No Man's Sky

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logic Jun 3, 2020 @ 4:46pm
Getting to the Galactic Core
So I'm trying to get to the galactic core, but I'm still 700k light years away and my hyperdrive only has a range of 294 ly with upgrades.

Is there a way I can further increase it?
Last edited by logic; Jun 3, 2020 @ 4:59pm
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Noodle Jun 3, 2020 @ 4:57pm 
Yep, start by getting the upgrades from the Nexus which allow you to warp to different star types, you need all 3(?) to warp to the core. You can increase the range with the classed range modules. S class is the best and will grant you the longest range.

Of course, using black holes will help out a lot, they take you 100k+ sometimes a lot more lightyears. Granted, not always in the direction you need it but you'll always find something interesting at the other side.
Know Won Jun 3, 2020 @ 5:19pm 
you only need the last of the special star drives, u can scrap the first 2 for scraps and space , u can get 3 upgrades in each location 3 in the tech spots and 3 in general/storage location , so double up , works on shields , pulse drive, and weapons i think, may be a max setting on ships , havent checked
Biderbeck Jun 3, 2020 @ 6:16pm 
black holes help you get closer. Also the type of ship u r trying to use comes into play. explorers exotics and living ships have the best hyper drive range to start, explorers and exotics are the easiest to upgrade.
Vril Mystique Jun 3, 2020 @ 6:52pm 
Keep in mind that not all S class upgrades are equal, they vary from 200LY to 250LY and how you place them also impacts the total. Took me about 270 jumps to get from 704k LY out to the center without using black holes in my Squid that can jump up to 2827 LY
Happy Monkey Jun 3, 2020 @ 7:13pm 
I've seen mention of black holes that are especially good, but the vast majority of black holes get you about 6K closer. It could be all the way on the other side of the galaxy, so it traveled very far, but it's always about 6K closer to the center.

So a good strategy is to use a ship with a good hyperdrive to point at the center, and find the black hole furthest toward the center, and warp to it (2-3K). Then switch to an un-upgraded ship (so the black hole won't break upgrades) and go through the hole (6K) so 8-9K closer in two trips, foir an average of 4-4.5K per trip.

Still a lot of trips to go 700K.
Wizard of Woz Jun 3, 2020 @ 7:23pm 
Originally posted by logic:
So I'm trying to get to the galactic core, but I'm still 700k light years away and my hyperdrive only has a range of 294 ly with upgrades.

Is there a way I can further increase it?
You can also do the main quest and it will do it automatically.
Blendi Jun 3, 2020 @ 7:29pm 
Hyperdrive can be upgraded to 3,200 light years under very specific conditions. mainly you need an explorer type S-class ship and then you need every single hyperdrive upgrade, including emergency warp tech, then you have to arrange them just right to maximize the range. Once you've done everything, including grinding out S class hyperdrive upgrade modules to get 250 light-year range on them, it still doesn't beat using black holes which will on average take you 6,000-7000 light-years closer to the galactic core at the cost of damaging a module in your ship's inventory(tech tab is immune). Either mehtod will involve a lot of warping regardless but black hole will require less warps. I've gone to the center twice(different galaxies) using black holes and its a grind.
eberkain Jun 3, 2020 @ 7:55pm 
I did the story and got put in calypso, thought I would go to another one but after spending several hours and not making much progress it doens't seem worth it.
Blendi Jun 3, 2020 @ 7:59pm 
Originally posted by eberkain:
I did the story and got put in calypso, thought I would go to another one but after spending several hours and not making much progress it doens't seem worth it.
Yeah, its tedious. Why you gotta put on some traveling music.
Studdza Jun 3, 2020 @ 8:45pm 
In the 10th galaxy. The best way is Black Holes. I do a couple of jumps each session, they add up...
Jaesun Jun 3, 2020 @ 10:50pm 
On your Freighter, unlock the Plasmatic Warp Injector (300 LY) jump, then unlock the Reality De-Threader (800 LY) jump. Have fun finding all those Salvaged Frigate Modules for that....

In the Galaxy Map, keep following the path to the Galactic Core, and keep jumping toward the center, but do also look for any near by Black Holes near the Galactic Path and go to them. Make sure you have a ship that can survive a Black Hole. Enter them, and then keep going.

The Nexus missions can sometime have Salvaged Frigate Modules as rewards, so keep those in mind too. Of note, you can do Nexus mission in single player (with multi-player turned off). They *can* show up there, but not all the time :/

Blendi Jun 3, 2020 @ 11:18pm 
Originally posted by Jaesun:
On your Freighter, unlock the Plasmatic Warp Injector (300 LY) jump, then unlock the Reality De-Threader (800 LY) jump. Have fun finding all those Salvaged Frigate Modules for that....

In the Galaxy Map, keep following the path to the Galactic Core, and keep jumping toward the center, but do also look for any near by Black Holes near the Galactic Path and go to them. Make sure you have a ship that can survive a Black Hole. Enter them, and then keep going.

The Nexus missions can sometime have Salvaged Frigate Modules as rewards, so keep those in mind too. Of note, you can do Nexus mission in single player (with multi-player turned off). They *can* show up there, but not all the time :/

You can also 'pirate' frigate salvage modules from cargo pods(-1 rep with system race) and freighters cargo(no penalty) aside from annoying sentinel ship that will come to attack you just ignore it and keep going till you've done all the freighters that warped in. This is sadly the fastest way since it sounds like they nerfed the drop rates from missions and such.
Last edited by Blendi; Jun 3, 2020 @ 11:18pm
Originally posted by noodle:
Yep, start by getting the upgrades from the Nexus which allow you to warp to different star types, you need all 3(?) to warp to the core.
You don't need any of them to get to the core. & your ship range is also irrelevant in this situation. You only need to be at a gateway system (no other systems nearby that are closer to the core).
You must have a full hyperdrive & hold toward core for some time. Make sure when you go into galaxy map that you do nothing at all for a few moments. Keep giving the game time to figure itself out after everything you do in the galaxy map.
Last edited by No Man's Sky Resources; Jun 4, 2020 @ 7:23am
The Old Song Jun 4, 2020 @ 9:06am 
if your goal is just to get to the center of *a* galaxy, you could try teleporting to random peoples bases from the Space Anomaly which may be way closer than your discoveries. Then go to a space station in their area and you can teleport between all you want.
Shadowfox Jun 5, 2020 @ 8:43pm 
yes as above, when i go to nexus I have bases up at center of euclid and other galaxies for others to use as a form of transfer
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Date Posted: Jun 3, 2020 @ 4:46pm
Posts: 19