Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

Small question
I played the original Star Ruler, and I had tons of fun building really huge ships. I have seen some people who have managed to construct a monstrosity the size of an entire galaxy.

My question is this: Are such levels of absurdity possible in this installment? I don't care about the practicality or whatever massive amounts of time it may take me to perform such feats, I only care about the possibility. Part of the fun in the original Star Ruler for me was how much the envelope could be pushed in terms of kicking reason to the curb.
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Well ships have same size system so should be possible
It is possible to build a maintenance-free ship, and spread the consruction cost over several budget cycles using drydocks.
So yes, it's possible, allthough I doubt you're ever going to build something galaxy-sized, even for fun.
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