

vive02 Jun 17, 2018 @ 3:03pm
Outputting from HTC Vive for live stream in 360
I'm looking to improve immersion for the audience of a HTC Vive session, whilst they wait for their turn on the device itself.

As such, we set up live streaming from our HTC Vives using the "headset mirror" feature in SteamVR (displaying both eyes in fullscreen, to mimic Cardboard VR output), OBS to manage the broadcast, YouTube to receive it and conduit it onto remote viewers, and a set of mobiles on WiFi (installed in VR Viewers) to display the results.

What would really improve this, though, is to broadcast the 360 environment of the game or app. That way, viewers are not limited to sharing the Vive user's POV, but can look around in 360 as well.

Does anyone know how to live stream from a HTC Vive IN 360 (an equirectangular or cube map output to YouTube rather than the headset mirror view)? I have heard it can be done, but no details on the workflow to achieve it.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
BOLL Jun 17, 2018 @ 3:22pm 
I imagine it could be something available in any of the mixed reality solutions as they can generate a separate render of a game to use for exactly that, I have not looked into this though and not heart about anyone else attempting it.
Black Blade Jun 17, 2018 @ 3:37pm 
I think doing something like that will be pretty havey on the device will it not?
BOLL Jun 17, 2018 @ 4:01pm 
Yep, a cubemap would be 6 extra render outputs, and to have resolution to be worth watching back... it would be fairly crazy 😅 Might be more worthwhile to just aim for mixed reality capture maybe? There the tech solutions are already working.
zeanomourph Jun 22, 2018 @ 8:44pm 
Yeah I don't like when people sneak up behind me for a knife kill in ONWARD either, would be great to have a friend acting as a set of eyes in the back of my head. Good idea! </sarcasm>
There's a good reason the output only shows what the player can see. If the watchers can see stuff that the player can't, then the watchers can warn the player of things they shouldn't know about. Probably the most exploitable suggestion I have ever heard for anything ever.
BOLL Jun 23, 2018 @ 1:00am 
It is already very possible to broadcast something different from what the player sees, just set up mixed reality capture with any of the solutions available and you can freely position an external camera that shows a different perspective. So yeah, uh, already exploitable I guess :2017stickytube:
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Date Posted: Jun 17, 2018 @ 3:03pm
Posts: 5