7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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I really dont like searching things to find nothing
I really don't like being unable to progress farther than 3 days bc there is no water in the game either and farming plastics for dew is insanely slow in some maps trying to get 100 plastic out of computers that give three tires if you are lucky to find but floor trash with just 2. I literally died another run way shorter than any fun could be had just from running out of water running out of dukes to buy more and then running out of stamina to being completely unable to play the game anymore
why dont the devs play their game anymore?
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There are plenty of other sources of plastic, like the shades on the windows in houses, luggage, mannequins etc. Getting 100 plastic should take 1 day, maybe 2.

Loot toilets and water coolers or run buried supply quests for water. Look for cafes, diners and restaurants then loot their toilets, soda machines and coffee pots.

If none of that works for you and you really feel like going all out try this:

Salvage cars.

Start a new game and put some of those first points into Salvage Operations. It will increase your chances to find a wrench and increase the resources you get. If you can't find one in the first 2 days, craft one. Buy the materials if you have to just get a wrench. Once you get a wrench start salvaging cars. Every car you see, loot it then salvage it.

You will have more plastic than you can use in no time, and I mean hundreds if not thousands. Plus mechanic parts, electrical parts, cloth, iron, pipes, springs, engines, oil, radiators and headlights. Sell all that except the iron and cloth, maybe scrap the radiators first because the brass is worth more than the radiators. You can easily make 10K+ dukes per day just from salvaging cars and selling the scrap.

With nearly limitless money, all the resources you need water shouldn't ever be a problem again.
Last edited by Pain Weasel; Jan 7 @ 3:42pm
Originally posted by Pain Weasel:
There are plenty of other sources of plastic, like the shades on the windows in houses, luggage, mannequins etc. Getting 100 plastic should take 1 day, maybe 2.
Do the road tires still give polymers in 1.2? in 1.0/1.1 I usually would get at least half needed just whacking tires with my stone axe on the way to the 1st trader. Of course your spawn location/random luck re: road tires could = less than that, but still, it was a good source of early polymers since you're wandering roads to get places anyway. Then add in all the other whack-a-mole sources, 1 dew collector pretty fast.
Last edited by CatPerson; Jan 7 @ 4:08pm
Do the road tires still give polymers in 1.2?

Yup, any they're every where... Assuming you aren't blind from lack of water...
I don't even go fully inside or clear POI's, in general, for the first day. Just their yards or unlocked garages, maybe sneak into the kitchen to look for water/cooking books then out again, that sort of thing. By the end of that I typically had enough to make 2 dew collectors, books from mailboxes, etc. All that plastic also = buying a cooking pot.

I don't use the Traders for much and don't do their quests, but I have no issue with selling to/buying the occasional thing if it's faster/rng luck is bad etc.

Anyway the learning curve can be high. General scrounging rule is, always whack/salvage everything to see what it yields as a resource for each type of action, until you figure out what's what in that regard.
Last edited by CatPerson; Jan 7 @ 4:27pm
That is pretty much how I do it as well. Loot everything outside a POI on my way to the trader, maybe duck inside for a quick peek. Tires are great sources of polymer early on, particularly the tire stacks. Any gas station or garage is going to have some sitting around.

I would honestly recommend trying everything else being going all in on Salvage Ops, it can quickly make a lot of the game too easy. It will get the job done, but it may spoil you.

If all else fails, go salvage some cars. But try everything else first.
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