Life is Feudal: Your Own

Life is Feudal: Your Own

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How much can I do in single player?
I kind of want to pick this game up again but I don't want to deal with MMORPG hell. How much can I do with the base single player model? Can I recruited NPC's and fight AI or is it just a building sandbox like back when it originally came out.
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JVT702 Jan 8 @ 7:35pm 
Not much. No other interaction is available. No NPCs, nothing but building up your experience and basic buildings which take forever! Try Medieval Dynasty or Manor Lords.
Last edited by JVT702; Jan 8 @ 7:36pm
Wait for LiF;Arden to come out. Perhaps there'll be more to do.
Mizar 51 minutes ago 
It appears to have three different single player modes, creative which I skipped, colonization where you supposedly build things, but given you have nothing I could not figure out how to get anything, and a hard mode.
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