Flying Tank
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Hexage  [developer] Aug 28, 2023 @ 9:43am
1.1.3 Tank Powers and Mastery
Updated February 12, 2024

Introducing Unique Powers for each Tank, this major update overhauls the metagame with Mission Mastery! Now fully localized in German, French, Spanish (LatAm), and Czech.

New Features
  • 16 new unique Tank Powers! Each tank is now the best at something else.
  • Mastery system. Replay Missions for extra Rewards!
  • New background Music track added - Interstellar by Kubatko
  • New Achievement available: Reach 100% Mastery in all Missions
  • Localization to Spanish, French, German and Czech languages

Balance Changes
  • Medium and Large Red Biomass blobs give +1 and +2 more Biomass.
  • Smart Gun now does +33% damage to enemy mines.
  • Biomass Collector range extended by 20%
  • Helios Blaster Overcharge burst increased from 16-18-20 rounds in respective tiers to 16-20-24
  • Gamma Disruptor Beam now fires slightly faster.

Bugs and Compatibility
  • DirectX 11.1 runtime is now required.

0.7.1 Chapter Three
Updated October 19, 2023

The story concludes with 8 new action-packed Missions, 6 new Tanks and 2 new Weapons. Save the world and experience the ultimate happy ending!

New Features
  • 8 new Missions! Soar into the Stratosphere, conquer Fort Apocalypse and enter Ground Zero!
  • 2 new Weapons - Nemesis Missile and Void Ray
  • 6 new Tanks - Sovren, Tiger Tank, XB-1, Pale Rider, Vorot and Euphoria

  • Recovery timer has been removed from the game. The recovery timer was often negatively associated with games that use timers to extort money. Worse yet, short recovery times misincentivized players to wait it out rather than play a Mission with another tank. Now, destroyed tanks are simply disabled and will recover only after Missions played with another tank. The overall recovery times are much shorter as a result of this change.
  • Button-mashing Primary and Secondary weapons now produces a consistent, streamlined rate of fire. In previous versions, button mashing could cause weapons to block each other's shots, resulting in a stuttered fire rate.
  • Minor mission design tweaks to reduce downtime between enemy waves.
  • Bolton Sphere Reactor mission speed adjusted for greater sense of urgency.

Balance Changes
  • Vulcan Trashgun now does +20% more damage.
  • Helios Blaster initial spread reduced from 16-13-10 degrees in respective tiers to 12-9-6.
  • Helios Blaster Overdrive burst increased from 14-15-16 rounds in each tier to 16-18-20 rounds fired in a single burst.
  • High Powered Plasma Weapons effect increased from 10% - 15% - 20% damage bonus to 12% - 20% - 25% damage bonus
  • Small balance changes to enemy armor stats.
  • Added a small chance that the Squid-whale Aliens will drop more Biomass.
  • Added Skull Alien swarm to the Breeding Fields mission finale.
  • Night Raid mission boss hitpoints slightly reduced.

Bugs and Compatibility
  • Fixed Reaper Signal influence on Crabs
  • Fixed a bug that prevented item selection with the controller when there was a gap in the inventory.

Updated September 15, 2023

This version brings mouse controls for weapons and minor UI improvements.

New Features

You can now use the mouse buttons to control weapons:
  • Left-button - primary weapon
  • Right-button - secondary weapon
  • Wheel movement - bomb
  • Middle-button - special ability

  • The garage inventory now displays decorations indicating which items can be upgraded with the current budget.

Balance Changes
  • Improved Vortex launcher's Cyclones ability to latch on targets.
  • Minor changes making several soft target enemies less durable.

Updated September 12, 2023

This version is a compatibility update focused on preventing soft locks in some levels.

  • President Magnus is ejected from their Destroyer and can be killed directly.
  • The campaign map now displays marching dots to visualize your progression from level to level.

Balance Changes
  • Alien Lancers are slightly more durable when they enter the screen.
  • Red Alien Rotaries move faster.

Bugs and Compatibility
  • Resolved several soft-lock issues in specific levels.

0.6.1 Chapter Two
Updated September 8, 2023

Story continues with 8 new Missions, 5 new Tanks, 4 new Weapons and Upgrades.

Visit the last great city on earth - Newark - Capital of the World; enter the Deep Space Network Complex, a rusting scrapyard of the long-defunct NASA space program; and soar into the storm clouds of the most difficult mission yet - Retribution!

