Secrets of Grindea

Secrets of Grindea

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Is this ever going on sale?
I'd like to get 2 if it ever comes to a point :/
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Mittenz Jul 15, 2015 @ 5:31am 
The game was released two days ago i don't think there will be a sale soon.
Last edited by Mittenz; Jul 15, 2015 @ 5:55am
Play Metaphor Jul 15, 2015 @ 6:00am 
Well, if you wait 5 months you might be able to save 2-3 dollars.

Does it sound like a good trade-off?
LionShard Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:06am 
Woulh hope there would be no sale before it gets out of early access at least
Rheyner Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:28am 
Apparently on the website you can get deals and money off :D
Teddy | Pixel Ferrets  [developer] Jul 16, 2015 @ 6:02am 
I don't like to talk in definites since circumstances can always change, but our stance right now is to not have any sales until the game goes out of Early Access, whenever that may be. I don't see this changing anytime soon!

Our reasoning: the most important thing for us when selling this game is that buyers are aware of what they purchase in terms of stability, content etc, which is why we have disclaimers all over the place telling people to try the demo first, read the Early Access information, check the devblog and so forth.

The idea behind a sale is the complete opposite of that philosophy. A sale is meant to appeal to the impulses of potential customers, i.e. "oh man ♥♥♥♥ better buy this quick before it gets more expensive again!"

I'm not saying other developers in Early Access are "doing it wrong" or anything. Prison Architect comes to mind as a wildly successful Early Access game that heavily price dumps during sales (85 % off during Summer Sale iirc). However, for us I think it's a bad fit.

By avoiding sales until release we also make sure that most players will belong to our target audience! This is great since we rely so much on player feedback as we go along. If we had a 50 % off sale we'd probably rope in a bunch of people who don't really like this kind of game and then we'd get feedback asking for killstreak bonuses and fast cars!

The only slight departure from this stance is the 4-packs which we offer at our website (and hope to offer here if Steam gives us the go-ahead). We decided to offer that since we believe the co-op to be one of our main features, and wanted to make it more accessible for "gamer groups" (those small groups of players that almost exclusively play together).

Crap, this became a wall of text quite quickly!

TL;DR: Sales before full release is unlikely. We prefer that players don't buy it on impulse, and sales make people buy stuff on impulse!
Originally posted by Teddy | PixelFerrets:
I don't like to talk in definites since circumstances can always change, but our stance right now is to not have any sales until the game goes out of Early Access, whenever that may be. I don't see this changing anytime soon!

Our reasoning: the most important thing for us when selling this game is that buyers are aware of what they purchase in terms of stability, content etc, which is why we have disclaimers all over the place telling people to try the demo first, read the Early Access information, check the devblog and so forth.

The idea behind a sale is the complete opposite of that philosophy. A sale is meant to appeal to the impulses of potential customers, i.e. "oh man ♥♥♥♥ better buy this quick before it gets more expensive again!"

I'm not saying other developers in Early Access are "doing it wrong" or anything. Prison Architect comes to mind as a wildly successful Early Access game that heavily price dumps during sales (85 % off during Summer Sale iirc). However, for us I think it's a bad fit.

By avoiding sales until release we also make sure that most players will belong to our target audience! This is great since we rely so much on player feedback as we go along. If we had a 50 % off sale we'd probably rope in a bunch of people who don't really like this kind of game and then we'd get feedback asking for killstreak bonuses and fast cars!

The only slight departure from this stance is the 4-packs which we offer at our website (and hope to offer here if Steam gives us the go-ahead). We decided to offer that since we believe the co-op to be one of our main features, and wanted to make it more accessible for "gamer groups" (those small groups of players that almost exclusively play together).

Crap, this became a wall of text quite quickly!

TL;DR: Sales before full release is unlikely. We prefer that players don't buy it on impulse, and sales make people buy stuff on impulse!

Thanks for the brief answer! I wanted to buy it now but pretty stacked on games (blame that recent summer sale) and i had in mind that things might get ugly while developing or changes might affect the gameplay in a bad way / old progress?
Teddy | Pixel Ferrets  [developer] Jul 16, 2015 @ 6:27am 
Originally posted by Zugzwang:
Thanks for the brief answer! I wanted to buy it now but pretty stacked on games (blame that recent summer sale) and i had in mind that things might get ugly while developing or changes might affect the gameplay in a bad way / old progress?

I wouldn't worry about us breaking the game, and save files are compatible between versions, but if you have a ton of other games you want to play I suggest you go through them first!

Secrets of Grindea will still be here when you're done :)
Originally posted by Teddy | PixelFerrets:
Originally posted by Zugzwang:
Thanks for the brief answer! I wanted to buy it now but pretty stacked on games (blame that recent summer sale) and i had in mind that things might get ugly while developing or changes might affect the gameplay in a bad way / old progress?

I wouldn't worry about us breaking the game, and save files are compatible between versions, but if you have a ton of other games you want to play I suggest you go through them first!

Secrets of Grindea will still be here when you're done :)
Alright thanks!
Saber~xyl May 12, 2016 @ 1:42am 
Reep May 12, 2016 @ 1:20pm 
this game is amazing, worth the money.
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Date Posted: Jul 14, 2015 @ 10:47pm
Posts: 10