

TuxCoder 2015 年 2 月 27 日 上午 6:10
How to run on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint (Linux) 64 bit
For all wo would run Evoland on a 64 bit Linux use this HOW TO:

I tested it on Debian Sid, it should also work on Ubuntu 64 bit and other distros.

The "PATH/TO/STEAMAPPS" is default "~/.steam/steam/steamapps/".
If the programm `apt` is not found use `apt-get` or `aptitude`.

For any suggests add a comment to this thread.

* Why does it not start and why have I do this copy paste work?
The developers only shippes a 32bit version of the game without the flash libary. On current systems 32bit is deprecated and mostly not used any more.


1) enable mutliarch if not allready done.

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

$ sudo aptitude update

2) install i386 dependencies

# newer systems
$ sudo apt install libgconf-2-4:i386 libnotify4:i386 libnss3:i386

# older systems
$ sudo apt install libgconf2-4:i386 libnotify4:i386 libnss3:i386

2.1)problably you needed more libs to found out what kind of libs:

$ ldd PATH/TO/STEAMAPPS/comms/evoland/nw

3) get libpepflashplayer.so 32bit:
3.1) Download current linux 32bit version (tar.gz PPAPI) from adobe:

3.2) open with fileroller or ark and extract the lib:


3.3) move it into the right place and set the right rights:

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
$ sudo mv EXTRACT/PATH/libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
$ sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so

4) set correct evoland settings
4.1)open the file PATH/TO/STEAMAPPS/common/evoland/config.js with you favorite editor

set the path line to:

"path" : "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so",

5) Enjoy Evoland

thx to Minty-Linux for temporary solution (link get removed)
thx to Beherit for adobe links

Tags: Ubuntu, Arch, Linux, Debian, Mint, Flash, Black Screen

edit: 2017-10-21
* update title for better finding
* add tags
* typo fix
* add info
* fix changed paths

@TODO Arch commands for 32bit lib install
最後修改者:TuxCoder; 2020 年 12 月 19 日 上午 1:03
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 41
Rudy 2015 年 2 月 28 日 上午 2:49 
Now if they would just make the download avaiable to versions of Evoland purchased on steam , It still wont download any data for me for this game.
The Big Dick 2015 年 3 月 25 日 上午 8:04 
Thank you!
Way 3 works like a charm on the Ubuntu 14.10, 64bit
@n@rc0 2015 年 3 月 25 日 下午 1:51 
Really thanks. It work out just fine to me. :)
最後修改者:@n@rc0; 2015 年 3 月 25 日 下午 1:51
Rhona 2015 年 3 月 29 日 上午 6:26 
Thanks! Runs a bit jerky, but at least it runs.
__m__Yn_F_onY__d 2015 年 3 月 29 日 下午 8:38 
Hrm, I tried the 32 bit shared library, but that did not appear to fix the issue.
NOT DIRTY DAN 2015 年 4 月 9 日 上午 6:41 
Thank you:woodlehappy:
__m__Yn_F_onY__d 2015 年 4 月 9 日 上午 6:49 
Thank you:woodlehappy:

Which method did you use?
ironblood 2015 年 4 月 13 日 上午 2:26 
I got it to work on my SteamOS box, modifying the instructions a bit. I downloaded the .zip file using my desktop PC. I switched the steam box to "Desktop mode", went into /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Evoland/, and copied the files into place. Then, I ran "chown steam:steam" on those two files, set the permissions, and logged out of desktop mode. When I launched Evoland from Steam, it ran just fine. Only problem now, is that it doesn't wanna quit, so I can play something else!
neowiz73 2015 年 5 月 11 日 下午 10:49 
wow, thanks this worked great, I can now play this game :)
Marcos Alano 2015 年 5 月 16 日 下午 2:19 
I use Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit. The libraries of step 2 is already in Steam runtime. You just need to start the game via Steam. But you need a 32-bit version of Chrome Flash and very important: Flash needs hardware acceleration. I do that setting this command to start the game in Steam:
VDPAU_DRIVER=nvidia optirun %command%
Observe I'm using a notebook with a discrete NVIDIA graphic card, so your computer probably will use different options.
最後修改者:Marcos Alano; 2015 年 5 月 16 日 下午 2:57
EnoheX 2015 年 5 月 17 日 上午 10:18 
Why are we going through motions like this on a paid game?
I mean, not that it's a terrible hassle, but when you purchase a game that says it is for your OS, download and install it only to find out you have to go through even more hoops just to play it...kinda seems lazy on the devs' part. Just saying.
__m__Yn_F_onY__d 2015 年 5 月 17 日 上午 10:48 
引用自 The Requiem Arrow
Why are we going through motions like this on a paid game?
I mean, not that it's a terrible hassle, but when you purchase a game that says it is for your OS, download and install it only to find out you have to go through even more hoops just to play it...kinda seems lazy on the devs' part. Just saying.

Definitely, there are many Linux games that take extra steps to get running. Usually it's a fairly simple process, I'm not sure why devs do not incorporate fixes to remedy the issue.
Lowkey 2015 年 5 月 22 日 下午 6:43 
I am currently in China and can't access the google and mediafire page. Is there another way for me?
Zéfling 2015 年 5 月 24 日 上午 1:19 
With debian 8 and pepperflashplugin-nonfree :

{ "path" : "/usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so", "version" : "" }

The game doesn't start. Only a black window.
TuxCoder 2015 年 5 月 29 日 上午 3:06 
@Zéfling make sure you use i386 version. or better use the how to way.

@Lowkey what kind of service you can use?
Does this this link work for you? It's an mirror of mediafire.
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