mean all of changelists being in one megapost, we may condense them at some point, but I'm trying to separate the feedback for the moment.
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:44pm
Mr.Evolution Feb 7, 2017 @ 8:59pm 
hopefully a riot doesnt start because of autobattler getting pit points nerfed
danpaladin  [developer] Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:00pm 
Originally posted by Mr.Evolution:
hopefully a riot doesnt start because of autobattler getting pit points nerfed
Hopefully not. I think most aspects Auto-battlers wanted are still there just fine. XP, Loot, challenge in picking the right stuff, those are all how they are now.

It's only regarding anyone wanting be directly competitive -- they're going to have to give it a manual whirl if they want to top the charts, which I think/hope most people would nod at.
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:02pm
birb brain Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:01pm 
Yes to the collection pages. As for the others I would be happy to see how that all looks. As for the auto battler... I'm ok with that. Itll give me more reason to not just auto pilot. Granted thats just unfair challenge only. Wouldn't hurt a coop partner though and auto battle
Last edited by birb brain; Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:02pm
danpaladin  [developer] Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:04pm 
Any AI, including auto-battler, troll babies, snakes, ghost team, or quest AI will tend to honor your comm icons (After the hotfix gets this working again). Worst case scenario you just flag a few of the enemy as targets or threats as you normally might and the AI will do their best to honor it.
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:11pm
birb brain Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:06pm 
Well we shall see. My team likes to ignore me and do their own thing. It's like they are tiny people with their own goals and decisions
hairy peak Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:26pm 
Awesome!! PvP rewards and Unfair Challenge changes! Hopefully we can play co-op easily this way :D

All the rest sounds super nice too, it is all about adding more content and that's always welcome.

Best developers taking care of best game, I only have good words for you <3 Thanks!!

I don't know if this is the right place/moment, as you guys are already working on all that content, but:

Is there any plan to include some sort of basic PvP stats? For example, in the old Starcraft (I have no idea about SC2), when a player joined a lobby you could see the wins/loses after his name.

Or maybe on the top100 players list. I would love to be able to browse my top100 list to see the rest of the players. I think if it included the wins/loses thing it would be really nice.
danpaladin  [developer] Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:30pm 
Originally posted by mochilo:
Awesome!! PvP rewards and Unfair Challenge changes! Hopefully we can play co-op easily this way :D

All the rest sounds super nice too, it is all about adding more content and that's always welcome.

Best developers taking care of best game, I only have good words for you <3 Thanks!!

I don't know if this is the right place/moment, as you guys are already working on all that content, but:

Is there any plan to include some sort of basic PvP stats? For example, in the old Starcraft (I have no idea about SC2), when a player joined a lobby you could see the wins/loses after his name.

Or maybe on the top100 players list. I would love to be able to browse my top100 list to see the rest of the players. I think if it included the wins/loses thing it would be really nice.
We already keep track of the wins a player has in versus and unfair challenge, so it wouldn't be too hard to display it in the lobby. I think part of the hope was that we didn't make it very intimidating to face someone, IE. someone with 3500 wins having everyone drop from their lobby. This is mostly why it's only shown before entering.
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:31pm
Macabre Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:41pm 
Co-op needs some more balancing like 2 capture limit per battle, and UI needs continued work, but these UI changes seem amazing! The elite enemies things I’m indifferent about, I suppose it give me a reason to buy nitro now, auto battle affecting unfair challenge is kind of annoying change since some days i just want to idle while i work around the house but not a huge deal. also really wish the Marquette would tell me with a icon or something if there a item I don’t already have in it.

Overall seems like another great patch, way to keep super active with the steam community to!
danpaladin  [developer] Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:42pm 
Originally posted by Macabre:
Co-op needs some more balancing like 2 capture limit per battle, and UI needs continued work, but these UI changes seem amazing! The elite enemies things I’m indifferent about, I suppose it give me a reason to buy nitro now, auto battle affecting unfair challenge is kind of annoying change since some days i just want to idle while i work around the house but not a huge deal. also really wish the Marquette would tell me with a icon or something if there a item I don’t already have in it.

Overall seems like another great patch, way to keep super active with the steam community to!
Marquette will display item count. I forgot to toss that up there with a few others.

For auto-battler lazy days, you'll still receive points and be able to get stuff with any medal - you just won't be able to reliably get gold as often if you're in an active bracket.
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:42pm
hairy peak Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:44pm 
Originally posted by danpaladin:
We already keep track of the wins a player has in versus and unfair challenge, so it wouldn't be too hard to display it in the lobby. I think part of the hope was that we didn't make it very intimidating to face someone, IE. someone with 3500 wins having everyone drop from their lobby. This is mostly why it's only shown before entering.
Yeah that's right, that's why I suggested showing it just on the list :D Or maybe just to be able to see it myself on the house wall, where you see the number of kills?

I think it would be cool to have any form of PvP stats that is not reset everyday, to see "how good" can I keep it during the time. And maybe it would make more people play PvP to raise their stats for some kind of reward. I really love PvP as it is now and I play it a lot, but when I have secured the top15 place it's just playing for the sake of smashing people xD
Which is not that bad, but it feels like it would make more sense if I got something outside of that, and maybe we can have a more populated PvP arena too
Macabre Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:48pm 
Originally posted by mochilo:
Originally posted by danpaladin:
We already keep track of the wins a player has in versus and unfair challenge, so it wouldn't be too hard to display it in the lobby. I think part of the hope was that we didn't make it very intimidating to face someone, IE. someone with 3500 wins having everyone drop from their lobby. This is mostly why it's only shown before entering.
Yeah that's right, that's why I suggested showing it just on the list :D Or maybe just to be able to see it myself on the house wall, where you see the number of kills?

I think it would be cool to have any form of PvP stats that is not reset everyday, to see "how good" can I keep it during the time. And maybe it would make more people play PvP to raise their stats for some kind of reward. I really love PvP as it is now and I play it a lot, but when I have secured the top15 place it's just playing for the sake of smashing people xD
Which is not that bad, but it feels like it would make more sense if I got something outside of that, and maybe we can have a more populated PvP arena too
agreed seeing more liftime stastics of your accoutn would be cool, but i definalty woulnt want people to see my stat in a lobby.
hairy peak Feb 7, 2017 @ 9:57pm 
Sorry the lobby stats was only an example of a 20 years old game, sometimes I feel my english is not good enough so I need to use weird examples xD
But in Pit People we have that tiny players list that only shows a few names around you and thought it could have better info! And PvP needs something to get more players for sure :D
Macabre Feb 7, 2017 @ 10:04pm 
Originally posted by mochilo:
Sorry the lobby stats was only an example of a 20 years old game, sometimes I feel my english is not good enough so I need to use weird examples xD
But in Pit People we have that tiny players list that only shows a few names around you and thought it could have better info! And PvP needs something to get more players for sure :D
No, your English is fine, I understood it with no issues! Its a little broken, but still better than some people I know that have it as a primary language LOL. I was just agreeing with Dans reasoning for it not showing up in a lobby, I agree a more in-depth stats of a players account should be available to them, and even more types of leader board would be cool as well.
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Date Posted: Feb 7, 2017 @ 8:39pm
Posts: 82