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Płomyk Apr 7, 2013 @ 10:21am
Best mods for weapons?
Yeah, topic says everything

For me (I think I didnt discover most of mods) its stacking armor penetration + critic damage, especially in melee fight (for lucky players it would be also mod with electrical dmg etc.)

What are your opinions? What about guns?
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Płomyk Apr 7, 2013 @ 11:37am 
Yep, it helps, I know what is fusion and I think I did my best to get 100% of my power per level as Excalibur. For me its HP & Shield buff + 4 abilities, 75% more "mana" and 15% shield regen (i ve to boost it up with next levels I think). For me its for "tanky" purpose and slash everything like a boss ;)

But I want to make this topic as discuss between select electric or frost dmg with sword, even if you have your own playstyle, there should be something whats worth to know ;) Maybe some ppl are boosting shields rather than Health and its more effective? I dont know, maybe some1 checked both styles and can say whats better?
Płomyk Apr 7, 2013 @ 11:38am 
Ah, btw. do weapons always ve 1 unique slot for mod? (I mean that icon at top right corner)
Mordtziel Apr 7, 2013 @ 11:54am 
The "best" mods for weapons/warframe will change depending on what you're fighting. Vitality is almost mandatory for fighting infected, but for everything else you can let it slip as long as you're boosting shields/shield recovery.

When it comes to weapons, again, the "best" is based on the enemy. Armor Piercing, Lightning damage, Frost Damage, Raw Damage, Fire Rate, Multishot, Magazine Size, Ammo Size, and Reload Speed are all viable against Corpus, while Crit Rate, Crit Chance, Puncture, Stun, and Fire Damage not so much.
Dream Apr 7, 2013 @ 12:15pm 
apen against grineer, elec against corpus and fire against infected, frost for the slow is always nice

if u weap has high base dmg get dmg mods
multishot good in general at high lvls
charge speed and dmg on heavy weaps and furax
attack speed and crit on fast melee weaps like the fangs or dual zorens
freeze good on bolt weaps for easy aiming
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Date Posted: Apr 7, 2013 @ 10:21am
Posts: 4