Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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aerational Sep 26, 2021 @ 4:19pm
Abuse of the vote kick is already happening
I just got vote kicked because I asked my team to play defensive and we lost the round. That's not a reason to vote kick someone.
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aerational Sep 26, 2021 @ 4:58pm 
Already kicked again, literally exact same situation. I was 1/1 kd, second place on team, simply arguing in favor of a defensive strat.
How did you ask?

Hmm.. arguing? That's seems to me a predecessor to grounds for a kicking
Last edited by ᴍᴜꜱʜ-ᴄʀÆᴍ?; Sep 26, 2021 @ 5:00pm
aerational Sep 26, 2021 @ 4:59pm 
This is just like any other game. Either you play it exactly how the mind numbed blob of a community does or their pp's retract into their body an they kick you.
Originally posted by Aerational:
This is just like any other game. Either you play it exactly how the mind numbed blob of a community does or their pp's retract into their body an they kick you.

Eye opening statement.. starting to paint a picture :steammocking:
aerational Sep 26, 2021 @ 5:04pm 
Originally posted by Psycho-Active:
Originally posted by Aerational:
This is just like any other game. Either you play it exactly how the mind numbed blob of a community does or their pp's retract into their body an they kick you.

Eye opening statement.. starting to paint a picture :steammocking:

Yeah I know you've got it all figured out and know exactly how I acted don't you. It's not like I was polite and then someone was rude to me/ kicked me and now I'm venting about it. Surely it was all my fault. Thank god for forum detectives like you.
Originally posted by Aerational:
Originally posted by Psycho-Active:

Eye opening statement.. starting to paint a picture :steammocking:

Yeah I know you've got it all figured out and know exactly how I acted don't you. It's not like I was polite and then someone was rude to me/ kicked me and now I'm venting about it. Surely it was all my fault. Thank god for forum detectives like you.

I was teasing and poking fun - don't take me so seriously! :MushroomRotA: or better yet, don't take anything so seriously!
Last edited by ᴍᴜꜱʜ-ᴄʀÆᴍ?; Sep 26, 2021 @ 5:06pm
aerational Sep 26, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
Originally posted by Psycho-Active:
Originally posted by Aerational:

Yeah I know you've got it all figured out and know exactly how I acted don't you. It's not like I was polite and then someone was rude to me/ kicked me and now I'm venting about it. Surely it was all my fault. Thank god for forum detectives like you.

I was teasing and poking fun - don't take me so seriously! :MushroomRotA:

I have an idea how about you say what you say and I say what I say and you just let that be.
Originally posted by Aerational:
Originally posted by Psycho-Active:

I was teasing and poking fun - don't take me so seriously! :MushroomRotA:

I have an idea how about you say what you say and I say what I say and you just let that be.
Is that not exactly what we have just done?

Either way, duly noted you did not appreciate my input and I apologise for any upset I may have caused :MushroomRotA:
Clovis Sangrail Sep 26, 2021 @ 5:40pm 
Aerational is always the very essence of polite and proper, so I cannot imagine it would be his fault.
Leetbus Sep 26, 2021 @ 6:31pm 
Vote kick being abused, in a video game? shocking.
aerational Sep 26, 2021 @ 6:58pm 
Originally posted by Leetbus:
Vote kick being abused, in a video game? shocking.

It just sucks because it's like game devs still haven't realized that the majority of any online video game community is children that will never use vote/report systems properly. It's like people cannot believe that there would be multiple toxic people in a game that would work together to abuse the system... when anyone who's ever played any game should be well aware of this.
Oubley Sep 26, 2021 @ 7:09pm 

Originally posted by Aerational:
I just got vote kicked because I asked my team to play defensive and we lost the round. That's not a reason to vote kick someone.

You have had several red flags in this forum/thread.

I'd suggest changing tactics like maybe passively suggest in a question format "should we play more defensively" or just go with the flow and not say anything.

It is a game. It's fun to lose and pretend....
aerational Sep 27, 2021 @ 2:25am 
Originally posted by Oubley:
Originally posted by Aerational:
I just got vote kicked because I asked my team to play defensive and we lost the round. That's not a reason to vote kick someone.

You have had several red flags in this forum/thread.

I'd suggest changing tactics like maybe passively suggest in a question format "should we play more defensively" or just go with the flow and not say anything.

It is a game. It's fun to lose and pretend....

Why can't I say anything? I'm literally just saying "lets make glorious semi circle shield walls at (insert point). I can show you how you do it...." and some people are like "bet", and some other people are like "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and then I get vote kicked if we lose the round because 3 people decided to rush.
Last edited by aerational; Sep 27, 2021 @ 2:27am
This energy/frustration must have at least something to do with it.

Not intended as a slight towards you - but - If I were in a game and had say, someone young dishing out orders, I'd probably ignore them, then when they got frustrated and that was apparent in their voice that wouldn't then necessarily lead me to doing what they want and or are suggesting. Personally, I wouldn't kick them but depends on their energy/attitude I suppose!
Last edited by ᴍᴜꜱʜ-ᴄʀÆᴍ?; Sep 27, 2021 @ 2:35am
aerational Sep 27, 2021 @ 2:43am 
Originally posted by Psycho-Active:
This energy/frustration must have at least something to do with it.

Not intended as a slight towards you - but - If I were in a game and had say, someone young dishing out orders, I'd probably ignore them, then when they got frustrated and that was apparent in their voice that wouldn't then necessarily lead me to doing what they want and or are suggesting. Personally, I wouldn't kick them but depends on their energy/attitude I suppose!

Oh god, spare me. Not that you care, because you're just here to disagree with everything I say by default to show how reasonable and thoughtful you are... but I never got frustrated with anyone for not doing my strat. It was them who get frustrated with me. Why do people like you really advocate in favor of the votekick system when you know people just auto vote yes for the most part at whatever vote comes up. I KNOW I KNOW when YOU see a vote, because you are so thoughtful and reasonable, you ask why the vote was initiated and then you weigh all the evidence and make the exact right decision every time. Why don't you go pull out one of the many tupperware containers in your fridge containing your farts and inhale it in glorious victory in a steam forum this day.
Last edited by aerational; Sep 27, 2021 @ 2:48am
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Date Posted: Sep 26, 2021 @ 4:19pm
Posts: 30