Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

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IC125 Nov 18, 2017 @ 4:08am
A few route building questions
Hi all,

A few months back I acquired the following 3rd pary tram assets, which are very good:

They inspired me to make a tramway-style route, which so far has been very fun but also challenging to do. I have track laying and design down on a simple route. However, there are some things that are quite unrealistic.

Firstly, catenary. The tram tracks come with wires as a default setting. These are designed for other UKTS Blackpool tram models, however, and are not suitable for the CR5000 and T3. Therefore, I use the UK Catenary masts (1 or 2 track). I believe these come with the acedemy and are found right at the bottom of the ''semaphore'' tab in the build menu. I tend to use tunnel or bridge catenary to get the more authentic ''single wire'' tram look. These should automatically place at intervals when clicked, like the 1 and 2 track tools. To get the bridge catenary I go onto the tool and on the right fly-out select ''bridge'' or ''tunnel'' catenary. However, this often does not place automatically, and I have to do it manually and less accurately. Am I missing something? Is there a button or key I should hold? Have I explained this at all well?

Secondly, level crossings. I plan to do some kind of segregated section with regular stops and level (or grade) crossings. With the amount of stops I have, some of these crossings are wailing and flashing long before the tram is near. Is there a way to change when a crossing is triggered by an oncoming vehicle, for example 50 metres instead of half a mile? Tram crossings tend to trigger later then heavy rail ones. I may be asking too much of the sim ;P

I think that is it for now. I may be back with more questions as the route progresses, and also some screenshots if necessary. Appologies if explanantions are unclear at times, it is quite difficult to describe my intentions with it.

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by IC125; Nov 18, 2017 @ 4:14am
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Dipper Nov 18, 2017 @ 10:04am 

For placing lineside objects manually, when you have the object selected, you can hold Tab and mouse over the track you want to place the object next to. The object, in your case the catenary, will snap to be perfectly parallel to the track. This is usually extremely useful, but sometimes an asset won't be facing the way you want, in which case you'll have to rotate it the right way around manually.

As for crossings, there is no easy way to modify their properties. All crossings in TS are default to activate when a train is half a mile away, and the gates (if there are any) will go down and stop traffic at a quarter mile. If I recall correctly, someone was attempting to change the files for the crossings, but I don't know how well they got on. If your route is set in North America, then I recommend you download the Railworks Community Asset Project (RCAP). It's free and the crossings it comes with activate at a quarter mile instead of the default half a mile. Plus they look and sound better.
IC125 Nov 18, 2017 @ 11:27am 
Hi CJ,

Thank you very much for the information. Definitely a shame about the crossings. May have to include less then ;) I'll take a look at that RWA pack.

That lineside objects advice is very helpful, thank you! I'll have a look at some point and get back to you.

Many thanks once again.
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Date Posted: Nov 18, 2017 @ 4:08am
Posts: 2