BabyCat  [developer] Aug 24, 2016 @ 12:20am
Depth: Zapped
Depth: Zapped
Zippy was recently discovered by marine biologists on a research mission when their ship's instruments began suffering from electrical interference. This was the first observation of Zippy's mysterious electrical powers. Zippy is often seen striking his prey with a large electrical discharge from his tail. Scientists are currently unsure if Zippy is a newly discovered electric fish or genetic mutation.

100+ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
A new set of item drops is now available in Depth bringing the total number of item drops to just over 100! With the newly released set be sure to keep your eye out for Zippy the thresher with an electrifying personality, Grimtooth the mako whom is death incarnate under the seas, and so many more jawesome skins!

Rarity Tiers: (Rarest at the top)

Zapped Item Drops:
Thresher - Zippy

Mako - Grimtooth
Hammerhead - Exogel

ADS - Gold
Harpoon - Gold
APS - Wall Bash
Hammerhead - Tribal Tattoo (White)
Great White - Tribal Tattoo (White)

Volleyjet - Digital Fire
Volleyjet - Digital Ice
Hammerhead - Tribal Tattoo (Black)
Great White - Tribal Tattoo (Black)
Sea Mine - Molten
Tiger - Predator
Bull - Riverhunter

Spear Pistol - Hot Rod
Supply Kit - Hot Rod
PAT - Aero
Volleyjet - Aero
ADS - Cherry Bomb
Harpoon - Cherry Bomb
Knife - Symbiote (Red)
Knife - Symbiote (Purple)
Knife - Symbiote (Green)
Knife - Symbiote (Blue)
Medkit - Smiley Face
Bang Stick - Wavebreak

Volleyjet - Stained
P11 - Smiley Face
P11 - Halftone
Sensor - HEX
Bang Stick - Algae
APS - Algae
Net Gun - Cerulean
BangS tick - Cerulean
Net Gun - Viridian
DPV - Viridian
Sensor - Comic Grunge
Spear Gun - Comic Grunge
SPP1 - Rust
Sea Mine - Rust
Supply Kit - Halftone
Spear Gun - Sand Stalker
Medkit - Checkmate
Sea Mine - Stained
PAT - Scanline
Spear Pistol - Kelp Hunter

This includes the major changes since the last update (minor bugfixes and changes are not included)


  • Fixed bug with Dual Spear Pistols being automatic, now requires two clicks to fire both shots
  • Evolution Points are now only received when alive as a shark, if you are dead you will get them on your next spawn. (Affecting things such as Makos and Serrated Teeth)


  • Fixes/improvements to a few UI locations where text was being cut off in some languages
  • Fixed issue with sizing of 'Waiting for players' box when players are connecting to a server


  • Olmec: Fixed breakable at safe 3 using incorrect sound
  • Stash: Fixed godspots in Safe 3 bomb rooms
  • Temple: Fixed godspots along path between safes 3 and 4
  • Temple: Adjusted safe timings and amounts of cash given
  • Tutorial: Fixed issues caused by dying to breaching during the tutorial


  • Add more inspect animations


  • Music now ducks during drops at end round scoreboard


  • Shark AI dies to being beached less
Last edited by BabyCat; Aug 24, 2016 @ 1:57am
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Showing 1-15 of 43 comments
GlacticaMO Aug 24, 2016 @ 12:30am 
love that sharks skin
Uncle Supplies Aug 24, 2016 @ 12:30am 
SeanXD (Banned) Aug 24, 2016 @ 12:33am 
Yay, moar skins. :awkward:
Uncle Supplies Aug 24, 2016 @ 12:40am 
Is Temple still reversed? If so, please unreverse.
How long are they set to be down for?
76561198127376414 Aug 24, 2016 @ 2:00am 
Sielulintu Aug 24, 2016 @ 2:03am 
Niiice! :)
Anubis Aug 24, 2016 @ 2:51am 
gj! :greatwhite::TheShark:
KrokZombie Aug 24, 2016 @ 3:07am 
Vahnkiljoy Aug 24, 2016 @ 3:21am 
Honestly, I'm disappointed in that mako skin, aesthetically it kind of looks bad, wish it had gotten a tribal skin like the others imo. If I ever get a shark skin drop and it happens to be that I don't think I'll use it.
Slim Dusty Aug 24, 2016 @ 3:56am 
have to know if you have the Zippy thrasher skin on does using the tail whip make a thunder clap sound?
Fishy7798 Aug 24, 2016 @ 4:02am 
I cant find zippy on the marketplace, has no listing for him been added?
BabyCat  [developer] Aug 24, 2016 @ 4:08am 
Originally posted by Slim Dusty:
have to know if you have the Zippy thrasher skin on does using the tail whip make a thunder clap sound?

Yes it does.

Originally posted by Goldfish McThunderDick:
I cant find zippy on the marketplace, has no listing for him been added?

Zippy is quite a rare skin so it will take time for people to get him and to list him on the Steam marketplace.
Slim Dusty Aug 24, 2016 @ 4:12am 
sweet now i just need to get lucky
Aug 24, 2016 @ 4:46am 
still get "Unable to connect to matchmaking!" for Blood and Gold :awkward:
Quick Match and Megalodon Hunt works fine.
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Showing 1-15 of 43 comments
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Date Posted: Aug 24, 2016 @ 12:20am
Posts: 43