Age of Water

Age of Water

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A List With Remarks And Ideas
Hi :mgoat: ,

I've been away for some time and came back in hope to see a smoother Age of Water and filled with more content. And so I did.

I liked to see that there are much more ressources to find and getting through the world is much more smoother and you even see where the Armadas are hiding. The new groundbattles are nice puzzles and it is a good way to get off the waves for a minute.

But yet I still have some remarks to make and like to explain some of them:

  1. Endtimes Content
    The story ends somewhere of course and going out there has a limited thrill if your ship that you are building up has no real purpose anymore. So I am still convinced that if you would place more Arenas on the map, where we would actually get some fun pvp going with Leaderboards for each rank so that building up our ships would not end in a void, more people would like to compete and could show off their different builds. Like in a grand Race throughout the map where you have to use the streams (fun stuff happens all the time when you race with outsiders around you), a Jumping Contest or some different modes like those I pinned at the end of the list.

  2. Base-Storage
    The Storage-Inventory at the base is still very limited in its handling, like not being able to scrap stuff, only switch, or the overall idea of everything being just in disorder, where the same stuff appears in different positions throughout the inventory.

  3. Base-Construction-Side
    Somehow I can't really tell which Buildings I have already built because the only reference I have are the pictures in the menu, which means I have to switch from Building-Menu to Base on and on and on, simply because there are no names when I click on a building. Plus I have no idea what 2 of those 3 buttons mean when I click on a building.

  4. Ship-Construction
    I still don't see how many parts I have already placed on my ship, which means I bumb into the 100 limit and sometimes have to rethink my construction just because I could not plan ahead.

  5. Route/PVP-Markers
    I really really really would like to change the Route-Markers to the height of where the distance-numbers appear right now, as well as PVP-Markers! The Route- and PVP-Markers are a constant annoying thing which are blocking sight to targeting ships. And if you got a few of them, you can block sight to an whole Armada. And Route-Markers are very usefull for Navigation!

  6. Armada-Meeting-Room
    Another point that would be very useful is a feature to find a group for the Armadas that are too hard to fight alone, like those Multiple-Stage-Armadas. Maybe a room where you can join/open different groups named by the quadrant where the Armada is located, so that you can join and meet and dont have to wait at the spot for ages.

  7. Rocks
    How about Three Whales gathering all the rocks the Captains bring to throw them onto the ground beneath to build a new Island at some point in the future.

  8. Animal Companions
    It would be a nice feature to have like Seagulls, Marlins, Dolphins or Albatros flying and swimming beside the ship if they don't glitch out.

Thanks :MMForFun::handhorns:, have fun and here are some Ideas I had for PVP:

Ghoulliver's Island


Bobber's Cool Surfings


Jump-An-X (Humans Only)


Weekend-PVP-Event: Pirate's Curse

Additional thoughts

I'm really running into moments where I can't see the point of playing further because I have not really a thing to drive to at the moment.

The Stories seems to go nowhere in the missions I really liked and just end without giving me another goal, the pvp is giving me a few medallions for a store that has not much to offer anymore and my heavy Rank V Ship is getting too heavy to put the cool stuff onto that I would like to, because it would not have enough room for water breaking in.

The progress of the game is really slow and I don't know why there is not more done to it.. It is a beautiful game, it just needs more content. The basic progress seems very grindy and I could have so much fun on the path to the top, but I just have not enough different stuff to do.

No offence, but It looks like Three Whales are going with their flow, which is nice, but I'd like to play the heck out of this game! :mgoat:
Last edited by WakWak; Jan 24 @ 11:02am
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can get resources by exploring rocks and often have mysterious barrel with shark gun parts etc
WakWak Jan 17 @ 9:46am 
Hi, yeah, I meant those chunks you put into your cargo bay to gain ballast. :handhorns:
WakWak Jan 17 @ 1:40pm 
Animal Companions
It would be a nice feature to have like Seagulls, Marlins, Dolphins or Albatros flying and swimming beside the ship if they don't glitch out.
WakWak Jan 18 @ 12:37pm 
I'm really running into moments where I can't see the point of playing further because I have not really a thing to drive to at the moment.

The Stories seems to go nowhere in the missions I really liked and just end without giving me another goal, the pvp is giving me a few medallions for a store that has not much to offer anymore and my heavy Rank V Ship is getting too heavy to put the cool stuff onto that I would like to, because it would not have enough room for water breaking in.

The progress of the game is really slow and I don't know why there is not more done to it.. It is a beautiful game, it just needs more content. The basic progress seems very grindy and I could have so much fun on the path to the top, but I just have not enough different stuff to do.

No offence, but It looks like Three Whales are going with their flow, which is nice, but I'd like to play the heck out of this game! :mgoat:
can sell rocks to some traders also rocks needed early on for some research/building if I have remembered correctly
WakWak Jan 18 @ 3:42pm 
Originally posted by pauldavies630:
can sell rocks to some traders also rocks needed early on for some research/building if I have remembered correctly
Yeah, totally right.. but maybe make a mission out of it... like, a transporter.
WakWak Jan 22 @ 1:34pm 
I really really really would like to change the Route-Markers to the height of where the distance-numbers appear right now, as well as PVP-Markers!

The Route- and PVP-Markers are a constant annoying thing which are blocking sight to targeting ships. And if you got a few of them, you can block sight to an whole Armada.

And Route-Markers are very usefull for Navigation!

Also... can we maybe get a treasure-chest at the center of those Armada-spawnings? So that if you do destroy the whole armada, you check the middle of those flag-circles if there are riches to find?
WakWak Jan 24 @ 11:02am 
Another point that would be very useful is a feature to find a group for the Armadas that are too hard to fight alone, like those Multiple-Stage-Armadas. Maybe a room where you can join/open different groups named by the quadrant where the Armada is located, so that you can join and meet and dont have to wait at the spot for ages.
remove the saving martha/bertha quest entirely so players are stuck where they can't progress and can't finish the quest against a ship that sinks them in 10 seconds while auto repairing itself faster than you can damage it.
WakWak Jan 24 @ 7:05pm 
Originally posted by ❀ MOSOTO ❀:
remove the saving martha/bertha quest entirely so players are stuck where they can't progress and can't finish the quest against a ship that sinks them in 10 seconds while auto repairing itself faster than you can damage it.
Although I must agree that I couldn't have done it alone, it was only a second smaller ship needed for me to finally sink it. Plus, you might need those Shark-Weapons. Very hard Challenge, but possible and others have that quest too. Maybe wait a moment close to it for others to arrive, or ask in the chat?

One of my suggestions is to add a Meeting Room, where we could open or join groups with the same goal more easily.
Last edited by WakWak; Jan 24 @ 7:07pm
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