Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: Wukong

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散养键术大师  [developer] Aug 19, 2024 @ 11:19pm
The game crashes during shader compilation. How can I fix this?
Game Graphics FAQ []

Some players have reported that certain 13th/14th generation Intel CPUs might have stability issues that could cause "Out of video memory" errors during shader compilation. Here are two methods you can try to resolve this:

(1) Underclock your CPU: Check for advice from Intel or your motherboard manufacturer regarding stability issues. You may need to underclock your CPU.

(2) Skip shader compilation: You can also choose to skip shader compilation, but without underclocking, we can't guarantee the game will run smoothly. Devices that crash during shader compilation might also randomly crash while playing the game.
Originally posted by Knight-two:
Hey guys, Me Again. Game Science has released a solution for the AMD graphics card crash issue. You can solve this problem by using the older driver version 24.5.1.

For the download, please select the 24.5.1 versi on.
Also, for frequently asked questions about the game's visuals, you can check here:
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Showing 1-15 of 428 comments
gORFDOg Aug 19, 2024 @ 11:41pm 
how do you choose to skip shader compilation?
dr.dish20 Aug 19, 2024 @ 11:42pm 
this game keeps kicking me out
ThE_StiFF_StIcK Aug 20, 2024 @ 12:09am 
LoL, both (1) and (2) shouldn't be needed to be performed if the game was optimized properly.

Yes 13th and 14th gen Intel CPUs may have microcode errors, but thats under warranty of Intel and only some batch of their CPUs have it.

You need to add proper HDR support, fix the raised SDR black levels, fix memory leaks and in general improve performance and image quality for both RT and without. Right now, the game for many is a stuttery mess, poor image quality, pop ins of objets and raised black levels in SDR. I dont have the game yet, but my friends have it and this what they said. I was with them and even with a RTX 4090 I can confirm these issues.

Thanks devs, hope you listen!
Last edited by ThE_StiFF_StIcK; Aug 20, 2024 @ 12:10am
Macbeth Aug 20, 2024 @ 12:29am 
After Shader compilation reach 100% the game just went to desktop.

My Rig
- Ryzen 7800X3D
- 7900XTX
- 24 GB DDR5 ram
- Window 10

I've tried the following but still failed.
- change game compilation to window7 and run as Admin
- update my chipset/bios
- turn off anti virus
- update my GPU driver to latest version
- downgrade my AMD driver to 24.4.1
- upgrade to window 11

I blame the game itself and sh_itty AMD GPU.
Last edited by Macbeth; Aug 20, 2024 @ 3:29am
A7da6 Aug 20, 2024 @ 12:56am 
I have i5-14500 processor and RTX 4060, even on low settings my game crashes on beginning of cut scene, sometimes when monkey grows its staff from toothpick, sometimes when dog lands and sometimes it just stucks on loading screen? who is saying it is optimized?
fryshakewad Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:01am 
Just updated my BIOS and did most of the other "steps". Still freezing my PC during shader compilation.
Borcio Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:07am 
Originally posted by 散养键术大师:
Game Graphics FAQ []

Some players have reported that certain 13th/14th generation Intel CPUs might have stability issues that could cause "Out of video memory" errors during shader compilation. Here are two methods you can try to resolve this:

(1) Underclock your CPU: Check for advice from Intel or your motherboard manufacturer regarding stability issues. You may need to underclock your CPU.

(2) Skip shader compilation: You can also choose to skip shader compilation, but without underclocking, we can't guarantee the game will run smoothly. Devices that crash during shader compilation might also randomly crash while playing the game.


I had similar issue with another game and there was different reason to crash. It was due to to high speed of RAM. CPU memory controller was crashing game with similiar reason as above :)

I also have a little different question. Do you have info about nvidia update game ready driver?
Last edited by Borcio; Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:21am
CROSSDUST6 Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:10am 
I have the Z790Pro - i9 13900KFcpu -RTX4090 GPU -32GBram & can't even load the shaders without the game crashing saying shader memory is full. Verified install and tried running as Admin all to no avail, so not wasting anymore time on it. Asked for a refund, if the Devs can't be bothered to make sure the game runs smoothly then I certainly am not going to waste time trying to play the game. I will not jump through hoops trying to get it to run underclocking my cpu and all that garbage. Bit of advice to the Devs, why not check to ensure the game runs in the first place instead of just putting it out there. Waste of time and money in my opinion.
NijimaXL Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:12am 
To those you got scammed by Intel 13th gen and 14th gen has an issue.

Its an INTEL issue regardless of the vram error. You will need to either download the new BIOS by your mobo or adjust the settings manually provided on this doc.
CROSSDUST6 Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:13am 
Plus who on earth wants to play a game that the Devs are saying Might Crash if you skip the Shaders, are you for real. Sort your game out in the first place, kinda shows shoddy attention to detail, which in turn means the game itself is likely to be as bad, mind you can't say that for sure because I can't load the game, so they can ram it as far as I am concerned.
Borcio Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:13am 
Originally posted by CROSSDUST6:
I have the Z790Pro - i9 13900KFcpu -RTX4090 GPU -32GBram & can't even load the shaders without the game crashing saying shader memory is full. Verified install and tried running as Admin all to no avail, so not wasting anymore time on it. Asked for a refund, if the Devs can't be bothered to make sure the game runs smoothly then I certainly am not going to waste time trying to play the game. I will not jump through hoops trying to get it to run underclocking my cpu and all that garbage. Bit of advice to the Devs, why not check to ensure the game runs in the first place instead of just putting it out there. Waste of time and money in my opinion.

You must be a clown. Look at internet, this is everywhere that Intel lied about 13/14th gen cpus... And they are selling faulty processor. What developers can do about it? If you have broken hardware and Unreal Engine 5 is using typically this resources which are broken??
You can RMA you processor without problem if you encounter problem.

EDIT: There is update for every motherboard where you can use intel 13th/14th gen processors. Firstly update you BIOS and set Intel Default Settings/XMP/Resizeable Bar and check again.
Last edited by Borcio; Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:31am
Horseradish Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:15am 
I had this issue as I have a 13th gen processor. In the Steam library, right click on the game and in Properties select compatibility mode and put -dx12 in the options box. This gets you through the shader step. Once it's complete, remove compatibility mode and the option and play as normal. Worked for me.
-=Rockwell=- Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:15am 
such a joje 🤣🤣🤣
underclock the cpu to run a latest game
Borcio Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:16am 
Originally posted by CROSSDUST6:
Plus who on earth wants to play a game that the Devs are saying Might Crash if you skip the Shaders, are you for real. Sort your game out in the first place, kinda shows shoddy attention to detail, which in turn means the game itself is likely to be as bad, mind you can't say that for sure because I can't load the game, so they can ram it as far as I am concerned.

They want to point where the real problem is :)

For everyone, look at Gamer Nexus film at youtube about intel problems. Examble below, there is more. RMA your processors! :)

EDIT: There is update for every motherboard where you can use intel 13th/14th gen processors. Firstly update you BIOS and set Intel Default Settings/XMP/Resizeable Bar and check again.
Last edited by Borcio; Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:31am
Arc Aug 20, 2024 @ 1:27am 
Originally posted by 散养键术大师:
Game Graphics FAQ []

Some players have reported that certain 13th/14th generation Intel CPUs might have stability issues that could cause "Out of video memory" errors during shader compilation. Here are two methods you can try to resolve this:...
Those workarounds are outdated by several months FYI.

People NEED to update their UEFI revisions to latest possible to stop those CPUs from degrading:

MSI, Asus, Gigabyte at the very least already have released this microcode update.
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