Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition

Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition

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Scanning the space ship in "Stars in Their Eyes "...
on the PC nothing happens ... No boss fight cut scene and cannot talk to my companion to trigger ... Bugged. ... Had this scan problem elsewhere while trying to get the 4 digit scan code for a door. Would not work but discovered an alternative to open the door.
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You're supposed to scan the individual components of the ship and the spot it's in (two parts of the ship itself + the area above it). They're highlighted purple.
I did that many times but no ifo given. I finally brought up my PC 360 controller and it Scanned jut fine so I got to finish the game. It is not great for PC and key board controls.
Scan them until it works and gives you a voice line. I did this on PC a few hours ago and the Cryostasis pod didn't register the first time, got voice lines for the booster and repair node, then the pod voice line and it moved the quest on.
Overalll the devs need to fine tune the game for PC users .. lots of problems noted. Have played and finished both the West and the Shores dlc ... same pc problems throughout
Never had any issues with scanning using mouse and KB. The only problem I had was the sensitivity to the camera positioning when climbing the vents in the cauldron's. If it wasn't in exactly the right spot she wouldn't jump where she needed to. That may not have been a M&KB issue though as I didn't switch to a controller to see if it worked any better.
I think a lot of the gaming problems I am seeing may be due to my Microsoft Pro (Business) WIndows 11. Never had any problems with Win 10 .. Maybe Win 11 home version is
more game friendly.
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