Turbo Dismount
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Community Suggestions
The purpose of this thread is for people to post suggestions for vehicles, scenarios, and features they'd like to see added to Turbo Dismount.

Here's a collected list of suggestions (from the original thread in the Greenlight discussions)

Bolded suggestions have been added or confirmed
Vehicles (Player):
Vehicle with plow on the front
Baby stroller
Pogo stick
Unicycle (like Pink Lightning but with 1 wheel)
Bubble (big ball you roll in, like a ZORB)
Tank (treads with a Wedge-like seat)
Wrecking Ball (Like Red Hot Engine but with a steel ball)
Hotel Luggage Trolley
Tandem Bikes (will go well with my multiple ragdoll idea)
Hang glider
Bomb on wheels (could probably work as an obstacle or NPC vehicle as well)
Bed on wheels (http://i.imgur.com/34WI9Wq.jpg)
Motorized tire (http://i.imgur.com/KKSrHl2.jpg)
Truck with trailer
Pink Lightning/Mall Racer
Rolls Royce
Aston Martin DB5
Chopper-style motorcycle with sidecar
Tow truck towing a car/car pulling a boat
Two small trucks with the figure doing the splits between them,
Dune Buggy
Wheel chair
Vehicle with a cannon
Barrels (where your character is sitting on the inside)
Big tire
Limo with a sunroof pose
An Aston Martin vehicle with ejector seat
Pizza delivery car (complete with hot pizza to burn you on contact for points)
Unstable toilet on wheels like a pram/stroller
Rollercoaster with carriages attached
Biplane w/ rotor
Supercar based off of a Lamborghini or Ferrari
A couple classic American muscle cars (Based off' 68 Pontiac GTO, '69 Dodge Charger)
Bulkier sedan/four door sports car (Example: '06 and up Dodge Charger)
Mini cooper style car
Fiat 500/ Smart Car for player
Formula 1 style racecar
Ambulance (Pose in back, doors that swing open)
Monster Truck
Roller Skates
Farm Tractor
Riding Lawn Mower
Golf Cart
Rocket Car
Scooter (either motorized or a kid push scooter)
Construction vehicles (crane,loader,cement mixer,etc.)
Space rover
Space suit
Go Kart

Vehicles (Traffic)
18 Wheeler
Oil tanker (explodes when hit hard)
Pickup truck
Emergency vehicles (Police, ambulance, etc.)
Sports cars speeding

Snowy level
Room where you are small and there is a toy set set up that you can ride on
Car is on a bridge, and attempts to jump to a bridge next to it
Outside an airport and a plane is behind you. you go on a ramp and you crash into some boxes
Like Chicken, but with a turn
A huge gap that you can jump over
A road that leads to an army hangar with cars crossing an intersection like T-Junction
A stadium where you can choose different steering to (attempt to) pull of stunts
Staircase (bring back the classical stair dismount)
Assembly floor of a factory complete with a conveyor belt that goes through random smashing pillars, steam rollers, and gears
The top of roller coaster-like road complete with loop-de-loop
The top of a skyscraper (with traffic at the base of it)
A mountainside road with a ravine to the side full of trees and physics-sensitive boulders
Rope bridge that collapses when you're midway across, plunging you into a rocky cliff side to tumble down
Level like chicken level, but crash midair over highway or pit (or helicopter because helicopters are awesome)
Bowling alley
Rockslide level (cliffside road with boulders rolling down from above across road)
Battleground level (tanks driving around, shooting cannons)
Tumbler (like a washing machine for cars, drive down ramp into rotating pit/loop with walls and pegs to smash against)
Over-the-top levels in the vein of Stair Dismount (An oversized pinball machine, a big peg board to crash down, a jump into an office building Lethal Weapon-style, etc.)
Windmill level like a Mini-golf course/something with spinning blades
Railroad crossing level with a looping train.
Space level with zero gravity
Levels inspired by Next Car Game tech demo level (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SvRZpykS6s)
Skate Park/Half Pipe
Funbox Themed level
Flatout-style mini games (dart board, far jump, etc.)
Ski jump, with landing zone as a big intersection with speeding cars
A six-way intersection (preferably with traffic)
A scenario where you drive down a mountain of stairs (like the first game with cars)

The Cliff:
Scenery: Desert
Description: A small three-way intersection at the top of a cliff, with a guard rail protecting the cliff edge. You can break through the guard rail, to fall off of the cliff and hit another road.
"Drive in traffic (driving down the road with other cars and being able to crash into them and drive over them.)"

