Nuclear Nightmare
Andro Dec 2, 2024 @ 2:27am
Respawn mechanics and feedbacks
Hey, the game is pretty fun, but i have a grip with respawn mechanics.

While i think the "you need a laptop + to have completed an objective is alright, the "you can't respawn if you were infected" is reaaalllyy bad, i get that it could work well on large group of players, but it really sucks when you are playing with 4 people, and it isn't helped by the fact that death/infection can come very quickly.

however i don't want to be fully negative and bring some feedback/realistic idea :

- don't change the mechanic, give the option to players to tweak it when creating the server, like this people who do enjoy the mechanic can keep playing it and people who don't can't just dodge the "can't respawn if infected" part

- give tools/option to "purify the corpse, heal it, etc etc," give player a way to counter this problem

- allow player to respawn even if infected in previous life, but give them a malus, like being respawn with half health

- the most extreme, get rid of it, sounds harsh, but for beginners and in general, death can come really really quickly in this game, wich is part of the fun imo, it add to the tension, but sometime the fun turn to annoyance when you realise that other people are being gatekeept of playing because of that mechanics and in the end you just decide to restart a game.,

the "do an objective to allow a respawn" is already a good idea, for me its already enough, it create a sens of emergency when you lose a friend, like "i need to do a objective to win AND to get a friend back to go further" works already well enough imo, please alter this mechanics or allow the player to tweak it in the options, thank you.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Kuikka Dec 2, 2024 @ 7:02am 
I agree, the respawn mechanic is quite unclear on when one can be called and punishes a lot. It's a good thing death has some meaning and cost, and the need to complete objectives as a payment works very well imo. However now there's too much waiting if you die. The best solution would be dead player playing as a monster until called via laptop even if they died of infection - urgency to progress as well if you don't want your friends to swarm you.

I thought about how State of Decay 2 had an own system for respawning, you had a community and once you died you selected another survivor. Could the map have certain "safe houses" randomly, where you could encounter npc's and complete a mission for them. Those npc's would be be player spawns in case death was caused by infection.
bgproductionsoffical  [developer] Dec 2, 2024 @ 10:46am 
Going to try and add this in an update tonight and see how things go.
Binks Dec 2, 2024 @ 3:43pm 
Originally posted by bgproductionsoffical:
Going to try and add this in an update tonight and see how things go.

One other thing that would be awesome would be if the respawn queue prioritized those who died first/longest time ago rather than what it is now where it seems to be prioritizing whoever died most recently.

LOOVE the game but this respawn priority has made large lobbies a bit frustrating.
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Date Posted: Dec 2, 2024 @ 2:27am
Posts: 3