A whole new technologically advanced enemy faction enters the fray - Coexistential Government! Face Government Drones, APCs, Assault Racers, and a powerful fleet of Fighters, Gunships, Beam Casters, Battlecruisers, and Destroyers. Aliens are joined by the utterly disgusting Spiderticks and the relentless Splitters. Scavengers are not finished either, expect the second coming of a Scavenger boss!

For casual players, we've introduced a new difficulty option: EASY MODE.

EASY MODE eliminates recovery time and equipment loss after mission failure. Additionally, in EASY MODE, enemies won't reach their highest aggression state, resulting in a less challenging experience. Please note that online scores and achievements are disabled in EASY MODE.

New Features
  • 8 new Missions! Visit the last great city on earth - Newark - Capital of the World!
  • 5 new Tanks - Postal, Archangel, Sakura, Red Dragon GT, Sturmengel 444
  • 4 new Weapons and Upgrades - Vortex Launcher, Megablaster, Advanced Drone Control, Unmaker Omega
  • New game faction - Coexistential Government

  • Newly unlocked Tanks now come pre-equipped with better loadouts to make swapping Tanks an easier choice.
    • Rust Runner - Vulcan Trashgun & Tartaros Cluster Bomb
    • Tulsi - Dolos Ultra PP Bomb & Hyper Focus
    • Ironclad - Horus Plasma Charge & Force Shield
  • Uncollected Biomass is now sucked into your Tank during the victory screen instead of the previous insta-collect.
  • Intro sequence can be skipped when viewing again after restarting the game.
  • Hyperfocus will reload weapons when collected.

Balance Changes
  • Helios Blaster plasma projectiles now fly faster.
  • Beliah Autocannon now fires 16>20>24 rounds instead of previous 12>16>20
  • Maglev Boost upgrade has been changed and now lists the minimum speed boost received in percent.
  • Providence (2nd Mission) has been changed to get to the boss faster (~2:30 minutes instead of previous ~3:00)
  • Aliens entering the screen during the Reaper Artifact special can move longer before stopping.

Bugs and Compatibility
  • Drone resurrection when using Drone Repair Unit upgrade
  • Improved support for Playstation controllers (PS4 and PS5)

Updated August 31, 2023

This version is a compatibility update focused on attempting to prevent a randomly occurring crash that affects specific configurations. There are no other significant changes, only a few minor UI and stylistic improvements.

Updated August 28, 2023

This update incorporates changes based on general feedback, and ideas from our Discord community. The recovery system has been toned down, accompanied by additional balance adjustments, bug fixes, and compatibility improvements.

Furthermore, official support for macOS has been released as part of this update.

Balance Changes
  • Recovery system toned down: shorter recovery times, lower chance of losing equipment. Maximum number of lost items changed to 5 from 6. Maximum recovery time is now 20 minutes instead of 60. We'll continue to improve the recovery system to fulfill its role (make defeat meaningful, incentivize the use of different tank loadouts) without frustrating players.

  • Ronin's inertia has been significantly reduced. We want to provide tanks for players who prefer concise movement over the more natural-looking smoothness of the previous roster. Expect each tank model to have at least one nullified inertia variant.

  • Alien green projectiles now look different and have a tail to distinguish them from Green Biomass.

  • The upgraded Hydra Multicannon now fires 9 and 10 rounds instead of 8.

  • Cargo crates will now be pulled towards your tank near the edges of the screen, possibly preventing them from floating off the screen.

  • The Hyper Focus collectible Special will now instantly reload all your weapons (except your equipped Special).

  • ERF is now Earth Reclamation Force (shout out to Captain Preston Apollo)

  • Minor dialog changes.

Bugs and Compatibility
  • macOS version is now officially available.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash on certain systems.

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to switch shields during COOP gameplay.

  • Better support for multiple monitors.

  • Gamepad glyphs and control scheme improvements.
Last edited by Hexage; Feb 12, 2024 @ 3:53am
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Oh my gosh, thank you for the shoutout! Honestly, I'm honored that I had such an impact on the game's development, however minor it may be ^w^

It's doubly amazing since I've played Hexage games since I was a little kid, and now I've played a part in this and got such recognition for it- it's really freaking cool!!
BlackjackGT Sep 15, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Thanks for the mouse buttons support even if I'll probably stick with controller.
Last edited by BlackjackGT; Sep 15, 2023 @ 10:55am
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