Interstellar Marines

Interstellar Marines

Who is ALI213?
On nearly every game is a player named ALI213. Hes always TR-0. Is it a test account or something like that?
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Dalton 18. Juli 2014 um 8:36 
Never seen them, you could always just look them up on steam....
Seen them around lots, though usually they just join, die, get spawned back in, leave, then join again.
Perhaps it's a bot being thrown in by ZPS with a Marine skin?

Conspiracy! xD
Yorith 18. Juli 2014 um 10:35 
Aye it is a conspiracy "Space" Pirates have infiltrated the ITO and our Training program ! ;)

but joke aside "ALI213" is a pirate release group how is it possible that pirated versions can connect to the servers ?
ZPS you need to take care of this intrusion asap if this is the truth.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Yorith; 18. Juli 2014 um 10:37
Zagger 18. Juli 2014 um 11:29 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von MECHANICAL_GURU:
Perhaps it's a bot being thrown in by ZPS with a Marine skin?

Conspiracy! xD
And just when the conspiracy theory contest ended... Unlucky man... That would've been a great theory
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ricyn:
but joke aside "ALI213" is a pirate release group how is it possible that pirated versions can connect to the servers ?
ZPS you need to take care of this intrusion asap if this is the truth.
Eh? I don't understand what you mean by this :s I've seen this player around fairly regularly for quite a while now and they're not TR-0. I've seen them play as TR-0 when I last saw them play though, I assume because they got the rank reset bug like I keep getting every time I start up the game lately. It goes back to normal with a game restart :p
I've seen 3 ALI213s once in a single match, all TR-0 and they were the worst players I've seen in this game.
Beat 18. Juli 2014 um 16:44 

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Beat; 18. Juli 2014 um 16:44
Zunkey 18. Juli 2014 um 18:32 
2 Things: It may be the AI they are developing for the game ( Get killed by bots! mode) or, it is someone using a pirated version of the game.
Zagger 18. Juli 2014 um 21:02 
The devs need their money! If they are people who pirated the game, make their lives MISERABLE!
Bozar 18. Juli 2014 um 23:45 
Thanks for the concern guys. We'll keep an eye out for these people ;-)

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bozar; 20. Juli 2014 um 14:48
the player/s known as ALI213 has been around a long time.

i still remember the times when they would join matches on Mainline winter and walk around with a laser on. circa update 8.

throughout my time on IM i have noticed Ali appear on both teams as a TR0 then leave and rejoin back onto one side. this made them escape detection becuase everyoneput it down to a glitch.

other times they have lurked in matches as spectator mode before vanishing.

Ali has been spotted across a lot of the servers, i personally have noted appearances on almost every server besides brazil.

they are capable of speaking some english. basic questions have been asked and the odd F bomb dropped.. but for the most part silence.

the reason for the TR0 may also be due to the fact they (as the previous posts in this thread indicate) are using a pirated copy of the game and therefore their stats arent being tracked and levels being noted.

collectively the Ali213 player/s have put in enough observed hours that they should be TR70~80

theyve been careful enough to never join and actively play with two people or more called ali.

i dont know if the 2nd one leaves and joins another server while the first one stays..

or if indeed, its a glitch and there is only one ali213.

either way, we are dealing with a sly individual.

best proof would be if players can screeencap 2 alis in a match.
Who needs to pirate this game? seriously, most people sell it for a few cards on Steamtrades.
Searched google and my opinion has changed, I reckon you're right. Seems to be cracked games and found some sites with IM in the text :/
Edit: a LOT of sites >.<
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KOS-Amythegreat; 19. Juli 2014 um 15:35
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Geschrieben am: 18. Juli 2014 um 7:00
Beiträge: 39