Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star

Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star

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Capturing locations ?
I am playing the first campain and defending the big city when i sent out a few squads to cap the enemy locations like hill 209 the barn and crossroads as well as defending the ones the enemy was after. at the end of the battle i own every flag (cap location) on the map but the battle report says i was defeted and back at the operations map my units are gone and the enemy has all the locations and i cant figure out why, Do i need more than just a squad to keep a flag location? If my commanders die do i loos the whole company at the end of a battle? If i ask for a cease fire first do i loos all my cap locations?Im also haveing trouble understanding the resupply. When i click on the supply depot in the town it shoes 3 two man squads but i cant access or use them and none of my units are being supplyed so im wondering what im doing wrong.Also i have a few medals like iron cross war merit cross badge close assult badge infantry assult badge silver wound badge and was wondering if anyone knows wher i can look up what they mean and how i got them.(Turn three Allies 78 enemy 24)
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Capturing stuff causes confussion (once upon a time for me as well) as it handles this a bit different than one might expect. You can capture a point with just 1 guy. That is not an issue. Keeping it is another. So you cap a point and move your guys off somewhere... Now NO one is guarding that point. The enemy can come along a grab that point. Thing is unless a soldier is somewhere near the flag area (does not HAVE to be in it...just close) then you can loose the point but NEVER know it. AS the flag will still say you own it. Reality is you OWNED it but someone came along and took that area and since no one was there to tell you that.... So end of battle you are not in control of that point.

Also if a point is contested so long as you have more guys in the area you will retain control of it. So say a bunch of heavy tanks come along... You deside to order your guys to hold fire and hide. Assuming you have enough guys you will retain that point as you where never cleared off of it.

If your CO dies you do not loose that company or platoon. They will be a disadavantage as no leadership however. Now your unit can become routed if the area your in is taken over. If there is NO near by place for your units to go, you loose control of them and thy become routed. HOWEVER! Not all is lost....they will try and make their way back your lines and if they do so, will become active again. They can also become active again if they make it to a non contolled area. Sometimes...they end up WAY behind the enemy lines =). This can be good or bad. If there are little combat units its great! IMO. You can go attack their supply guys or something. Or attack a unit from behind....encircle some enemy units...etc.

So try and retain control of your starting locations. If you do this they can not become routed. If you have to move out of the area take over a square close by and hope nothing gets routed. Using units that are beat up and low on manpower to keep an eye out over flags is useful. Even if all they do is spot an enemy it gives you intel you need.
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Posté le 16 févr. 2014 à 17h08
Messages : 1