BabyCat  [developer] May 24, 2017 @ 10:53pm
Depth: Shark Fight

Impact Labs is a group of rogue scientists led by former Aquatekk Industries researcher Dr. Larson. The lab is well known for taking on any project - given the right price. Recently they've picked up a contract of questionable ethics, that aims to identify a species of shark to transform into the ultimate man eater. Two sharks have been identified with the best potential for the project; the Goblin and Oceanic Whitetip. Sides have formed in the lab, and its up to you to help prove which species is the best! Will you fight on the side of the Goblin Shark, the living fossil with a menacing extendable jaw? Or will you fight on the side of the Oceanic Whitetip Shark, a shark known for its dangerous and aggressive behavior toward shipwrecked crews? Choose which side you fight for in the main menu and as you complete matchmade games of Depth your score will earn points for your selected side! The side with the most votes at the end of the event will be chosen as the next shark species added to Depth!

Shark Fight - Treasure

Depth's first event treasure has come ashore! Complete games of Depth during the Shark Fight event to earn Shark Fight Event Treasures! Featuring a variety of new designs for sharks and divers alike, you'll want to be sure to keep an eye out for creations from Impact Labs such as Stitches the Bull Shark, and their heavily modified Harpoon! The Shark Fight Event Treasure will also be available for purchase on the Depth Item Store for the duration of Shark Fight. Event treasures and items gained from Shark Fight will be tradeable and marketable at the conclusion of the event.

Shark Fight - Commemorative Coin

To commemorate Shark Fight we've released another leveling event commemorative coin! Similar to previous events you level your coin by earning score in completed matchmade games of Depth, but only before Shark Fight ends!

Item Crafting - A new way to recycle!

Impact Labs has setup an interesting way to recycle the old into the new! Their lab is available for use in crafting new items now in the Store's Crafting area in the main menu, and will even be sticking around after Shark Fight ends. So if at any time you find yourself with items that you don't need anymore, give crafting a whirl and who knows what will come out!

Introducing the Social Bar

With Shark Fight we've change how lobbies and the friends panel are presented while still delivering the same functionality as before by condensing them into a new area called the Social Bar. This has opened valuable space along the right side of the main menu which we will continue to tweak in the future.

This includes the major changes since the last update (minor bugfixes and changes are not included)


  • Steam Lobby chat moved down into the new Social Bar.
  • Steam Lobby member buttons moved down into the new Social Bar.
  • Added an Insert Emoticon popup for Social Bar chat input.
  • Play menus split into MultiPlayer and Solo menus.
  • Matchmaking, Steam, Lobby and Internet errors are more prominently displayed.
  • Fixed bots pushing players off the Round End Scoreboard.
  • Skin Crafting menu added where you can combine skins into a better random skin.
  • Added a special Play menu for Lobby Minions that shows the settings the Lobby Leader has chosen.


  • Fixed a godspot in Cove.
  • Temple: Now has 612 treasure pickups, down from 684. Larger, more obvious clusters, similar to the other levels. Less clusters overall.
  • Temple: Opened a wall of Safe 1 main entrance, added some more pillars along the route to the entrace.
  • Temple: Closed up sides of Safe 1 room a little more, each wall was closed up to a different degree based on its circumstance. Normal (static) meshes added in place of destructible/see-through breakable meshes.
  • Temple: Added new mini-attic to Safe 1
  • Temple: Added a boulder to the ground of Safe 1


  • Shark Fight Event with Event Treasure, Commemorative Coin, and community voting.
  • Fixed issue where one gib in Bull Beast was unable to be interacted with.
  • Improved Chrome effect of Chrome Skins.
  • Aquatekk ADS Screen no longer disappears when scope is applied.
  • Smiley Face Medkit had inconsistent rarity tiers set.


  • Weapon and Shark Skin content layout and referencing changed to improve memory footprint.
  • Increased server tick rate.
Last edited by BabyCat; May 25, 2017 @ 1:22am
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Showing 1-15 of 329 comments
KrokZombie May 24, 2017 @ 10:54pm 
Sinopia May 24, 2017 @ 10:54pm 
Jynn May 24, 2017 @ 11:05pm 
Neat :greatwhite:

Go team White Tip!
Last edited by Jynn; May 24, 2017 @ 11:22pm
Pixy May 24, 2017 @ 11:15pm 
GlacticaMO May 24, 2017 @ 11:20pm 
Sticky [Ci5] May 24, 2017 @ 11:54pm 
GlacticaMO May 25, 2017 @ 12:08am 
I noticed that abyssal items can't use for craft. Why?
Ω ScAVENGE Ω (Banned) May 25, 2017 @ 12:09am 
Boring update 10/10

Would play.
BabyCat  [developer] May 25, 2017 @ 12:15am 
Originally posted by GlacticaMO:
I noticed that abyssal items can't use for craft. Why?

We felt it was best that the Hadal tier remained at the same level of scarcity.
GlacticaMO May 25, 2017 @ 12:26am 
Originally posted by BabyCat:
Originally posted by GlacticaMO:
I noticed that abyssal items can't use for craft. Why?

We felt it was best that the Hadal tier remained at the same level of scarcity.
and the community skin can't be obtain by craft. right?
Walrus-Sama May 25, 2017 @ 12:30am 
Last edited by Walrus-Sama; May 25, 2017 @ 12:30am
Fire Enthusiast May 25, 2017 @ 12:32am 
Think I might start playing again, this looks fun as
Sinopia May 25, 2017 @ 12:57am 
Originally posted by GlacticaMO:
Originally posted by BabyCat:

We felt it was best that the Hadal tier remained at the same level of scarcity.
and the community skin can't be obtain by craft. right?
That's right. You can trade up the skins you get from treasures, but you can't get a treasure skin by crafting.
Nice updated this game has some of the best deves ive seen keep up the good work. PS any news on the ps4 controller issues as i would not mind using it for this event. im not to keen on the xbox controller
CJOLL4 May 25, 2017 @ 1:28am 
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Showing 1-15 of 329 comments
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Date Posted: May 24, 2017 @ 10:53pm
Posts: 329