On top of a train or driving in front of one
Destruction derby
Nascar-style Speedway
Behind a car transporter as vehicles fall off (like in Bad Boys 2)
Plane crash (as in you're on a runway as a plane crashes towards you)
Space themed levels (moon base,international space station,moon,mars,and a space ship)
Killer carwash
Moon ramp

Iron fence
Wooden fence
Spike strip
Bounce pad
Chicken coop
Stop sign
Pile of trash / rubbish
Manhole (a platform that springs the car into the air)
Landmine (throws out black stuff when ran over)
Lamp Post (splits when ran over with more than 50km/h speed)
Turret (fires black balls when 10m away or closer)
Crosswalk (negates points if you hit pedestrians)
Construction Sign (stops other cars from moving until destroyed)
Bike Lock (only works with Corley and Pink Lightning, freezes in place)
Telephone pole (similar to lane blockers, but this is just a single thicker pole to crash headlong into)
Pane of glass
Timed explosions to flip cars or send obstacles flying.
Super boostpad (for levels like Storm Drain and Space Program, where you don't have much distance to build up speed)
Shunt (would be visually similar to a boostpad, but instead of boosting you foward, it blasts your vehicle sideways left or right)
Picket fence to crash through
Projectiles to avoid
Helicopter with spinning rotors, line of cars, shark pool to jump over
Bowling balls.
Explosive barrels to place and hit, or use as cargo.
Rocket boosters you can attach to a vehicle that you can activate at any time.
Spike strips
Conveyor belts (variable length, strength, curvature)
Warp spots
Police roadblock (for ramping over or crashing through)
Roadwork signs
Corkscrew Ramp
Dangerous obstacles (spikes, etc.)

Ability to tweak variables like weather, gravity, suspension, speed, mass, over-the-top mutators
Grip strength slider
Resize/rotate obstacles
Big head person (like Mr. Ego)
Fat Person (like Mr Heft on iOS)
Tall Person (like Mr Reach)
Short Person (like Mr Stalwart)
Different starting points to choose from
Multiplayer where two people have to crash into each other/compete to cause the most carnage
Breakable windshields
Destructible NPC vehicles
Ability to bail out of vehicle
Colored NPC vehicles.
Ability to put obstacles in any level (i.e. levels like Chicken)
Screams, groans, and other sound effects from ♥♥♥♥♥sturvat
Keyboard controls for replay speed (left/right arrows to switch between speeds)
Replay of high score automatically saved
Option to turn off invisible barriers
Open sandbox mode here you place obstacles and NPC vehicles around and can drive your vehicle
Ability to move obstacle markers around or place your own
Motion blur vfx.
Breakable Helmet
Drivers in other cars that pop out during crashes
Ability to have multiple ragdolls in a vehicle
Ability to decide what vehicles are driving by in the appropriate maps
Point system to buy more paint jobs or aesthetic parts for vehicles
Button to remove all the obstacles at once
View leaderboards form the main men
Set the target as default in options menu
Individual leaderboards for vehicles
Sandbox mode with no time limits
Manually activated obstacles
Oculus Rift support
User controlled poses while your charcter is airborne (Cannonball, skydive, superman, rocket)
Controller support
Control dummy (run around in 1st/3rd person, jump into traffic)
Dynamic obstacle placement
Add textures to dummy
More camera views in replay mode (in car, etc.)
Set your speed on a slide bar or being able to type in a specific speed
Ability to go frame-by-frame in the replays.
Bone X-Ray and blood
Bigger maps and steerable vehicles
Ability to create custom poses and draw custom steering paths
Saving and sharing replays
Ability to control the vehicle
Customizable Vehicles and Clothes?
Injury and destruction reports (Instead of an icon, could tell us at the end "[PLAYER NAME] HAS BROKEN HIS CLAVICLE")

Long Individual posts
Elite Buddha (#197)
ThaBEN NL (#29)
FANGS_UP7 (#4)

Fire truck
Large pickup truck
Big Rig (w/ or w/out trailer)
Shopping Cart
Boost Pad
Highway Overpass
Middle mouse button to switch camera (Update 1)
Further zoom out on the camera (Update 1)
Improved brick wall (Update 1)
A first person view (Update 2)
Spacebar for dismounting (Update 2)
Replay speed slower than 1/8x (Update 2)
Half Wall (Update 2)
Four-way intersection (Roundabout) (Update 3)
Mac support (Update 3)
Improved leaderboards (Update 3)
Level barrier effect (Update 3)
Loop (Update 4)
Skateboard (Update 5)
Steam Workshop/Level editor (Update 6)
Free cam (Update 6)
Hide the HUD (Update 6)
Last edited by More_Badass; Apr 3, 2014 @ 6:57pm
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Showing 1-15 of 811 comments
The Milkman Jan 3, 2014 @ 8:17pm 
and a first person view :3
Fat-Addi Jan 4, 2014 @ 1:54pm 
A big ramp to the moon is very nice isnt it? :D
Bucho Jan 5, 2014 @ 6:33am 
Add a carwash that murders cars!!!
FANGS_UP7 Jan 5, 2014 @ 6:26pm 
As someone who's been with the Series since Stair Dismout, (the Original Stair Dismount), I have one major suggestion, Customizability. Simply for the reason that this creates a huge amount of replay value.
Things like, letting the players create new positions, change where the ragdoll is, where it's gripping, how hard it's gripping.

