Sins of a Dark Age

Sins of a Dark Age

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no-give-up Jun 2, 2015 @ 6:17pm
Im new to SOADA i need help
im new player to soada and id like to ask questions about this game :

1- does this game have meta like lol ( jungle top mid and duo bot ? )

2- what is the role of each of them ?

3- Farming or roaming kills which one is better ?

4- also how do you guys deal with 2 vs 1 top or bot you cant even move 2 cm away from your turret because they only focus with the harrasement ?

also i need someone to help me with the counter item builds
for example in lol you are against zed as ap you build zhonya to counter his ulti.. etc
Last edited by no-give-up; Jun 2, 2015 @ 6:19pm
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arakiel Jun 2, 2015 @ 6:45pm 
Using League of Legends as a frame of reference, since you appear to be a League player.

1. Most players seem to follow the League of Legends meta somewhat. You will usually see two players in the bottom lane, one player mid, one player top, and one player in the forest (LoL's jungle) performing the role of the hunter (LoL's jungler). Note that because of the quests, veteran teams will likely end up sometimes putting to players top (for example, if the first quest objective is located at the top of the map). Some consider the possibility of having two hunters per team, as Sin's forest is much larger than League's jungle, and as a hunter can even select a special power that will create one extra creature camp per cooldown. We'll have to see veteran teams square off against one another to put the viability of the double-hunter build to the test.

2. The roles are much more fluid, especially supports, which can be more like semi-supports in this game. When you get a last-hit, you get the gold. But nearby allies will share a pot of gold half your gold. So, if you are in a solo lane, and kill an enemy soldier for 20 gold, you get 20 gold and that's it. But if there is one ally nearby, that ally gets 10 gold, for a total of 30 gold between the two of you. (Having more than one ally nearby keeps the total of 30, as the allies will share the 10 gold between them.)

3. Too many factors here. For me, the logic goes that to win, you have to destroy the enemy base. To destroy the enemy base, you have to destroy the base towers. To destroy the base towers, you have to at least destroy one runestone. To destroy one runestone, you have to destroy all the towers in that lane. Those really are the only requirements to win.

There are different tools to help you accomplish those requirements:
a) Kill enemy heroes. Not only does this give you gold and experience, it also takes that enemy player out of the game for a set amount of time, limiting their ability to gain gold and experience, and giving you increased map pressure.
b) Kill enemy soldiers. Not only does this give you gold and experience, it also allows your allied soldiers to push the lane.
c) Complete quests. Quests provide rewards two different ways: an immediate reward (gold and some kind of temporary special power) and a lasting reward (similar to League's new dragon buff, which they very likely copied from Sins' quest reward) that gives a lot of additional lane pressure.

The trick is to find the best combination of these three in any given situation. Focus too strongly on the quests and you may lose one or more towers. Chase too many low-health enemy champions, and you may lose the quest. All this will be familiar to League players. Killing the dragon is worth it even if one of you gets killed, but perhaps not so if three of you get killed. Team communication is required to make sure you accomplish the right balance.

The addition of the quests seems minor (I've heard many a MOBA veteran comment that the only difference is quests, when they've looked at a Sins stream, and dismissed quests as just a gimmick), but they really do add a lot of complexity in matches between equally capable teams.

4. You get only half the benefit you get in League from a 1 v 2 lane: you level up faster than the duo team as you do in League. However, unlike in League, the duo team still outgains you in regard to gold, thanks to the gold-sharing system. Your best bet is to find a champion that can easily clear the enemy soldier waves while avoiding potential poke.

5. I find counter builds to not be as critical in Sins. In my opinion, the skills of the individual champions feel less powerful than they do in League, and there's a much stronger teamplay effect, and there are plenty of fun item actives to play around with. (Actives include things like a silence, vision, pushback, shield, etc.)

While learning, I would say focus on movement speed, as the map is bigger and there are way more chase/escape scenarios in the forest than there are in the League jungle. Glyph powers also give you a lot of flexibility. There's a glyph that is akin to Zhonya's that you can select during game (as opposed to during champion select).
Last edited by arakiel; Jun 2, 2015 @ 6:50pm
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