Life is Feudal: Your Own

Life is Feudal: Your Own

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Saxxon  [developer] Sep 19, 2018 @ 5:10am
Unmovable Object Rights for Claims in Your Own
Your Own now has the ability to edit rights per object for the buildings located on guild lands.

In order to set the rights you need to point at the building with your mouse, then open the game console (Ctrl+~) and enter the command: /objectrule <rule_subject> <id> <rules>,
where <rule_subject> depicts who’s receiving the rights. Available options: char, guild, role, standing.

<id> varies depending on the subject. For a char it can be the name of your character, if it’s online. You can also use a name for a guild. role has to be a number from 1 to 7, where 1 is a guild leader, and 7 is a recruit.

In YO, unlike the MMO, you can only use two standings — War (ID: 1) or Neutral (ID: 3). Keep in mind, that in YO a character without a guild is considered to be at war with a guild that has a monument.

<rules> is a set of rules given. Can be between 00000 and 00011. You can read more about the rules here.
Last edited by Saxxon; Sep 19, 2018 @ 5:29am