Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Avi the Raccoon Enjoyer Dec 29, 2013 @ 2:21pm
Info about Oculus Rift support
Oculus Rift is supported in Euro Truck Simulator 2. Please read this thread[] on our forum how to enable it.

Experimental support for Oculus Rift DK1 is available in the 1.9.x+ patches, support for DK2 is available in the oculus beta branch on Steam. Currently the support is available only in the Windows versions of the game.
Last edited by Avi the Raccoon Enjoyer; Jul 30, 2014 @ 12:12pm
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Showing 1-15 of 4,359 comments
Orax Dec 29, 2013 @ 3:11pm 
Timmy, you made my day. Your commentary of the Oculus Rift made me laugh my arss off!
Bottom line, i have got to get me one of those.
Kitt Dec 29, 2013 @ 3:33pm 
If you buy the Dev version do they just update it with software or do you need to buy the final version?

Final release date or is it unknowin?

Also what do you think I should get, The dev version of this or the latest TrackIR?

I love driving games and shooters like BattleField series.

Also is Win 7 supported?
Last edited by Kitt; Dec 29, 2013 @ 3:48pm
margalus Dec 29, 2013 @ 9:14pm 
Originally posted by Cobra:
If you buy the Dev version do they just update it with software or do you need to buy the final version?

You will have to buy a new one when the higher resoulution retail model becomes available. The dev model is only 1280x800 effectively. 2 x 640-400 screens. The retail version should be 1920x1080.

Originally posted by Cobra:
Final release date or is it unknowin?


Originally posted by Cobra:

Also what do you think I should get, The dev version of this or the latest TrackIR?

thats a tough call. This is just a developers kit, not a retail version. Personally I would wait for the retail version of this, but it may be another year or more. who knows how long.

Originally posted by Cobra:
Also is Win 7 supported?

yes it will be.
Last edited by margalus; Dec 29, 2013 @ 9:14pm
Kitt Dec 29, 2013 @ 10:27pm 
Hey ty for the reply Margalus!

I realy want to get the OR but I dont think I want the dev version I just think that I am so excited about the final release that I almost made a mistake? impulse buy. OR will be worth the wait so thanks for helping me think a bit more clear headed my friend.

TrackIR will make me a happy gamer as well so I will be going for that.

Thanks again.
Kitt Dec 30, 2013 @ 10:28am 
One more question Margalus, is win 7 supported in the dev version of OR?
Yes, Windows 7 is supported.
Kitt Dec 30, 2013 @ 11:13am 
Thanks Timmy and LOVE this game!!

I was just playing with screen res the 1280x800 as margalus mentioned and that will not work at for me I dont think unless OR looks better than that when its so close to your eyes.

I am having such a hard time picking between OR or Track IR just when I think I have made up my mind I get second thoughts. So, does OR look better than what 1280x800 does on my monitor you think? I know I should not have to ask you folks but I find my best advice comes from gamers.

Thanks for your time and trying to help me pick one of these.
Last edited by Kitt; Dec 30, 2013 @ 11:14am
margalus Dec 30, 2013 @ 11:26am 
I can't say about quality. I am going to have to guess that after the "thrill" factor of having the oculus wears off, it will be too low res. Also, it is only still in development and not a lot of games fully support it. The track IR has been out for a while and should have better support at this time.
Tulips Dec 31, 2013 @ 8:58pm 
I wonder how can i press other buttons in the keyboard?
bruno @ DK Jan 2, 2014 @ 1:59am 
Originally posted by Cobra:
Also what do you think I should get, The dev version of this or the latest TrackIR?

They are very different products.

TrackIR only tracks your head, your eyes still need to look to the screen, no mater how much your head turn and looking at your screen, you will never feel "emerged", it's the same as you already have... the only difference is that you don't need to use the keypad to look.

Rift has a completly different approach, the felling is as you're inside the cockpit as you no longer see anything else (not even the keyboard) :D

As Timmy says, it's weird as you're "inside" but you don't see yourself...

I imagine that Rift + Kinect would give an amazing product!

You don't see your surroundings (it's a good thing... so you can be on a train and still see a movie as you're on a cinema room... when Rift comes as a portable device) :D
Best is having a G27 wheel and know yourself around it with all the buttons customized, then you no longer need to keyboard for playing :)

bruno @ DK Jan 2, 2014 @ 2:02am 
LOL, talking about Rift + Kinect

Kitt Jan 2, 2014 @ 12:59pm 
Thank you bruno,

I am getting the G27 and rite now I am on a DFGT and I know my way around the wheel and the buttons I have mapped out my only issue is with the resolution with rift. I just wish I knew what to expect, I wish there was a way somehow that I could see a vid close to what Rift looks like while its on your head.

Thanks again for your post and the last time I took this long to decide on a purchase is when I bought my last pickup lol.
bruno @ DK Jan 3, 2014 @ 3:05am 
Originally posted by Cobra:
I just wish I knew what to expect, I wish there was a way somehow that I could see a vid close to what Rift looks like while its on your head.

Rift glasses is a flat panel, in opposite from other 3D glasses that have 2 small screen for each eye. The develop kit has a 720p screen and you can actually see the pixels as the screen is right in front of your eyes, the quality is not the best but after 2 days, you simply don't care anymore and your brain will bypass that.

The production (retail) product will have a 1080p screen which makes that pixels go away for good ... though, thinking about it... what a place to use the Retina display :D

not knowing where you are in the US, maybe you can go to CES in LV (from 7 to 10 January) as they will be there, and you can have all the demos you need, just like your pickup when you request a test drive :D
McStab with Lies Jan 3, 2014 @ 6:33am 
This is pretty sweet. Tried it out with some russian radio on, and it felt like I was really driving a truck in the middle of europe. :)
Kitt Jan 3, 2014 @ 2:17pm 
Hello from Wisconsin bruno :)
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