Let the players mod in new vehicles and obsticals, with all the options you guys have, like hinges and rotation points, and whether or not they're rotating constantly or free-pivot, much like the ladder box on the Fire Truck.
Let us adjust things like gravity, breakability and ease of severing parts, and the terrain, how much or how little he'll bounce when he colides with an object (A mode where all terrain is Rubber-like would be amazing)
Basically what I'm saying here is give modders the room to do what they do.

And about Highscores and Mods? Simple, people using mods can't post Highscores. That way, you can have competition for Highscores, and replayability from Mods.

If you want a good example of the kind of customizability I'm referring to, look at Toribash, it's an indie fighting game that has a massive ammount of customizability and replay value.

Other than what I just listed above, it would be cool to see additional Hazzards, such as explosions, fire, even water perhaps. Sharp objects would also be a nice touch, but may be a bit too gory for some peoples tastes, so take that as you will.
The ability to save and share Replays would be nice, as I got many moments in the mobile version of Stair Dismount that I wanted to save the replay of, but could not. It would also be cool for the Highscores, you could see how someone got their score.
Also, this is my last suggestion, a small one at that, A way to tell the difference between a Broken Arm and a Broken Leg, or a Broken Back and a Broken Neck. Always bothered me not knowing exactly what impact did what.

But I digress.

This game looks awesome, I can't wait for its Early Access release, and will get it as soon as I can.
Last edited by FANGS_UP7; Jan 5, 2014 @ 6:31pm
󠀡 Jan 7, 2014 @ 5:28am 
Well i would want Bone X-Ray and blood :D
Bigger maps and steerable vechicles would be awesome too <3
Cant wait for Access on steam, as well as for SUPERHOT game <3 good luck guys on making da game better place :D
More_Badass Jan 8, 2014 @ 5:29am 
Updated OP
󠀡 Jan 8, 2014 @ 5:31am 
well i were going to play Driving game anyways :D
it,s free o pay ??? please put free please
Middy Jan 9, 2014 @ 9:42am 
I agree with FANGS_UP7, the ability to customise aspects of the game will be what keeps me coming back, otherwise it's more of a "sit back and watch" experience. I'd still pay for the latter as it seems the price will be reasonable enough, but being able to experiment freely would open the game up to so much more. I'd love to be able to place and rotate objects anywhere in the level, rather than be restricted to set locations as in the web demo. The current restrictions could remain in place for leaderboards, so how about an additional sandbox mode or something?
Last edited by Middy; Jan 9, 2014 @ 9:43am
󠀡 Jan 9, 2014 @ 11:13am 
1 day left to early access i will get it as soon as i will have money 4 it <3
Can't wait this game is must get for PC gamer :D
noname Jan 9, 2014 @ 12:54pm 
As KitchenKnives and many others have alluded to, the more customization and variables, the better.

Also, one little thing I'd like to suggest is being able to set your speed on a slide bar or being able to type in a specific speed instead of the current rev-up meter. I just find it hard to consistently get the speed you want with it.

Another small feature would be the ability to go frame-by-frame in the replays.

Again, just small things, I'm liking the preview so far.
Last edited by noname; Jan 9, 2014 @ 1:00pm
Atuin Jan 10, 2014 @ 10:13am 
-Head trauma: over 100k damage to head
-Just a flesh wound: Sever a limb
-Kicking the tires: Try all the vehicles and maps
-Qualified driver: Score X points with all the vehicles
-Traffic jam: get hit by 5 cars

Just some quick ideas done in 5 minutes, I hope you guys will think of more insane achievements

Oh, and I'd love to have a sauna as an obstacle, a little nod to Sauna dismount. No idea how it would work gameplay-wise, but it might be crazy enough to work.
Last edited by Atuin; Jan 10, 2014 @ 10:17am
SkyLynx Jan 10, 2014 @ 10:25am 
How about adding a biplane to vehicles. The wings would make jumps awesome and the rotor could smash the other cars to bits :D
Captain Picard Jan 10, 2014 @ 11:49am 
Yea i really would like to see achievements for this game.
Last edited by Captain Picard; Jan 10, 2014 @ 1:00pm
noname Jan 10, 2014 @ 12:25pm 
Originally posted by SkyLynx:
How about adding a biplane to vehicles. The wings would make jumps awesome and the rotor could smash the other cars to bits :D

Imagine doing Space Program with a plane. :B1:
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