Soulash 2
Kicky Jun 29, 2024 @ 10:08pm
Magic Warrior?
I saw a skill that lets you change your melee damage in for magic damage, somehwere in the Pyro tree. Wondering if I can forgo Str all together and still come out on top in a melee fight once I get that on all of my skills?
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Larus Jun 30, 2024 @ 12:12am 
Yes, you can. Both Floromancy and Pyromancy have such an amplifier. I think it's way to deal the most melee damage since spell power is easier to stack up than the strength bonus.

But keep in mind that it will only affect abilities with the amplifier. Base attacks still depend on strength and weapon damage. You might have to pick abilities from different trees to use an abiltiy every turn.
Draken Jun 30, 2024 @ 5:16am 
You would be losing your melee weapon damage part if you convert your abilities to magic power though. So that is basically a way for mage to utilize weapon abilities and apply int/magic power scaling.

Being a magic warrior will be the other way around - there is amplifier in Pole Fighting that allows your spell abilities to work based on weapon damage. This means they will also work on either str or dex.

So you'd convert all your spells to physical damage, along with all the boosts that comes to bypassing physical resistance on enemies and awesome scaling of some spells (I'm looking at you, fire barrage).
Kicky Jun 30, 2024 @ 7:37am 
Interesting! Wasn't even thinking about my basic attack, to be honest. The change to Str might be the way to go, now that I think about it. Would make carrying things a lot less of a chore as well.
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Date Posted: Jun 29, 2024 @ 10:08pm
Posts: 3